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I Can't Wait!!


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
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I've been in tears most of the week as I haven't felt much movement and I was scared I'd lost her. But the midwife found it today so I'm 50/50 now - just waiting to feel more solid movements.

But at 9:15am tomorrow we FINALLY have the sex of this baby confirmed!! It can't come fast enough! She's pretty sure we are :pink: but hubby isn't having a bar of it until it's confirmed again tomorrow. :rofl:
So sorry you've had such a hard week, that worry is the worst. I had it myself for two days last week. So exciting seeing baby tomorrow and getting the sex confirmed!
I'm so glad everything was OK!
Enjoy your scan :)
Best of luck on your scan! We've had 2 so far that should have been able to tell us baby's sex... but our LO is very modest! Both times we've gotten a *probably* girl result lol.
Ultrasound went really well today. Very active baby but I don't feel much movement from baby at all. Now I understand HOW some woman don't even know they are pregnant until they are about to deliver a baby! It's such an odd feeling.

Everything is as it's expected to be with one major part - we have a penis - AGAIN! I feel really upset for hubby. I wish I never ran with that 60% now and I think I only did because she was right with DS3. I knew that there was a chance she could be wrong and given that we have 3 sons already, I should have realized it probably was not going to happen. But baby is healthy and eventually hubby will get his head around things. But he's not any less loved because he's not a girl and I think that's important. A girl would have been nice but this is God's plan and if we are not meant to have a girl, then hubby said there is a reason even if we can't understand what that reason is. <3

What made the news even harder for him is his mother's comment. He told her and she said 'I want a Granddaughter so I guess you are trying again'. Excuse me but this is MY body and at the end of the day, it's up to hubby and I as well as my GP's medical opinion as to whether a further 1 or 2 pregnancies are possible!! And IF we go there, then it is OUR choice and has NOTHING to do with what you want! Way to go about making your son's disappointment all about you! :growlmad: And what about DS1?! He's going to be devastated and all she could think about was what she wanted!!

I was DEAD SET that this was going to be our last baby but hubby's reaction just made me cry for the little girl that will never happen if we go that way. He's asked if I would consider one more pregnancy (possibly 2) and I have asked him to give me 3 years to finish my study and have a couple of years in my career I have worked so hard towards. That will make me 36 IF we try again and we know that my age could work against me - not only in falling pregnant and carrying a full-term pregnancy, but having a child without any issues. We also accept it may not happen but it's a risk I am happy to take for him if I get the green light from my GP. My heart aches for him because he just wants his own little princess. Fingers crossed that one day he will.

At the moment I am stuck with what color do we do for this baby?! Hubby thinks red because we have a blue, green and an orange baby. And my Harley Quinn theme is out the window but I will want to run with the card suits and the red, white and black theme. So, any ideas on panels for a quilt will be AMAZING because I can't find one with a Joker Card on it to complete things. :cry:

Aww, thanks hon!! :hugs:

Baby is healthy thankfully. But I think I'm disapointed for hubby and that is what hurts. :cry: I'll happily consider and try for #5 (his request) in a few years if we are in the right place to do so. <3
Glad to hear it went well! Sorry about the other - my husband really wanted a boy first time round and I was so so nervous we wouldn't get one because I knew he'd be upset, so I understand how you feel. But I'm sure he's an amazing dad and will come round like you say.
Can't you get quilts custom designed with the joker suit on?
Ahh lovely, I know how much you were hoping for baby to be a little girl. I'm sorry that it hasn't worked out this way this time around. Please don't give up hope, if you do decide to have another in the future, that one has just as much chance to be a girl as a boy - despite it not feeling this way. My friend has had 5 boys and she is currently pregnant with her 6th which is a girl. It does happen.

I'm sorry to hear that your husband is having some disappointment, I can understand it, I think a lot of men want that daddy's little girl - I know my partner does. He says he wouldn't have been disappointed if she was a he but I know otherwise. There's no shame in that at all. You have 3 boys already who I bet are all wonderfully looked after and loved to the ends of the earth by their parents and I'm sure once the upset has had time to settle, this little boy will have no different to his brothers.

Sending hugs to both of you <3
Glad to hear it went well! Sorry about the other - my husband really wanted a boy first time round and I was so so nervous we wouldn't get one because I knew he'd be upset, so I understand how you feel. But I'm sure he's an amazing dad and will come round like you say.
Can't you get quilts custom designed with the joker suit on?

I couldn't find anything. May have been using the wrong keywords too. But I want something suitable for a baby that uses mainly my colors. Looked for jesters and all sorts but nothing really. I have found some decorative images of the 4 card suits and asked a friend if she's able to blow it up, sharpen and transfer to a white panel but it's out of her comfort zone. It's going to cost me around $50 for a large custom panel and she doesn't want to risk accidently damaging my order. But she's going to ask around her crafty friends so I'm excited to see what she can find out. :)
As the mother of 4 boys myself, I can totally sympathize. I'm super girly and could never imagine having boys yet here I am. And after having the first boy I just accepted that I was meant to have boys. It didn't/doesn't bother me. Sure seemed like it made all the rest of the world sad for us. Which is just rude!
I did finally get my girls and I conceived them when I was over 35. For some reason statistics show you have better chance of getting a girl the older you are.
BUT don't have a baby unless you want one. You can't keep birthing babies to try to get a girl to please the world. Plan your family your way and ignore everybody else.
And FYI, dressing girls is super fun but raising my boys was way easier! Girls are hard!!
Congratulations on a healthy baby!
As the mother of 4 boys myself, I can totally sympathize. I'm super girly and could never imagine having boys yet here I am. And after having the first boy I just accepted that I was meant to have boys. It didn't/doesn't bother me. Sure seemed like it made all the rest of the world sad for us. Which is just rude!
I did finally get my girls and I conceived them when I was over 35. For some reason statistics show you have better chance of getting a girl the older you are.
BUT don't have a baby unless you want one. You can't keep birthing babies to try to get a girl to please the world. Plan your family your way and ignore everybody else.
And FYI, dressing girls is super fun but raising my boys was way easier! Girls are hard!!
Congratulations on a healthy baby!

I think my baby sister jinxed me. :haha: I told her if I get a forth son hubby and I are over and she better make room for 3. She was like 'Hell no!' :rofl: She asked if we will go for #5 but we don't know. Told her if I have twin boys I'm moving into a wooden box. Her theory is I should play it safe and get a puppy but hubby wants a Husky and we know hoow much work they are. So she said 2 so puppy has a friend. Um, no. That's the same as having 3 kids at the severe end of the ADHD spectrum! That thought alone is terrifying! :rofl:

The only person who has been selfish about a 4th boy is MIL. Hubby is upset enough without her adding her opinion. But her reaction is the reason I won't be telling many. It doesn't mean he's unwanted at all and I can't be bothered being told we need to try again. People really don't think before they speak! At the moment we haven't ruled out trying again but hubby and I both agree our family is complete for now. <3 We will deal with the future later no matter what we decide. :)

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