I think Im gonna have to put my cat down :(


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2008
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I have had my cat for 8 years but around 3 years she lived with my mom because I couldnt take her with me until last year sometime. She has had several litters of kittens. I love her to bits and I feel so awful but she is peeing and pooping all over our apartment. It's mostly in one section over by my bookshelf but its everyday Im cleaning up cat poop. Lastnight she peed on shawns work bag and ruined his ties for work. I just feel awful. I have caught her a few times peeing on clothes, cds, anything that might be on the floor. She has peed in our playpen...seriously Im just so fed up with it. She hasnt been fixed only because I never had the money to do so (which is my fault because I should have come up with the money to do so but I was so young when I got her) but we are moving in less than a week and we cant have her do this in the new place. On one hand the vets might let us get her fixed even though she is 8 (a friend of ours did the same and her cat stopped-she was also old) but it may not fix the problem then we might have to get her put down anyways in which case we will be spending $300 instead of just the cost of putting her down. She still has spunk, she still plays and is so loving and affectionate but I just dont know if I can handle this any longer. Where she has had 4 or 5 litters of kittens I wonder if it has made her bladder and bowels bad or something and thats the reason she is doing it? I just dont know what to do and just thinking about it gets me upset but then I just dont want to get her fixed unless I know this will stop, I almost feel as if we get her put down it would just make things a bit easier. I dont want to give her away because I dont want her to go to a home where if she does this they may beat her, hurt her or throw her outdoors (she has always been an indoor cat) We dont get mad at her only because we very rarely catch her and dont want to punish her later when she wont know what she has done. We have 3 other cats and they are all very good with eachother but I really do believe even if she was the only cat here she would be doing the exact same thing. What would you do? :cry::cry::cry:
I wouldn't just get her put to sleep hun but thats just me. I couldn't do it unless there was a medical reason to. Our cats are house cats too and if in years to come we need to tidy up after them more then that's what we'll have to do. It isn't nice but I think when we decide to take pets on, we need to accept that there are bad bits to go with the good.

I always think if it was a person would I get rid of them....of course we wouldn't and our pets are as much part of the family as the people in it are.

How about just speaking to the vet first and if they can't guarantee fixing her will stop it, speak to a rehoming centre. They will tell people of her problems and she may get another chance with somone who has more time to deal with her problem.

I hope you get a solution that suits all of you though :hugs:

Aw, so sorry to hear this :( Is the place where she is peeing, on carpet, or bare floor? The reason I ask, is because sometimes when a cat pees on bare floor, it means she has an infection... I would definitely try to see if she can get fixed, and also see if there is another reason for her peeing, at the vets, before putting her down-there is definitely a reason, and it might even be a simple solution to it!:hugs:
Get her checked out first. My dog has had a similar problem for a while and now, after a course of antibiotics and incontinence medicine, she's fully dry in the house.
Its on carpet. That's the exact same way I feel about it...she is my baby and I dont know how I feel about rehoming her or putting her down. Shawn is going to call the vets tomorrow and tell them our situation and find out what we should do. Because of the move we already dont have any money so Im worried about having to take her in and then tests etc it will cost a fortune. I already had to call my grandfather and brother and ask them for help with the costs of transferring our power etc so im a bit nervous to take her in...In like a months time when we get settled and I care for another full time child again (I just lost 2 of mine) I will have some extra cash to do it so I may end up having to wait and just deal with it until then. I just dont want this happening in the new place because its all carpet...if it was hardwood or laminate flooring I could deal with it no problems and wouldnt be as concerned but its just not. The more I think about it though the more I just know I couldnt do it. She is so affectionate and sweet. We will talk to the vets though and see what they say about it because you never know it could be a medical thing since having the kittens and maybe its something we can fix.
I don't think you'd be allowed to put her down in the UK.
Do you have any animal welfare places that could help?
Or could you keep her in one part of the house which has a cleanable floor?
Maybe put an ad out for someone who could look after her, even if it's only temporary.
I know lots of people here who foster animals.
Im not in the UK. The only spots that will have cleanable floors is the bathrooms and the kitchen. I have talked to Shawn and I have decided I just couldnt do it. So we are going to tell them our situation and hope they help us out as we are really tight for cash right now. I just love her too much. I cant rehome her...I just cant give her to someone else. And she is just way too loveable and sweet for me to justify putting her down. If there is something really wrong then I will have to but for now its no longer an option. Shawn is going to call the vets tomorrow and talk to them. Thanks for your replies, I knew I just couldnt do it.
please please please dont get her put to sleep just cos of this.

right first how are you cleaning it up.
the best way is to use a biological washing powder then surgical spirits. this breaks down the enzymes and gets rid of smells.

secondly get her neutered, she is at risk from infections. also i breed cats and my breeding girls can be worse than a boy for spraying.
also get her checked by a vet their is a reason she is doing this.

try a feliway diffuser, these are great for inappropriate toileting, this will also help with moving home.

im sure there must be a charity somewhere that will take her in if you cant cope, to have her put to sleep really isnt the answer.

if you want to pm me i can make other suggestions
:hugs: Hope the vet can help you guys out & that there's a solution without having her put down. I have a major soft spot for cats, lol, so you'll be in my thoughts!
please please please dont get her put to sleep just cos of this.

right first how are you cleaning it up.
the best way is to use a biological washing powder then surgical spirits. this breaks down the enzymes and gets rid of smells.

secondly get her neutered, she is at risk from infections. also i breed cats and my breeding girls can be worse than a boy for spraying.
also get her checked by a vet their is a reason she is doing this.

try a feliway diffuser, these are great for inappropriate toileting, this will also help with moving home.

im sure there must be a charity somewhere that will take her in if you cant cope, to have her put to sleep really isnt the answer.

if you want to pm me i can make other suggestions

I cant give her away and Im definitely not putting her down. We are going to get her spayed and go from there. Hopefully vets will be able to help us out and give us suggestions for cleaning the carpet where she has peed. Most times we dont know she has done it until a day or so later when we go in that area...its a part of our dining room that we dont tend to step very often so then its saturated into the carpet and we are having a wicked time trying to get it out. Have even carpet cleaned the area with a solution especially for pet odors made for the carpet cleaner 4 or 5 times. I was holding her today and there is definitely NO WAY i could get her put down. I think I just felt like I was out of options where we were moving and Im getting fed up with the carpet where she had peed because we cant get it out and I was worried where people were viewing our apartment and whatnot.
I also dont want people to think Im this big mean person because I suggested getting her put down. I know it's not the best solution but I didnt know what else to do especially after hubby told me she peed on his work bag and I had to clean up poo this morning...I was a tad upset about it. I dont like the fact she pees on my clothes..I dont have a lot as it is and now make sure nothing is left on the floor that she can pee on. So of course I am going to be a little pissed. She is my baby and yes she is treated just like a person and thats the way she should be treated but I also got her 8 years ago so its not like she is a kitten and its not like I want to be cleaning up after her all the time...if I didnt have carpet it wouldnt be so bad and I could just deal with it. I dont want people to sit here and judge me when it comes to my cat...and that I shouldnt have cats if I dont have time for them. I do have time for them and I dont have these problems with my other 3 cats. Having her put down was not my first option and it wasnt my only option so please dont think Im so miserable and that Im nasty and shouldnt own pets. My cats are well loved and very spoiled...like I said I just didnt know what else to do.

That being said, we are bringing her to the vet at some point here soon and we will be looking into what is wrong with her and getting her fixed. We dont have alot of money so Im hoping we can find a vet who is understanding and will take that into consideration.

Thanks for all your replies.
you might find when you move it stops, it could be something like a neibourhood cat upsetting her.

i would def try the feliway though it is really good and not too expensive and will help with the house move.

good luck i hope she settles down for you, please do get in touch if you need further advise.

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