I stand by my opinion, so in your case your OH was bringing in 50k and allowing you to struggle financially in that you needed the gov's £20? To me that's wrong. A single mother on income support wouldn't carry on claiming and getting supported by the government if her working OH moved inHer OH would be expected to cough up or not move in![\B]
I understand that you adapt to the money you have incoming but when you bring home in excess of £3K per month- I really fail to see how £80 a month makes any difference financially. [\B] Debt is a lifestyle choice, people on benefits can live within their means and not get into debt, so can the rich. Debt just means you have overspent somewhere along the line, and again.. not down to the gov to stump up to ease finances.
Not having a dig at you individually, just yet to hear of a case where a high earning household needed child benefit.
I think you have a totally valid point but just wanted to say re the above-
Of course the family you mention above would still be supported by the government if they needed it- housing benefit, council tax reductions, child tax credit, income support, milk and veg vouchers etc. I don't think they would all be taken away if a man moved in would they? Or did I completely get the wrong end of the stick sorry
Also, with regards to the £20 not making a difference- I think it's worth clarifying exactly what child benefit is supposed to be: an inclusive social security paid to mothers (primarily) to be spent on the children's enrichment. If we're still talking about a family with one earner at 50k and a sah parent, then it's fair to assume that the wages are spent on living and the child benefit paid to the mother is to be spent on the children. It's about 1.3k annually, which is now having to be found in your living expenses.
Regardless of that, child benefit was introduced to support families and children and enrich them for the good of society. It wasn't strictly introduced as a benefit for the empoverished families in society- there are many many other benefits and social securities which are there to support and help the lowest earners. Child benefit was supposed to be used to help all families.
Her income support and milk tokens would stop and housing benefit and council tax benefit would be massively reduced dependent on his earnings (if not gone completely!) my point was- in that situation there would be no way the man could not support his new family and choose to keep his wages separate from the family as the mother would loose all her money!
And I agree with the princliple of CB and but when high earners are saying that their children have all they need and the £20 would be spent on their coffee mornings (as an example) I think the system needs to change as it's just a huge waste of funds! Of course someone who earns £3K a month doesn't need financial help to raise their children so what's the point? I'm glad it's been capped and think it should be for joint or single earners!
I'd like to see an opt-out system like heating credit for pensioners.
It is silly that it is done on one income not household, I don't understand the logic, however, I think my sympathies are reserved for those whose lives are affected on a basic level from benefit cuts such as DLA, people who are struggling to pay their bills and feed their families.
I find it pretty vulgar people on here have claimed they like their money for "Mummy coffee mornings" or it's a "measly" £20, I think it goes to show how out of touch some people are from the lives of others and how insensitive they are when you see the amount of financial worries that are posted in this forum.
They should do away with cb and tie it into tax credits as a new element of ctc.
Sense of entitlement for some people makes me so angry and is exactly what's wrong with this country.
They should do away with cb and tie it into tax credits as a new element of ctc.
Sense of entitlement for some people makes me so angry and is exactly what's wrong with this country.
I completely agree it should be done off the same system as tax credits. That would make so m7ch more sense as it would keep admin costs down to put it all through one system.
I've had zero issues with tax credits in the almost 5 years ive used them![]()