I really can't decide how to feed baby


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2013
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I am honestly not sure how I want to feed baby #3.

I breastfed my first 2 and after the first few weeks it was easy with no problems. But the first few weeks were agony. Sore cracked nipples. I cried every time I had to feed my baby.

Anticipating the same thing has really put me off.

I have just bought a perfect Prep Machine ($99 from Target Australia at the moment) and think this might be the way to go.

Any thoughts?
I know what you mean. I ebf my first till she was 4 months old and was traumatic in terms of pain. At 4 months she completely refused the breast and was already having frequent dry diapers and no weight gain I decided there was probably a problem and offered her a bottle of formula.

I was determined to try again, bought a new nursing pillow (my brest friend), but as I get closer to my due date I get terrified. I just don't know what I'll do and how I'll manage. I also don't want to use a breastpump as I think it'll take too long and it's better for me to cuddle my baby than spend hours pumping. Not that there's anything wrong with pumping. I just think it's not for me.
Hi! I ebf my first two kiddos for a year each and its a lot of work! My second one was a bottle refuser and I literally nursed her every meal ( we gave up the bottle battle after 4 months and man was that battle stressful). I love nursing and am glad I did, but it was HARD when I felt like I could never be away from her exclusively nursing.
I do want to nurse this third baby, but I'm stressed about this situation all over again. I really am planning on nursing but pumping and giving at least 1 bottle a day, so that I can get away if needed for appts, meeting a friend here and there by myself without dragging my whole crew, not to mention the countless preschool drop offs and pick up, library story time, toddler class, etc etc trips I'm gonna be making with my other two kids. It would be nice to pump before I go and bottle feed while out.... Plus I know my older daughter would love to give the baby an bottle... So I'm crossing my fingers it works out for us!

Anyhow, I know the work and pain involved and I can understand the thought process in deciding what to do. You just have to go with your gut, and everything will be ok!
I don't know how you ladies will feel about this, but I gave birth 2 weeks ago tomorrow and a nurse gave me the BEST advice ever. My baby was having issues latching and lots of dry diapers, my nipples hurt and were very swollen, to the point that my baby couldn't latch because she couldn't discern the nipple. A nurse came in, slapped a nipple shield on my breast, and my baby hasnt had any issues since!!! Honestly, if you have issues with pain I highly suggest shopping for a nipple shield, it has really cut the discomfort on my nipples off completely. And now that the baby has grown accustomed to feeding off of it, I'm weaning her off of it and she is much more gentle with my breasts now. I hope this gives you guys another option! And even if you don't want to do it long term, maybe pick one up just incase?
Cassie: my lo wouldn't latch without nipple shields and I used them for the duration of our bf journey and I don't want to do that again...if I can't get baby to latch I won't even go there. Couldn't wean her off them at all.
Cassie I agree!! I'd read all the stuff about not using them because if nipple confusion but I met a lactation consultant when my dd was about a week old and latching was a nightmare and she suggested then. I used them to get my nipples to the right shape and get past the excruciating first bit of the feed then I whipped it out and she barely noticed. It did take a bit of weaning off the first bit but I can't remember much about it now!!

I pumped a lot with my dd, got pretty obsessive although she never had more than 1 top up bottle a day, I totally filled my freezer because I was so panicky about having to go into hospytal or something and her having to have formula. It all got thrown away and now the sound of an electric breast pump makes me shiver so I'm going to try and avoid pumping as much as possible and just keep it simple!!
I also feel like this but for different reasons. With my daughter I had a 9 day stay after I gave birth I was so stressed about breastfeeding and being in hospital I did it for 3 days I was so upset also because my blood pressure wouldn't drop they wanted to change tablets but couldn't whilst breast feeding. I have brought bottles this time round but I'm going to have a try again at breastfeeding hopefully I will be able to go home alot sooner but I'm going to try not to put pressure on myself this time as it makes everything so much harder! X
I think it depends a lot on your baby and how they latch on and suck. Maybe also on your own breast shape too actually.

I fed both my previous babies and the only problem I had ws when the milk came in. My breasts felt like they were burning up for a few days. Ouch!

I'd bought some nipple cream because I'd read a lot about cracked nipples, but I rarely used it. Early on, my midwife advised me to make sure my nipples were completely dry (by normal air exposure) after feeding, and to wash off any milky, dribble residue if necessary before letting them dry. I never had a problem with cracking, and I think that helped prevent it.

Hope that helps.

This time, I'm actually looking forward to feeding my baby. I feel more experienced and calmer about the whole thing. I didn't know anything about nipple shields, but that's useful info, so I'll keep it in mind as an option if necessary. Thanks :thumbup:
From what you said I gather you're wanting to bottle feed not breastfeed like people have assumed above. That's what the prep machine is for. I bottle fed my first and will do my second, I also have the prep machine. It's a brilliant bit of equipment :D As long as your baby is being fed and you're happy with your choice hun then you do what you think is best. Remember mum needs to be happy too xx
OP, why don't you just see how it goes? Try BFing and if it's fine and pain free stick with it, but if you feel you just can't go through it again then that's okay too! I totally get it. My first BFing experience was pure hell and really disrupted my bonding. I will try again this time but I can completely understand why you would be put off, especially going through it twice. But I would say try it as you don't know whether you'l have the same experience or not!
In the beginning I was going to strictly bottle feed. I have recently decided to attempt breastfeeding. I will do it for 2-6 weeks and see how it goes. From there I'm either going to continue and pump (I have to work no choice there), do a bf/ formula feeding combo or completely swap to formula. I have not gotten that far in my thought process yet and I'm just going to see what happens.
I'm pretty sure I'm gonna bottle feed this time. I nearly went insane with exhaustion last time. So I'm just gonna take the stress out of it and bottle feed. My DH can do feeds and so can the grandparents. I have a toddler that won't even be 2 and he will need plenty of TLC from me too. Don't get me wrong, I know breast feeding is better but for me, I will be a happier Mum!
Trying it out this time (might be different!) is good advice. I am willing to try. What I know for sure is that I want my baby to have colostrum but if things don't work out well after that I won't put as much pressure on myself as I did with my daughter. It doesn't mean that I won't give it an honest try but I won't let myself get in the state that I did before where I dreaded and cried at every feed etc. I do believe mom has to stay sane! And also I do worry about not giving my daughter the attention she needs as she's still so young.
As a few previous posters have suggested, maybe just try it a bit and see if it's different this time? I have breastfed both my kids and had totally different experiences. My son had an 80% posterior tongue tie that demolished my nipples and made me howl with pain every time he latched on. That lasted 5 weeks until I finally found a medical professional who listened to me and did a proper examination of my son. After it was treated it immediately improved. With my daughter it was very different. Yes it was sore for the first few weeks and I did gave some damage to my nipples, but the pain was so mild really that it didn't bother me too much. So maybe this time your experience could be different too?

In the end as long as your baby is being fed, then it really doesn't matter how you do it. If you enjoy breastfeeding (after the pain has gone) then I would maybe just try this time and see what happens. If you don't feel too strongly about it, then maybe just go straight to formula. Or you could combination feed from the beginning?
Thank you all for your experience and stories. I'm still undecided but I feel so much better that I am not alone and that there is support out there.
Only you know what your pain level and tolerance levels are. Personally, I would charge through it for the first few weeks and then enjoy the easy part. Exclusive pumping is a major hassle and I'd want to avoid that at all costs. Just my opinion. I had a really hard time bf at first, with thrush, tongue tie and a bad latch, and my milk coming in late, but once I got past that, bf was SO easy and great and I bf my son for 22 months. Wouldn't trade that for anything!
I am having to use shields like I did with my first due to quite flat nipples that baby could not latch onto once milk came in. Problem is they are hard to wean baby off sometimes so I would avoid unless in really bad pain or experiencing latching issues and on verge of giving up!
I feel the same. I do plan to BF but I really don't want to :(. Wit my 1st it was painful for a few weeks and we had some supply issues which were stressful but then it was pretty smooth sailing. With my 2nd I had no supply issues and it wasn't nearly as painful and what pain I had didn't last long. But my nipples were so sensitive and BF'ing made me shudder :(. I got mastitis and couldn't shake it, developed an abscess and was poorly with all that for 7 weeks, it was a bit ridiculous. On a really selfish note I'm dreading the extra lack of sleep from BF'ing rather than FF'ing as it has been my experience that my LO's wake a lot more when I'm BF'ing. But I want my LO to get the benefits of breast milk and pumping isn't an option for me. I'm planning to go into it hoping for the best but prepared for the worst and that's about as much advice as I can offer. Well that and maybe try out different BF'ing positions, as I've heard ladies have success dealing with various BF'ing issues just by changing the position, worth a go.
This is my first and I'm having the hardest time being okay with bfing! I mean no matter what I want him to have my milk & not formula so I'd pump no matter the hassle but Im freaked out by the baby sucking on my nipples and then I read all the comments on it being painful and what happens and I feel it will make it so much harder on me. Im planning to try it and then pump as last resort but then I think maybe I should just pump only and not even try breast. I do fine telling myself I'm going to try breast but when I think about it I get freaked out all over again. With the nipple shield I've read a lot of how babies refuse to eat without it after use. Is there something not pleasant about the shield? Or a hassle? Why not keep using it if it makes work for both of you?

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