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I just need to get things off my chest.

Hollie West

Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2019
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Tbh, wouldn’t say I really have many friends, and even the ones I do have are always busy with their families and children. Understandably.
But I need to vent.

Officially broken up with baby’s dad.
I’m due in 9 weeks.
It’s been a a long time coming if I’m honest, we are kind of on and off and not stable as it is but I’m done.

There’s so so many reasons, but he left last night (we live together with my 2 children from a previous relationship) because I text my children’s father asking what time he was going to pick them up this morning (he has them 2 nights per month). My ex partner is taking my daughter on holiday next week so he text back giving me some information about times they are leaving, when he is collecting my daughter on Tuesday etc, I said thank you and that was that.

The attitude and grief I get over texting my children’s father when necessary is awful.
He stormed out. Came back in.
Said he ‘can’t be arsed with me texting him all the time’ I removed myself from the situation and went to lay upstairs.

He followed me and said clearly I want to be back with my ex partner (we’ve been broken up over 2 years), he’s blocked me by text WhatsApp etc. I don’t use social media as he didn’t want me to have it anymore, but I have no way of contacting him not even about the baby.

I really don’t know where my head is at.
He previously had a cocaine addiction, and recently he’s been finding excuses to argue and leave and he comes back 24/48 hours later expecting everything is fine.
Is he back on drugs I don’t know, but he said so controlling and strange and his behaviour has changed massively.

I love him more than I could ever explain, I’m due his child in 9 weeks but I can’t handle him anymore.

Just needed to get it off my chest.
Oh hun I really hope your okay! Not the same situation here but very similar, I have 2 children from a previous relationship and same as you, due in 9 weeks also been from the kids dad for over 2 years now.

I completely understand that new partners dont like you getting hold of your ex for the kids, I had all this from my OH he didn't like it, but it had to be done at the time (we went to court both got joint custody and each have the kids on set days a week) so now we dont need any form of contact or has relaxed him a bit, but he knows me and my ex are a complete no go, I hated him when i was with him lol Your partner sounds a bit of an control freak hun I only know this because my ex was the same, he stopped me using social media, stopped me seeing my friends until it hit an all time low where I actually stopped contact with my own family for 7 years. Best thing I done was leave and i had a 2 and 4 year old at the time. Please please please dont take any shit from your partner, if it's not working out, it's not working our, you NEED to look after you and your babies, if he wants to throw his toys out of the pram because you had to contact your ex for the sake of the kids, then so be it, let him, I know it's easier said than done and you already know what a breakup is like with kids stuck in the middle, I'd probably nip it in the bud before the baby is here if it was me, you've done this before and you can do it again, your stronger than you probably feel right now, and keep your family close! If you want to chat PM me okay!
Thank you hun.

It makes it even harder because I was the only one person who stood by him through the addiction and helped him, I’ve gave him 110% my all, I’ve helped him every step of the way. He lives with me and I don’t ask for a penny off him, I’ve prepared for the baby with mainly my own money he’s only bought Moses basket and 2 outfits, I ask for nothing but to be loved off him.

It’s almost as though every now and then he causes an argument for no reason just so he has an excuse to walk out.
Why, I don’t know.

Blocking me from contacting him is a bit far though, god forbid something happened to Baby and I needed to get a hold of him.

The only reason I don’t have many friends or much of a life is because I changed it all for him! I do everything for him and he still isn’t happy.

The best part about it is he specially asked ‘what time are the kids getting picked up tomorrow’
So I text ?
Where’s the problem..

Heads really done right in.
I understand hun sometimes these type of people will never take telling or learn until they've lost everything! I imagine your so bloody stressed out right now! If hes willing to block you knowing full well your pregnant then he cant say anything if god forbid something happens! It's his own fault! I think before long he will realise your the only person that actually gives a shit about him and he will come crawling back with a sorry! In the meantime though dont stress yourself out over him, as hard as it is, your health and your babies are more important x
Awww hon how horrible. Thinking of you. Does sound like he cud be back on the drugs hence the change in behaviour. Maybe he isn't thinking strait. No excuse tho. Bet he comes crawling back. They usually do with there tails between there legs.
I cant imagine how stressful this is for you tho esp being pregnant.
Sending hugs hon
It’s just worse and worse every day.
I couldn’t explain how much my head is hurting about it all :(
Majorly fed up about it all.
You know when deep down you know what’s right, but you still want something bad for you?

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