So I'm about 5W5D and I just really don't feel pregnant. My boobs have been a little sore, and I've noticed a little constipation (but nothing like the 4 days without going that other people write about!) -- but other than that, I feel totally normal. No nausea at all. In fact I find that I've almost 'forgotten' about food -- not that it's unappealing at all, but I just never feel hunger (is that a symptom?) I had a qualitative hcg test at 15DPO and I was at 259 (which is sort of high I think) -- but I don't have an ultrasound until the end of week 8.
I just have this huge fear that I will show up for the appointment and there will be nothing in there....
I just have this huge fear that I will show up for the appointment and there will be nothing in there....