Lol. I love the fluttering, but I can't wait for her to kick me! Lol. I'm probably going to regret that when she's kicking me in the middle of the night. But i feel like it'll help the bonding experience, bring it to another level.
You'll regret it more when she's kicking you in the cervix !!
I literally just posted a status about this on Facebook earlier today. I love my little nudges and flutters but I'm ready for some real movement, movement that can be seen and felt from the outside. I've felt movement very early (in the middle of week 13) so I'm hoping by 18 weeks baby will be big enough/active enough to really feel it.
Plus I'm sure it'll help with my anxiety since because its still early I only get flutters every few days and the days I don't feel anything always freak me out.