I just don't know what to think......please someone help :-( xxx

Just wanted to say Night-Night all and sweetdreams :hugs:
Thank you again for all your msgs, I'm sure I'll be back here tomorrow :hugs:

sorry for what you are going through

when i mc i notice a little bit of pink spotting, i had a bath and i passed a little clot. i had no cramps or anything. i went to the maternity ward and they scanned me and told me our baby had died and had been for 6 weeks! they sent me away and told me to go in when bleeding got heavier, the bleeding stopped and 2 days later they induced me. i was 18 weeks when i found out i lost baby
Awww Welshrose :hugs: only just read this thread.

Well I hope you're in bed now resting and not worrying to much.

When I had my miscarriage I knew it was a miscarriage because of the amount of blood and huge clots I lost (sorry TMI). I hadn't known I was preg but I knew it was a miscarriage just as I said from the amount I lost and also the pain.

I think if you still have symptoms thats a great sign.

My HPT took nearly 2 weeks to show a negative (I was approx 6 weeks when I mc)

Hope you're ok hun, feel sure you will be :hugs:
Hi WelshRose -

Sorry to hear about your scare! Please do update us.

I m/c at 6w3d and it started with very light spotting. For about 4 hours, I had brownish discharge when I wiped, and I had very mild cramps. I just didn't quite feel right but didn't feel terrible either. After about 4 hours I started bleeding bright red, although the flow wasn't tremendously heavy. By that evening (so about 10 hours after the first sight of blood) I had miscarried the embryo in its sac and there was no doubt about what had happened.

You might be one of the "lucky" ones who bleeds during your pregnancy with no harm to baby. I will pray for this for you!!

Will look for an update tomorrow. :hug:
I cant really be much help as I've had 3 different experiences. My first m/c was a missed m/c so had no bleeding at all. My second m/c I had a small amount of bleeding at 5 weeks which gradually got heavier. My 3rd pregnancy I had some bleeding and lots of pain at 5 weeks, went to A&E who would not scan and just said it was a 'threatened miscarriage' a week later I went back with more bleeding and was told the bleeding was a UTI and I saw babys heartbeat on the scan the next day!
I am keeping my fingers crossed for you hun xx
I know I have said this so many times already but I really do mean it from the bottom of my heart...........you girls are absolutely fantastic!!!!!!!!!! :hugs:

Well nothing new to report at the mo, still spotting pink/red. Cramps coming and going, still bloated and my @@s are still sore. I did have very faint pink at 8-11dpo so put that down to implantation bleeding. I'm 19dpo today is it too late to still be implantation bleeding? I thought it would be?

Heaps of :hug: and Ooooooooodles of love

Lisa :kiss:

I've read that you can get 2 types of implantation bleeds, the early one when the embryo implants and a 2nd one a few weeks later when the placenta implants. So no it's not too late for implantation. Hoping that's what it is :hugs:
Morning the keepers of my sanity! :hugs: of a huge kind!
How's everyone doing today? I hope you're all ok :hugs:
Well still again nothing more to report, same old stuff going on.

I'm sorry for your two losses Doodles hun. You must of cried a thousand tears of relief when you saw the little heartbeat :hugs:, can I ask was your bleeding definately coming from your cervix then if you had a uti? The reason I ask is I get ovulation bleeding and had it quite bad this month with horrendous cramps, I went to my GP and he gave me antibiotics to treat a uti for 3 days. I've never had one before so didn't really know what to expect from it. Since then I have had pain in my kidney area once that lasted for maybe only 15mins..........Should I gain hope from this?????? Would this maybe explain why the times that it is most evident are when I wipe?

Just one other question.....were any of you charting bbt whilst trying to conceive and took your temp when you were bleeding? I took mine this morning and it's one of the highest readings that I've had?........Again just clinging onto what could be a glimmer of hope.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I only started charting after my miscarriage and never had any bleeding in my last pregnancy, so can't say what happened to my temps... but I would think high temps are a great sign. As long as they stay high you know your progesterone levels are ok and that's not the cause of the bleeding.
Oh, hunny, I think the girls have covered everything useful, but I just wanted to send a :hugs: and a wish that everything is OK. xx
Girls do you know I am yet to start a journal, and I don't know what you think, but this is beginning to feel just like one.....:blush: :rofl:
All I will say is I couldn't have asked for a nicer bunch of girls to be writing in it :hugs:

Well I've just rung the GP and am going to be seen bout 11. I'm going in with my possible uti theory probably to be told to go home and rest and stop trying to find answers :hissy: :blush: :rofl: :cry:

:flower: :kiss:
Good luck at the doctors. Hope it's good news :hugs:
Hey there Lovelys :hugs:
I'm back from the docs. I asked the receptionist if I could do a water sample to take in with me. The doc then tested it and there was apparently more blood in there than what you'd expect to find in urine during a heavy period. The fact that I only really notice the spotting after I've had a wee sounded promising. She then tested it for infection and it came up "quite marked" so she said that she's going to send it off and the results will be back on Monday. After feeling my tum and being happy she then sent me away with some antibiotics and a nervous smile on my face, maybe everything will be ok :hugs:
I'm still a little concerned about the fact that there is on examination some kind of spotting going on from in/around my cervix but I guess we will just have to wait and see until the 29th unless things get any worse in the meantime. Keep your fingers crossed they don't :hugs::hugs:

Your support girls has really kept me going honestly you're like a rock, Thank you so so much.

:kiss: :flower: :kiss:
hi welshrose, that sounds really promising, i will keep my fingers crossed firmly for you.
I really hope everything turns out ok for you, so have lots of bed rest and make the other half do all the work lol.
keep us updated.
good luck
Sounds good hun. Nothing to do now but wait until they can scan you. And try and enjoy christmas :hugs:
Hey there my honeybunches :hugs:
Well I don't know if I've done a foolish thing or not really....
I bought a pack of 2 cb digi with conception indicators today. I hadn't planned on doing one til hopefully the UTI had settled down but it got the better of me lurking in the bathroom cabinet :dohh:
It came up positive and saying 2-3 (4-5). Thought I could do another one on boxing day once all the antibiotics are finished and keep my fingers crossed it says 3+ (5+). Is this a valid plan or is it time to tell Welshrose enough is enough you crazy lady?! :rofl:

Hope all your evenings are going ok

Well it sounds like a good plan to me, that's probably what I'd do to.

Sounds like your going to be just fine to me! Is the blood just there when you pee, that would be more likely to be a bladder infection wouldn't it??

Hope you're ok!
Thanks Claire hun :hugs:
How are you doing sweetie?
After I've been for a wee there seems to be lots on the toilet paper but it doesn't seem to be marking my pad at all in between times. I did examine myself this morning (sorry tmi) and there was a small amount of red /brown blood on my finger after checking my cervix. I'm not sure if I'm just being silly and clutching at straws :dohh:
I can't give up hope just yet thou. I haven't passed any clots in what will be 4 days tomorrow morning and neither has the spotting/bleeding increased any.
My boobs have been so sore today as well.

Checking your cervix isn't a good idea when you're pregnant. It has the potential to introduce infection to the uterus, especially if you already have a UTI as it could push the bacteria up.
Great news that your pregnancy tests are still showing positive. I think it's all looking very promising!
Checking your cervix isn't a good idea when you're pregnant. It has the potential to introduce infection to the uterus, especially if you already have a UTI as it could push the bacteria up.
Great news that your pregnancy tests are still showing positive. I think it's all looking very promising!

Thanks Mugzy sweets and morning to all,
I did think that mid exam :blush: and said to myself that I shouldn't be doing it.

Well I thought my spotting from "there" had stopped last night only very light pink when I wiped :yipee: But this morning it's back and red again :hissy::cry:
I hate to be wishing Christmas away but I wish I could fast forward time to the 29th just to get to scan day......I'd hit the rewind button after and go back to Christmas.
I felt really quite positive yesterday and now I'm full of doubts.....again. I just wish I could get off of this see saw. :cry:

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