I Need TTC Buddies... 9 cycles ttc


2 little raggamuffins
Jan 17, 2009
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Hey ladies, this is my 9th cycle ttc and I need some buddies who are also ttc... my other buddies have all fallen pregnant months ago, I am the last one... so hello! How are you? How many months have you been ttc?

We've been TTC for 4 cycles, onto our 5th one now, here's hoping for a BFP in time for Christmas!

What cycle day are you on?
Hi I got married in July and we have been trying since then. My cycles are all over the place as was on the pill for 10 years. Would love some buddies on here. Anna x
I got married in July too! I was on the pill for 8 years and I seem to have bounced back fairly quickly, at least I think I have. The first month off it I was 2 days late (I was so sure I was pregnant, I forced myself to wait until the next morning to test and lo and behold, there she was in all her glory) and I'm never late. The last 2 cycles I've been a day early though, so I'm not sure if it's messed up or not. I've not been very good with my opks so this month I'm going to make sure I'm actually ovulating when I think I am. I'm not very good at telling when I ovulate without them, so I really should be less lazy about taking them!

I've heard your chances go up with every cycle, so we all should be getting up there!
Hi! Im technically on what would be cycle 9 if I were having cycles. But atm im still waiting on AF to return after 6 months on depo provera followed by 13 on the nexplanon.
Hoping my dr will help me when I go in on mon, buts she's refused so far..and hoping for our bfp by christmas!
We are on cycle #2, but for DD we were ttc for 12 cycles/10 months. I totally get where you are right now. Every month all my friends got their BFPs and moved on! Hoping it won't take as long this time, but also not trying to stress out as much.

I'd love to join you!
Hello ladies! It seems I am on at the wrong times haha, there was such a gap before responses I didn't think I'd get any. So hello everyone! I am glad you are all here. I am just about to head to bed on cycle day 12. How about you ladies? And I am waiting to ovulate (for me, around cycle day 20) so they can check my progesterone levels as I am thinking they are low, my luteal phase is only 10/11 days and I have many of the symptoms. Another thing that is mildly relevant is that I use a known donor.

So tell me about yourselves!

I'm on CD 6, I should be ovulating around the 1st of December. I just picked up some Pre-seed (I found it in Rexall here, after making poor DH drive all over town looking at different drug stores, when I found it I did a happy dance!), I'm excited to try it. I've heard lots of stories about couples trying for a long time, then using Pre-seed and conceiving that cycle, fingers crossed it works! I know I've only been trying for 4 cycles, but I feel like it's been forever. It doesn't help that my mom tells me she had no issues concieving at all. Apparently she decided she wanted a baby and conceived that month, all 3 times! Gah. She told me the other day that I must be doing it wrong because she couldn't figure out why I would have any issues! :s
Oops! I pressed "Quick reply" instead of "Go advanced"!

Anyway, I'm 26, been married since July to a really wonderful man, and can't wait to make him a dad! I've got my fingers crossed for all of us!
My AF arrived last night :-( so back to square one. My cycles are still squiffy so will start my OV strips by about day 10 do you think ??
You can buy preseed on amazon let us all know how you get on. I am probably going to get some myself when pay day arrives. Xx baby dust to you all
I'm 32, marries and live in California. DD is going to be 1 in less than a week. Where does the time go so quickly??

Last time I was in a huge rush to get pregnant and it felt like it took forever. This time around I'm much more relaxed about it since I already have a full plate with her! I figure this time around when it happens it will happen. I still opk and temp, but I'm trying to stay away from hounding DH about timing sex and getting devastated every time AF shows. Easy to say now as we're only on cycle 2, but I really do feel more relaxed about it this time.

It's funny because all the cycles I was telling DH when we needed to BD and we were doing it every day or every other day during my fertile period and not getting pregnant... the one cycle I did get pregnant we literally only BD once and it was 10 hours after I got a positive opk. So I know now that it can happen without excessively timing it and stressing him out. It really caused a lot of relationship stress for us last time because I was so relentless about timing.
I've never used preseed, but I may if my cycles don't get fixed with progesterone cream. I hope that it works for you :) I am sorry your mom isn't understanding, that must be rough. Maybe just don't bring it up around her :( Her input doesn't seem helpful. For most normal couples it takes a few months, and up to a year to get pregnant.

I am Caitlyn, 23 and hubby is 40, with a two year old boy and hubby and I have been together for six years, but waited for leap year almost two years ago to get married :)

I am glad that you aren't stressing, Linz. I wasn't until I had a miscarriage and realized just how much I want another. And I want my kids to be close in age... and of course I need to time properly as I use a known donor and need to visit him on fertile days.
Hey! :wave:

We've been TTC for 8 months now, I'm currently getting my progesterone tested because my LP is varying in length every cycle (I KNOW I'm not ovulating later in my cycles etc it's 100% my LP changing) and it's varying between 11-14 days each time. Last months test came back "borderline" so got another one to do this month

good luck! :flow:
Mine have been varrying as well, Kyliem87. Do you ovulate later than normal as well?
Hey ladies, how are you doing today?
Hi hun just going into my 9th month ttc our 6th baby. It would be nice to talk to women who have long periods ttc....I am so lucky to already have 5 beautiful kids but none of them have come easy our cycle ttc vary from 18 month to 3 1/2 years. Really hoping We are not left waiting that long again. x
Hello lesh, welcome. And what a lovely big family ♡ hubby wouldn't let me do that... and even if he did I don't think my donor would be on board. We got pregnant pretty fast last time when we switched from frozen unknown donor to live sperm from a known donor, it took that first cycle. Butnow using the same donor, it has been 9 months and one miscarriage that happened early on as well, three months in to trying. I dont think my donor or his wife expected it to be this long lol. I sure didn't. I can't wait for results on my hornones. Fingers crossed I figured out the cause...
I hope things work out okay for you. xx Wow a donor that's a wonderful thing for that person to do. It is hard isn't it having ttc times vary! I have found this one really hard to cope with. I was fine for the first 6 months but really struggled for the past 2 months i.e...Emotional breakdown. People always say to me "But at the end of the day if you don't have another you already have 5 so it doesn't matter" That hurts! It shouldn't matter how many children you have the heart is still the same as everyone else's.

I joined a thread back in April and so many of those women are now due to give birth in the next few weeks. I want it to be me too.

Good luck to all of us. xxx
Yes, I joined a forum back in March and every single last person who joined it is pregnant. The forum itself is good luck but I am still not pregnant. Of the two other ladies who still post and keep me company, I was two weeks ahead of the one who is due first and she is now two weeks ahead of the other, they are due in february and march, I was due January 12th. So because we were all so close, every time they hit a milestone I get sad. Bahh. This ttc isn't anything like what they tell you when you're young... something along the lines of "always wear protection or you WILL get pregnant!" Lol. I wish.

And I agree, my donor is an amazing person, I am so lucky to have him and his family in my life. His boys adore my son like a brother... and technically... lol. But they don't know.

I am sorry that people are so mean about your ttc this next blessing... people just don't understand sometimes and feel it is their place to comment. The heart wants what it wants. I know that I will never feel complete with just two children of my own, and two step kids. I maaaay be able to convince my husband of one more but my donor is done after I get pregnant this time, which is fair enough.
I remember those talks in school. I remember listening to that and thinking "Great, Lots of babies for me then" Lol....But no each one takes 2-3 years to conceive but after trying for that long I am so thankful to be pregnant and cherish every moment so much. :)

Lets hope this next cycle is good luck for both of us! I tend to only fall pregnant between Jan-may as i have 1 october baby, 3 in january and 1 in february! People always say to me "can't you try any other time of the year" I am like "WE do try all year long" But for some reason I am mostly fertile between that stage. Lol. No clue why. Hubby thinks I am like an animal I can only fall pregnant certain times of the year. Lol....xxx

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