My last cycle started on Sep 1st and I did a online ovulation test and it said I would be ovulating around the 12-17. My bf and i had sex on the 12th, 13th and 14th. My period comes around the same time every month. I started having cramps on the 22nd of Sep. It has not stopped and today I have red bleeding and my cramps have gotten worst. My period isn't suppose to be here until Monday or Tuesday. I have had a few symptoms but cant tell the difference from PMS. In May I believe i had a chemical pregnancy. I was not sure at the time but it was too early for my period to come again and I was bleeding very heavy for about 3 days. I would go through a super plus tampon in almost an hour. I also had a lot of pains an a lot of blood clots. I went to the doctor about a week after and they said they didnt see anything on my ovaries but it was a lot of fluid. Could this be the end again?