Rubbish and wondering what I am doing really.
Husband been told he has spermatocele huge apparently which could pop at any time making him infertile, if that doesnt happen then soon they will operate to remove it and will have same effect.
After TTC for 3 years and told everything fine to have this is rubbish to say least.
People say you should relax when trying to conceive I feel under huge pressure to get preg asap before cyst things happen.
Husband has now gone down route of freezing his sperm so we can use just in case.
I got horrid horrid infection a few months back at same hospital when doing my HSG and I have lost confidence in them.
I half feel if cant do it naturally before the big cyst pop then that is it, not sure I want them doing any more procedures to me, but then hubby says how much he wants a baby and he will be there supporting me.
Top if off, my periods usually bang on 28 days regular as clockwork, since infection this month tiny spot 1st day, 2nd day and 3rd day and that was it. They have totally mucked me up!
Just want to run away!