So I have decided to take temperatures and chart. I have a few stupid questions for you ladies I am afraid. First of all to fill you in briefly I am cd 25 and af was due yesterday, ov'd13. I have been charting on ovufriend but only started to take temperatures cd 21 but have been putting over observations on and opks. I know it is probably not much use to me this month but have two questions! Why is it saying I am probably fertile now on day 25 when I have not had af yet and ovulated cd13? Also if my temperature has dropped over past 5 days with only one rise in the middle does this mean my af is probably going to show up soon. I thought the fertility thing must be wrong so I quickly input onto fertility friend and it says the same! I am confused! Though I do understand I need to have full charts for a few months to benefit from the information.
Sorry I am getting so neurotic about all this. Pretty sure af is gonna happen anytime, well as sure as you can be. :/
Sorry I am getting so neurotic about all this. Pretty sure af is gonna happen anytime, well as sure as you can be. :/