Another one here with a permanently messy house. I have discovered that it's not the kids who are to blame. It's hubby! lol It's a combination of the fact that he never picks up after himself.....ever!....and the fact that when he's here I don't like to tear myself away from family time to clean/tidy so things get left. When he's not here I try to keep on top. Before Christmas the house was the best it's been in a long time. 3 weeks of hubby being home and my god it's a mess. I've been trying to clean it/tidy it for 4 days now and I'm still nowhere near (although the living room and kitchen are ok now as they were the priority).
The kids of course do play a part. There's always toys, crumbd, bits of paper, items of discarded clothing etc. I do tidy up at least once a day, and vacuum etc but you know what kids do to a house lol.
Laundry is a whole other issue washer broke on NYD. We ordered another last weekend and it's coming tomorrow. Hubby will install is so i should have my washer back on Saturday. I've been doing washing in the sink by hand and drying it over the bath until it's no longer dripping, then only my airer as normal. I have managed to keep the washing down - the pile has got no bigger. I just haven't been able to change sheets or do towels so I will be glad to do that!