I feel like I'm forced into having an ECV - UPDATE ON PG 3!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
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Hi ladies,

I have to see my consultant every month due to low papa a and also because I have fibroids.

I am now 33+1, and baby is still in breech and has been throughout the pregnancy. My consultant is seeing me again on the 20th May to see if baby has turned by himself, and if not he wants to do an ECV.

The thing is, I've had an emotional pregnancy: Some of you may know that at 12 weeks I was told I was 1:40 chance of baby having downs, and had to have an Amnio which thankfully came back negative. The same week my mother died suddenly at age 62 which also threw my world upside down.

At 25 weeks I went into early labour and was admitted to hospital for over a week, to stop the contractions or deliver prematurely. Thankfully they were successful.

Now I'm told that my consultant wants to do an ECV if baby hasn't turned, and the risk could mean an emergency C Section anyway as baby can go into distress.

I had my heart set on a vaginal delivery, however I don't want to add anymore stress to baby, and also wanted to look forward to a delivery without untoward drama, and am now scared that this wont happen and something will go wrong. I just want something right and good to happen at the end of this pregnancy due to everything we've been through above.

I feel like I don't have a choice of having an elective, as my consultant is adamant that he wants to do an ECV. As well as the above, both my mother and sister had emergency c sections: my mother lost my elder sister due to them leaving it too late, and my sister had one 36 hours after going into labour as my niece's heart rate dropped. The hospital only did this after her and my partner threatened to sue if the hospital did not do anything ASAP as the hospital still wanted to wait!

My thoughts are that if baby hasn't turned then I will refuse the ECV, and have an elective. If baby has turned then happy days!

Sorry for the long post, I just wanted to see what everyone else's opinions are and what you would do in my position.

Thanks in advance x
Sorry you are going through this. If it was me i would not do the ECV as well this is your baby and without your permission they should not be able to. Good luck
Oh no, i didnt realise an ECV could lead to an emergency section coz of distress, im going to the hosp tomoz for a presentation asessment as midwife yesterday was unsure if baby is still breech and im not sure either, think i better research this tonite, i just want these last few weeks to be simple
It should be your choice. You need to stick to you guns and gut instincts.

My first son was breech, he was born at 35+5 so I never got to the stage of an ECV or the like, but I felt that he was probably breech for a reason, and so I wouldn't have had an ECV, especially with my anterior placenta.

An elective section is a whole different experience from an emergency one. (Mine was semi-emergency, in that my waters went, he was breech, so although it wasn't an instant life or death situation, they had to get him out fairly soon. I recovered really well).
L xxx
Sorry to hear all that you have gone through....they can't force you into having an ECV its your body and your baby so you can make your own choice, but I wouldn't be disheartened baby still has plenty of time to turn.

Apparently being on all fours and tucking your chin to your chest and your tail bone under like cat movements is supposed to encourage baby to turn so you could try doing that as much as possible :haha: hope little one turns for you!
It should be your choice. You need to stick to you guns and gut instincts.

My first son was breech, he was born at 35+5 so I never got to the stage of an ECV or the like, but I felt that he was probably breech for a reason, and so I wouldn't have had an ECV, especially with my anterior placenta.

An elective section is a whole different experience from an emergency one. (Mine was semi-emergency, in that my waters went, he was breech, so although it wasn't an instant life or death situation, they had to get him out fairly soon. I recovered really well).
L xxx

That's exactly how I feel: That if he doesn't turn, then there has to be a reason why he doesn't want to! It is also reassuring to know that you recovered well :)

Sorry to hear all that you have gone through....they can't force you into having an ECV its your body and your baby so you can make your own choice, but I wouldn't be disheartened baby still has plenty of time to turn.

Apparently being on all fours and tucking your chin to your chest and your tail bone under like cat movements is supposed to encourage baby to turn so you could try doing that as much as possible :haha: hope little one turns for you!

Thanks for this, will deffinitely try that!

I did tell the Consultants my fears, and family history, and they completely ignored me and said, well we still want to try and will book you in for one depending on the outcome on the 20th!!!:growlmad:
If you go to spinning babies website they have some positions you can do to try and get your lo into the right position.
I had to have an ECV at 37wks but I was given the choice. We had to wait on the day for the theatre to be free just in case baby went into distress but the consultant said that they had never had to do a section because of baby being in distress the whole time she had been working there. But at the end of the day it's your body and your baby they can't force you to do anything.
Its totally your choice. The consultant can only give a recomendation, he cant tell you what to do.

I would never allow a ECV.
You can refuse it. If this baby was breech I would never allow it.

The risks to the baby are too much, I have Rhesus Neg blood as well and they say doing it can cause the babies and your blood to mix... You blood and the babies blood should never mix. That alone put me off!
Spinning babies worked for me. They have loads of excersizes to do. Get on it!
I would also refuse an ECV, it doesn't have too high a success rate and possibly sending baby into distress is just horrible.

As pp have said you can try looking at the spinning babies tips, and have you thought of trying acupuncture? There's a breech point on the mother's body that you can have acupuncture on and it encourages baby to turn.
Also, moxibustion has appx. 70% success rate. Google it and see if there is a practitioner near you. Around my area there are a few and they are all midwives, so it must be good. It still doesn't answer the question of why baby is breech in the first place, but at least is a non-invasive method of turning baby xx
Thank you all so much for all your input! I'm so glad that I am right to worry, that they can't force me to have it no matter what they say and to also be cheesed off at the fact that they really want to do this regardless!

My OH is also not keen so I am going to stick to my guns and tell them I do NOT want an ECV.

Will also check out the spinning babies website and acupuncture too. In an ideal world my choice would still be for a vaginal delivery, but if our baby hasn't turned by the 20th, I'll opt for an Elective. Will let you know all how I get on! x
I think you are absolutely right! An ecv is usually done only after 37 weeks because the closer you get to your edd the more chance baby will turn on his own. Good on you for refusing to be bullied!
My baby turned at 35 weeks so fingers crossed your baby will too! Spinning babies worked wonders!
Doctors are very good at making you think you don't have a choice and you should just go along with what they recommend. They are not Gods, and they do get stuff wrong. It's your body, your baby and your choice xxx
My chiropractor told me that there's a tendon (I think it's a tendon...) in the abdomen that they can loosen up, and it has a pretty high success rate for turning breech babies. At the very least, it can't hurt. :flower:
They shouldn't be able to force it on you but make sure you find out the risks involved with a c-section too you should find all risks and benefits for both then make your decision
Will definitely find out the risks of a C Section too. Been reading a lot about it and also getting my sister's input on it too :)

The thing that worries me about a C Section is the recovery time, I've heard it can take weeks to heal :(
Up to 6 weeks to completely heal from a c-sec. I am in your boat too, baby is still breech & I have an appt with the consultant this week to discuss options. I would rather wait another week or so then see if he is still in breech & go from there. I would def rather have a vaginal birth too, would not want a c-sec unless it was really medically necessary.

I don't know why they are discussing this with you at 33 weeks though, the dr/midwife shouldn't even be worried unless baby has still not turned by 36/37 weeks. All unnecessary worry to you if you ask me!
Up to 6 weeks to completely heal from a c-sec. I am in your boat too, baby is still breech & I have an appt with the consultant this week to discuss options. I would rather wait another week or so then see if he is still in breech & go from there. I would def rather have a vaginal birth too, would not want a c-sec unless it was really medically necessary.

I don't know why they are discussing this with you at 33 weeks though, the dr/midwife shouldn't even be worried unless baby has still not turned by 36/37 weeks. All unnecessary worry to you if you ask me!

It really is a worry that they've given me!! And they know what I've been through these past few months too! It's good to know that baby still has plenty of time to turn on his own accord though. I am trying not to think about it too much, but its now always on my mind, damn 'em!

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