R&N Lists 2023

Lists are looking a bit more green now. Ordered the lego train set for R and the switch games on N's list whilst they are on black friday deals.
I'm almost done now I think. I decided against a "main" present for Rio as a lot of his stuff has been expensive anyway and he has ended up with quite a lot spent on him overall. Niko I have struggled with, he has had less money spent but a similar size pile - I will put some money to one side for a couple of switch games that are due out in 2024 and he can have those when they are available.

I've just got something else to get for OH (don't want to get those hideous shoes lol), something for FIL but I think I know what I want to get so that should be easy, ideally one more thing for MIL, something for my mum and stepdad (NO idea) and teacher gifts then I am done!
I’ve just got everything out to wrap so thought I’d do a quick stash pile photo.
Sloth photo is for Rio and toxic waste photo for N.
Slightly uneven piles due to cost differences but not too noticeable I don’t think. Plus Rio understands his stuff costs more so it will look like less.

Now to tackle the wrapping. I’ve been to the unit to get a folding table to save my back, I’m too old to wrap on the floor :haha:


I'm updating my list as I wrap now so I can visualise what I have left to do.
Got teacher gifts today, just candles and £10 costa gift cards - that was expensive enough as there are 6 to buy for.
I did buy my eldest's a mum to be self care book too as she is pregnant.

Lost a few of Niko's presents somewhere, how that is possible I have no idea! So need to hunt for those.
Waiting for a couple of deliveries still, hope they turn up soon.

Sorry you lost some of Niko's presents. Hopefully you find them soon!
FX the deliveries arrive soon :)
I'd say those stashes are pretty even! You've done well considering you had no idea what to buy and the boys weren't sure with ideas!
Just waiting on Lego tracks to turn up for R now. Still cant find roblox top trumps I purchased it soooo long ago, no idea where I put it.

Me and OH are going to Bham tomorrow to the german market and to see if we can pick up any last stocking fillers so I am looking forward to that as it always gets me in the christmas spirit.

I need to get :
- chocolates for the boys christmas eve boxes
- bottle of malibu for my Nan
- bottle of Tequila black for ourselves
- something for Rio's friend from school (girl age 10 into make up and hair if anyone has a recommendation up to around £20)
- stocking filler for MIL
- gift bags
- food shopping (though not much, just nibbles etc as we are barely home for the next week or so)

then I am done!

Sounds like you're really organised. Hope you enjoy the Christmas Market :)

Merry Christmas! Hope you have a lovely day :xmas6:

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