I need help :(


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2009
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Hi ladies

Im seeking some help

My LO was born on tuesday. I had no plans whatsoever to breastfeed however had a last minute change of heart when doing skin to skin . My LO latched on immediately and was on the breast all the way back to maternity ward and while we were on the ward for a while. She made it seem so easy :cloud9:

however once left to our own devices I really struggled with the different positions etc to feed her. I was also very limited as to what i could do post c section. anyway i needed help to get her onto the breast and by the second day we had kinda mastered getting her latched on without help of a midwife. the time the next evening came my nipples were so sore when she was feeding i just could not bear it so the decision was made to put her onto bottles

Now i have her home and on formula she is very fussy about feeding :nope: not only that but is very sicky with it too

by this point im stressed that Iv put her onto bottles when she was so good on the boob the mw checks my breast and tells me to express just now

skip to today another mw sees me and is very pro breast feeding. she manages to get LO to latch on but only for a couple min of a time and LO is coming off herself. she says my nipples are pretty flat and suggests nipple shields to help bring them out a bit for LO.

She tells me the next 24 hours will be tough and i must be really persistent because basically i have made LO lazy by giving her the bottle

once she goes i try and fail miserably to get lo to latch on. I found it so upsetting that my baby was hysterical hungry but just would not latch on even when she had a good angle etc I caved in and gave her a bottle and took the decision to express breast milk into bottles for her..

i managed to express just 3 ounces luckily lo is still only taking between 2-3 ounces.

anyway i notice that even though shes feeding with a bottle. she is drinking the bm much better. I can wind her without her being sick and generally she just is feeding alot better with expressed breast milk

I know this is not ideal but trying to get her to latch on was a complete stress . the formula was not agreeing with her so i had to do something

i Thought there may be a chance once my nipples heal (red sore and cracked atm) maybe using the shields i could trick lo back onto the breast? it might feel the same as a bottle teet?

what do you think?
do you think i will manage to express so much for lo without any kind of headstart?

im feeling really crappy about putting her on the bottles but iv done it now now i need to deal with her not wanting my breast anymore.
any help or advice please !
Well done go with your instincts you are doing very well :flower:

Are your nipples sore now? If not, pop baby on a nipple perhaps, be persistent try each side, baby will likely take it, maybe not straight away but, will take it. Need to re-establish skin to skin you would help things by stripping off your bra and upper clothing and stripping baby the close contact the smell of mum should reinstate things, you'll keep baby warm and if you get cold hopefully somebody is with you to wrap your exposed back. Make sure you are really relaxed and supported with pillows for it to work you need to be comfy and happy. Good luck x
i know everyone's probably said this to you. but it really does get so much easier! i'm actually jealous you two got off to such a lovely start :0)

for the first 2 weeks, my son would not latch. the few times that he did, he fell right to sleep. so we bottlefed from the beginning; pumping all day is no fun.

just keep offering your breast before the bottle everytime. don't push it, if either of you start to get frustrated, go ahead and give the bottle. lots of skin to skin contact will help (like pp said). we'd spend hours at a time in bed. he'd doze off on my naked chest for a nap and wake up hungry and ready to nurse.

i've no experience with nipple shields. but i do know that my nipples were very sore for a few days. i just pushed through and kept nursing, and eventually got used to it. it sounds strange, but they almost feel calloused and i hardly feel anything at all while breastfeeding.
Firstly, stop feeling bad about it. It sounds like you're trying really hard with your baby and doing really well.

I don't have any amazing advice but I would say if you are able to express the breastmilk for her that's great. My sister exclusively expresses for her little girl and she's a very happy and healthy little thing.

If you do want to get her back onto the breast you may need some help. We have a peer support group here - used to be called little angels - and they are wonderful. They'll come out to see you and help with anything and they have groups at the childrens centres. Perhaps you could find something similar close to you and they could help with getting back on the breast.

If you want to try it yourself then the only advice I have is don't try to feed when baby is really really hungry as it may make it more difficult.

Hope something in that essay is helpful!
The first two weeks are HARD, whether you've given a bottle or not. But it gets much easier :thumbup:
Also get some lanolin cream and apply them to your nipples its amazing stuff! Sometimes that initial latch will still make you wince but it'll be ok :)
Thanks guys. I have still been trying her on the breast but I find it really difficult because im so busty. and because the nipples are quite flat LO finds it difficult to stay latched on. the shields are good but LO doesnt like them they can be quite fiddly if LO is fussing.

the lanolin cream is AMAZING everything feels so much better. Im still expressing and managed to get 5ounces in one go today :happydance: Im still going to try with the shields but when shes hungry and irritated its useless xx
My nipple were very, very painful (i would cringe) from beginning with both of my kids . It will gets better. People say try this or that or check the doctor and nothing but time works. I guess it is like working in a garden, first your hands get sore then your skin toughen up.

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