A year off dakini??/ really? I always knew Canada was awesome. I live in the US and work for the government. They do give you 12 weeks leave but without pay and I believe without a certain probation period. I still think it is crap that when you need money the most, they can't help you out! I can understand perhaps not giving you paid leave after only being there a couple months, but what about if you have been working for them for years?? With the government, they cannot discriminate in anyway...and that includes against pregnancy. If companies are going to hire women in the work force, they should always have to suspect pregnancy (wouldn't you agree?). I wouldn't divulge any information regarding your ttc or early pregnancy. As far as their regulations for maternity leave, I think it may depend how long you have worked. Some companies have a trial period....but again, I don't know much about any of that here in the US, let alone the UK.