just wondering if any one has any better advice than my health visiters 'just give him more'
all he wants to do is eat more and more
he had 21 oz on sunday
20 yesterday
and is on his third bottle since 9am today already and has had 9oz in 4 hrs and wanting more
he seems to be having it in bits like he will have 2 oz for example go sleep for half hour then wake up again have another 1oz go sleep for 1 hr wake up have 2 oz ikywim but at night has 4 or 5 oz in one go and sleeps through till his next feed.
is it worth moving him up a stage onto the cow and gate stage 2 for hungrier babies.
my health visiter agreed that it was alot more than what a 2 week old should be having but didnt give me any advice
all he wants to do is eat more and more
he had 21 oz on sunday
20 yesterday
and is on his third bottle since 9am today already and has had 9oz in 4 hrs and wanting more
he seems to be having it in bits like he will have 2 oz for example go sleep for half hour then wake up again have another 1oz go sleep for 1 hr wake up have 2 oz ikywim but at night has 4 or 5 oz in one go and sleeps through till his next feed.
is it worth moving him up a stage onto the cow and gate stage 2 for hungrier babies.
my health visiter agreed that it was alot more than what a 2 week old should be having but didnt give me any advice