I can't wait to enjoy food again! Warning rant...


Mother of 3
May 24, 2012
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:grr: I just made a wonderful gourmet delicious paella and 5 bites in my stomach wants to reject it. This happens with so many meals. I get a horrid rotty taste in my mouth if I have sweets or carby foods thanks to GD. I never did get any sharp aversions, everything just makes me want to stop eating after 5 bites. I have the worse head hunger that I've ever had in my life (no diet has ever been this bad:haha:)

Does anyone else feel the same? What do you miss the most? For those experienced moms when do your taste buds come back? I want ice cream! But I want it to taste good, not rotty mouth yuk. Oh I dream of Rocky road or cookies & cream. I could cry I want to enjoy food so badly. Maybe after birth I'll be able to have some in the hospital if the good taste comes back? :shrug:
I am right there with you, but for a different reason. I can't enjoy any food because everything and I mean everything gives me acid indigestion and heartburn. I literally get woken up with baby barf in my mouth!! (Tmi sorry) it's horrible. Hang in there we are almost there
I'm looking forward to being done pregnant so I can get back on my Losec. I have quite severe GERD and Zantac just doesn't cut it. I can hardly eat some days. Thank goodness I found out I can take Losec while breastfeeding!
I don't have GD, but my nausea came back full force around week 30, which is irritating because morning sickness only ended in week 18. I would just like to eat and not feel sick afterwards! I keep the food down, and it doesn't taste bad... It isn't even really my stomach, but within about 10 minutes of eating my whole body feels like I have the flu and I need to lay down. Fruit is the best, but a woman cannot live on fruit alone!! Luckily, I rarely have too much acid reflux or heartburn so I guess I'm lucky in some ways.
. Fruit is the best, but a woman cannot live on fruit alone!! Luckily, I rarely have too much acid reflux or heartburn so I guess I'm lucky in some ways.

Well at least you have found something that you can manage, even if it is from 1 food group:dohh:
I've had acid reflux twice and probiotics killed it each time. Those antacids help kill your gut bacteria so they only make the problem worse. My DH has really bad acid reflux but his isn't hormonal:haha: it's from a sugary diet, orange juice, beer, candy, ice cream on top of regular meals and he refuses to try probiotics so he just keeps popping the antacids!
I'm sick of the heartburn too!

In terms of food, the other day DH cooked me a steak in peppercorn sauce and accidentally didn't cook it well done. It was medium, but OMG it was sooo tasty, just that one bite before it had to go back on the hob. I can't wait for a properly cooked medium steak now xx
Oh man! This GD is killing me!!!! Plus I'm on a really low carb diet to avoid medication (I know I know it's not advised but I'm comfortable with it and so is my midwife) anyhow, foods don't taste bad to me, I wish they did, maybe then I wouldn't be so sad about not being able to have potatoes or bread or cookies or anything else except for meat haha ;) I also have a serious aversion to coffee this time which I love!!!!! Oh well atleast it will be perfect timing for coffee with the cold fall air once I have this baby! My husband already knows he is to immediately go and get me my favorite coffee and pastry after baby is here :haha:
Oh man! This GD is killing me!!!! Plus I'm on a really low carb diet to avoid medication (I know I know it's not advised but I'm comfortable with it and so is my midwife) anyhow, foods don't taste bad to me, I wish they did, maybe then I wouldn't be so sad about not being able to have potatoes or bread or cookies or anything else except for meat haha ;) I also have a serious aversion to coffee this time which I love!!!!! Oh well atleast it will be perfect timing for coffee with the cold fall air once I have this baby! My husband already knows he is to immediately go and get me my favorite coffee and pastry after baby is here :haha:

You'll have to let me know if your baby is long, there's a study that shows higher protein quality diets produce longer leaner babies. High carb diets produce short chubby babies. I'm on a mostly veg & protein diet too, my dietician said it's healthier than eating loads of junk as there's more nutrition in veg & protein than carb foods.:thumbup:
Oh man! This GD is killing me!!!! Plus I'm on a really low carb diet to avoid medication (I know I know it's not advised but I'm comfortable with it and so is my midwife) anyhow, foods don't taste bad to me, I wish they did, maybe then I wouldn't be so sad about not being able to have potatoes or bread or cookies or anything else except for meat haha ;) I also have a serious aversion to coffee this time which I love!!!!! Oh well atleast it will be perfect timing for coffee with the cold fall air once I have this baby! My husband already knows he is to immediately go and get me my favorite coffee and pastry after baby is here :haha:

You'll have to let me know if your baby is long, there's a study that shows higher protein quality diets produce longer leaner babies. High carb diets produce short chubby babies. I'm on a mostly veg & protein diet too, my dietician said it's healthier than eating loads of junk as there's more nutrition in veg & protein than carb foods.:thumbup:

Absolutely, ive heard of that theory myself, I'm one that tends to personally lean more towards genetics when it comes to that sort of thing ;) my other babies were lean but not long but I'm also only 5 ft and dh is 5'9 on a good day lol! But I'm so glad to hear another mom on this board doing what I'm doing without scolding me, I was practically harassed by another mom on here that was telling me and everyone else on that thread that I was hurting the baby and they better not do what I'm doing and on and on! You'll have to tell me how your baby is as well!
I'm with you, I think genetics does play into it, we're 5'9 (me) and he's 6'4? 6'5? So the growth scan at 20 weeks already measured legs 2 weeks longer than usual:haha: but there is a study proving that protein does increase length, carbs increases chubbiness. I just don't feel good on a high carb diet, veg is carb, just a complex healthy version that doesn't spike blood sugars causing a huge insulin response (and for me heart palpitations). So for any mom shaking a finger your way I'd say she's actually quite uneducated to be passing judgement like that. There's so little nutrition in pasta, rice, cereals and bread...that's why all that processed food is highly fortified. They have to add nutrition into it and it's pure energy. If you're working out and exercising loads we'll go nuts on carbs but I'm an office worker, I don't need to pack all that energy away. At the end of the day veg is complex carbs loaded with vitamins & minerals. Protein repairs muscles, runs your brain (concentration etc), keeps your blood sugars level, builds baby! I eat a balanced diet just lean on processed carb foods - that's all. Sorry you were judged:nope:
I'm with you, I think genetics does play into it, we're 5'9 (me) and he's 6'4? 6'5? So the growth scan at 20 weeks already measured legs 2 weeks longer than usual:haha: but there is a study proving that protein does increase length, carbs increases chubbiness. I just don't feel good on a high carb diet, veg is carb, just a complex healthy version that doesn't spike blood sugars causing a huge insulin response (and for me heart palpitations). So for any mom shaking a finger your way I'd say she's actually quite uneducated to be passing judgement like that. There's so little nutrition in pasta, rice, cereals and bread...that's why all that processed food is highly fortified. They have to add nutrition into it and it's pure energy. If you're working out and exercising loads we'll go nuts on carbs but I'm an office worker, I don't need to pack all that energy away. At the end of the day veg is complex carbs loaded with vitamins & minerals. Protein repairs muscles, runs your brain (concentration etc), keeps your blood sugars level, builds baby! I eat a balanced diet just lean on processed carb foods - that's all. Sorry you were judged:nope:

Totally agree, I think people are just so brainwashed when it comes to nutrition and taking what their doctors say as doctrine...and though I do miss some of the carbs I can no longer have, I also try to eat a higher protein/healthy fat diet with not as many carbs as I'm also sensitive to them and just feel so much better when I'm limiting them quite a bit. And yes I definitely up the carb intake when I'm doing an intense workout regime.
I'm sorry you were harassed for your diet. Really, there are many ways to eat healthfully. I hate when people act like only their way is the 'right' way. Honestly, I think that most people who make a conscious effort to research their diet and follow a plan are doing far, far better than those that don't. It seems like you both have looked into making the best decisions for your body.

I generally eat an organic diet of vegetables, fruit, and ethically raised meats. I don't tend to like grains very much. During my pregnancy I have been listening to my body and eating when my body tells me it wants. One weekend that meant an entire 4L jug of milk, which is definitely not normal, but I guess baby wanted calcium. :) (Milk in Canada doesn't have growth hormones). Strangely, protein has been turning me off lately, and I have been wanting more grains. It's fine to eat grains as long as you know what's in them. Most bread that you get at the grocery store is loaded with additives, sugar, and dough conditioners, but you can find small bakeries that bake with organic, whole grain flour, and who use honey instead of processed sugar to make their food. It's not the grain (bread, cereal) that is unhealthy, but the additives and processed versions of these foods. Similarly, if you eat grass fed meat, and meat that isn't raised in abysmal conditions, you are getting a healthier animal, and a more rich nutrient profile. Animals that go to feed lots (which is most of your typical grocery store meat) have been fed a ton of low quality grain, so you are essentially eating it anyway, because your food is eating it. Also, just as a random side note, rice and wheat are processed differently by your body. Rice, especially wild rice, doesn't cause the same blood sugar spike that wheat does.

Anyway, from the articles I have read, most support the idea that genetics is mostly responsible for your baby's length. Still, anecdotally, when you look at cultures that adopt eating meat and milk, their children tend to grow taller over time. I am part Japanese, and when I went to live there for a few years, the difference in height between the children and adults was staggering, and their diet has become more laden with meat. Still, there is a higher incidence of growth hormone in animal products now as well, so it's hard to say if it's the protein or other factors causing it.

Be well ladies, and hopefully our nausea goes away!
Stacym it sounds like you have a lovely approach to your diet, I echo what your thoughts are with my eating habits and what's with the milk thing? I take liquid calcium + mag but recently I've drained 2-2L milk cartons in less than a 2 week period! Normal my partner and I will go through a 2 L together in a 3 week span often exceeding the expiry date. It's been tasting SO good though:haha:
Stacey M, I completely agree with you and typically follow a similar approach, however with the GD I've had to seriously reduce the amount of carbs I have, though normally my body does respond better to a lower carb diet anyhow. On the milk note, I had some serious dairy cravings when I was pregnant before this one (sadly that one ended in a mmc) but when I was first pregnant with that one, I could not get enough milk and cheese, I could eat globs of cream cheese by itself and drink milk like a mad woman haha! The main lady that was criticizing me was just doing it because she thought I was harming my baby, so in a way I could see where she was coming from but as 2have4kids said, I think she was just severely miseducated about it and maybe even a little defensive because she had GD as well and was on insulin which I won't judge someone for and would even go on it if I absolutely had to but as with other artificial things, I prefer not to put them in my body.
I actually crave ice cream ALL THE TIME, but I try to drink milk or eat cheese instead in order to satisfy the cravings. I hope you are coping with the GD. It does not sound fun, but I'm sure you are doing what needs doing. This site is terrible for misinformation and the misinformed. Diet is a bit more subjective, but there are some things where the answer is either correct or incorrect, and I end up wanting to reach through the computer screen and shake someone. I'm glad I can't do that because, if I could, I probably would! :haha: You seem like you took her 'advice' in stride. I need to learn to be more patient with people, but it is hard. I'm an academic, and I KNOW certain information is easily accessible, so when people don't take the time to look for it, it makes me so frustrated with them.

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