I need help! Please.


New Member
Feb 18, 2024
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So I've always been irregular. Got my period on January 1st. Took plan b that same month and got my period January 19th. DTD January 29th and used the pull out method. I have been feeling nauseous but not sure if it's because I'm stressing over it. Took a test on the 10th of February and it was negative, took a test on the 18th of February and it was negative, went to the Dr February 18th and had a blood test done which was told was also negative. What are the chances that I'm pregnant? Can I trust these results? Did I test too early?

Have you taken another? I would say by Feb. 18th it would have something if you ovulated and conceived in Jan. If you question it then you can take another test for peace of mind.
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Have you taken another? I would say by Feb. 18th it would have sone thing if you ovukated and conceived in Jan. If you question it then you can take another test for peace of mind.
I haven't, since today is the 18th I took a clear blue digital and then I went to the Dr for a blood test both came back negative. I think for sure the blood test would of shown something if I was, I've heard that they are very accurate.
So I've always been irregular. Got my period on January 1st. Took plan b that same month and got my period January 19th. DTD January 29th and used the pull out method. I have been feeling nauseous but not sure if it's because I'm stressing over it. Took a test on the 10th of February and it was negative, took a test on the 18th of February and it was negative, went to the Dr February 18th and had a blood test done which was told was also negative. What are the chances that I'm pregnant? Can I trust these results? Did I test too early?

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It could be your hormones dear.. i had irregular period before and will have nausea, breast aches etcs.. have u did any ultrasounds for PCOS? Plus if you feel u might be pregnant, do check again dear.. my period usually are 35 to 45 days cycle
It could be your hormones dear.. i had irregular period before and will have nausea, breast aches etcs.. have u did any ultrasounds for PCOS? Plus if you feel u might be pregnant, do check again dear.. my period usually are 35 to 45 days cycle
I haven't had an ultrasound checking for PCOS. Im hoping I'm not pregnant TBH but in the back of my mind I'm thinking what if the blood test was wrong or am I testing too early? I just took another test today and it's negative.

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