i offically hate this emotional rollarcoaster ...


Aug 12, 2012
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AF arrived last night and we are now on our 6 month ttc 2, before we decided to start ttc 2 i thought it would a lovely experience and that we would fall really quickly and it has been an opposite experience i would say it has been emotionally draining and a horrible experience so far. I am fed up! So from now on no more opk's i was a week late this month on my af i blame opk's delaying ovulation as i am never late unless preg, no more early testing will only test if i have late af and I am going to not take my dh and ds for granted ttc has been taking up my whole life for the past 6 months sooo ... we are offically NTNP and letting nature take it's course!!!!! Rant over lol
Me too and I'm only on cycle 2 I don't know when I ovulate and u don't want to know as I will get stressed when tcc with my dd it took over my life for 9 months.. II just keep telling myself if it happens then fantastic if not I'm already blessed with a,dd where a lot of people would love just 1
Me too!! I dont do OPKs as I think it would stress me out if I didn't ovulate and then that stress would probably cause me not to ovulate again, not to mention how much my stress would stress out my husband.

It has only been 3 months for us, but I think I need to calm down and just enjoy the time with DD and DH, and then when I do get my :bfp: it will be a nice lovely surprise.
(easier said than done though I guess )
Baby dust to you girls fingers crossed we get our bfps this month even tho we are ntnp i am going to buy some preseed as i have heard it's great we'll see xxxx
can identify with this. we were originally ttc two years ago before we decided to wtt for financial reasons. But now we are back ttc again am determined not to get obsessive. Am planning on temping at first as got a cheap thermometer on ebay but if it starts to stress me out I will abandon it. Am a big believer in stress affecting conception xx
Feeling really chilled this month i brought some fertility friendly lubricant as i have heard good reviews xxx
Hello ladies. :)
We've been not trying not preventing in the hope that it might just happen at the right time. Its baby number one for us both. We've not been charting or temping or anything. Not sure chance when ovulation takes place. Just lots and lots of unprotected baby dancing.
It's been 9 months, and although we're "not trying" I get my hopes up, every single month. I was sure I was pregnant this cycle! However, "AF" (i think, shes very different this month though) arrived yesterday. Just like everyone else, I have become completely transfixed on becoming pregnant. I spend hours daily, researching the best way to conceive and analysing every single ache, pain, headache, etc that I get.
I think kittiecat is right, stress is probably a major factor against conception!
Best of luck to you ladies, and lots of sticky baby dust to you all. I hope you get big fat positive pregnancy tests very soon. :) x
thing is saying we wont get stressed is easier said than done. When you're TTC it's hard not to get stressed by it! Especially when you are surrounded by friends who have had unplanned pregnancies etc. Makes you wonder how it happened so easily for them! x
Apparently the way to fall pregnant is to NOT try..
I hear this piece of advice so so often.
But its difficult to "not try" when its what you want.
Hmph. x
Yep have heard that to. But I have no idea how not to try :lol:. Am already a tad obsessed. Good job Ihave the b&b ladies or I'd go crazy! Xx
This forum genuinley keeps me sane haha! Its so strange that speaking to strangers can make you feel so supported. Any worries, questions, or rants I need, I know exactly where to go. Brilliant. :)

how long have you been back to ttc this time? xx
Yep I know what you mean! Helps cause only literally two people in know we are TTC so being able to chat here about it is great. Only stopped the pill on the 18th so not long at all! Xx
Hello ladies. :)
We've been not trying not preventing in the hope that it might just happen at the right time. Its baby number one for us both. We've not been charting or temping or anything. Not sure chance when ovulation takes place. Just lots and lots of unprotected baby dancing.
It's been 9 months, and although we're "not trying" I get my hopes up, every single month. I was sure I was pregnant this cycle! However, "AF" (i think, shes very different this month though) arrived yesterday. Just like everyone else, I have become completely transfixed on becoming pregnant. I spend hours daily, researching the best way to conceive and analysing every single ache, pain, headache, etc that I get.
I think kittiecat is right, stress is probably a major factor against conception!
Best of luck to you ladies, and lots of sticky baby dust to you all. I hope you get big fat positive pregnancy tests very soon. :) x

I completely understand when,trying for by dd every month when,af,arrived I was devastated spend,hours on here looking up signs and it really took over my mind on month 9 of trying I think I had completely given up and convinced,myself it was never going to happen so was shocked to discover a bnp ... Hang in there it will happen and probably when you have given up all hope x
Aww not long! :) Hopefully you fall pg very fast.
Weve been trying for 10 months unfortunatly! Although i know people try for longer.

jewls, thankyou for your kind words.! :) x
almost 10 months**
came off bc in november but didnt start trying immediently. :)
it took some time for af to regulate after ending bc. x
I understand you completely! We weren't "trying" last month but I ended up pregnant and then had a miscarriage on August 6th. It just got me thinking about whether I really would like to have another child or not. Now my body is playing tricks on me this cycle and I am just giving up and letting nature take its course naturally!
Very very sorry to hear about your miscarriage
Thoughts are with you
and I hope you get the outcome you wish, weather you chose to have more children or not,

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