If your kid asked me this, how would you have me answer?


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2008
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So here's the question: I am a vegan (I eat no animal products whatsoever so no milk and eggs etc.) and it's happened a couple of times that when I'm eating and someone else's kid is around, they are curious and ask me why won't I eat the meat or the milk or whatever. When my own kid will ask this, I will of course tell him exactly why, that I don't want to hurt animals and I don't agree with keeping cows always pregnant and locked up and eventually killed for milk etc etc. But when it's someone else's kid, and in their family they eat meat, I don't want to answer in a way that sounds like a think what their parents are doing is wrong. I think these are personal choices, and I don't want to judge anyone else's, as I hope nobody will judge mine.

At the same time, I would like to give them some kind of answer, instead of them just left thinking "what was that all about" and aren't some people weird, maybe it's a good chance for them to see too that people are different. But so far I really haven't figured out what to say so I've just been mumbling something like "It's just what I eat..." which is so blahblah. And kids being kids they keep asking "But why?".

What would you like me to say if it was your kid? Or say nothing?
The truth! As you say kids need to know every one has diffrent opionions on things, id be more than happy if my kids asked a question like that too be told the truth and kids beeing kids i can guess most of them will come home and say mummy i dont want to eat this and that because i dont want too hurt animals, personaly i'd say ok you eat whatever you want and they'd probably get bord of it untill they were old enuff to make a better disision on what they wanted too eat, but i'd also tell them why people do eat meat and eat dairy and kinda let them decided what they think is right?
I think it depends on the age of the child ...tbh I wouldnt want you to put my child off meat she barely eats owt at the moment and is 9 and probably would try and have a go at being vegan but thats just how she is at the moment ...maybe just says bcos u dont like to eat meat or milk ...the same as some people dont like fruit and veg ...hope that dont sound offensive but i kno my daughter and shes a stubborn madam that would just decide if u dont want to eat meat ect for those reasons neither does she x
The truth! Then it would be Jasmine's choice on wether or not she wanted to eat it!
Yep, I'd want the same, tell them the truth.

My OH is strict vegetarian so no fat coke, jelly sweets, a lot of cereals etc - in fact, the only animal produce he does consume is milk and cheese - so our littles ones Daddy will most likely have already explained it to them but even so, I think it's good for kids to hear other peoples reasons for it.

Can I ask, out of curiosity as it is something I am currently thinking about, do you feed your LO any meat / animal based products?

I wouldn't want you to tell them your reasons lol. As someone who does eat meat, I fully respect your opinion BUT my kids need to eat what I make for them. So if they were told that and as young kids just see the bad in it, it's hurting the animals..that's all they see (which to you I know is a valid answer, but you know both sides, you understand fully whereas a child doesnt..not a young child). It would things much worse for us having to get them to eat. I'd rather you say you just don't like it or something like that, instead of full detail. As they become older my kids will be able to make their own choice but right now they need to eat what I cook. Just like a vegan parent I'm sure you know? As young kids I'm sure they eat how you do but as they get older I'm sure they'd have the choice. But I can't make 2 seperate meals everynight lol. I think it's the same with everything though, you give an age appropriate answer, a 6yr old isn't going to understand like I said, they will hear hurt the animals and that's it. Whereas a 13yr old would understand more so you give them more info
Thanks for your input, everyone.

Looks like everyone has a different opinion of this. So maybe I should just tell the kids to ask their parents, LOL ;)

Pops, I'm also feeding my baby a vegan diet. I've done loads and loads of research on it and am convinced it will be good for him, as long as we do it right. His dad is vegan too, so it's a natural thing for us. It would be very strange to give him something that we think is bad for us. But when it comes time for daycare, school etc., then I will have to see how it goes. I'm willing to try to find options where a vegan diet is possible and push for it, but I don't also want to make his life too difficult. So it might have to be some compromises outside the house, and vegan at home. Though you never know, more and more options seem to be available all the time!
i would just say tell them the truth as far as is appropriate , according to their age, how close you are to them etc..

for example tell them that meat comes from animals and you dont want to eat the animals, no need to go into detail about their living conditions or moral rights and wrongs, just tell them that different people eat different things, and if they awant further info to ask their parents.
thats what id say anyway
I'm vegetarian so i guess dont have as strong vies as you, although totally see where ur coming from, I've allowed my kids to make their own minds up though, my eldest is a vege with me, my son knows exactly why we're both vege but still choses to eat meat and my 2 youngest eat meat at the mo, but arent quite old enough to understand so i will let them make their own minds up as and when. I think kids understand more than we often give them credit for.
Sorry, but I would be furious if you told my child that. Not everyone keeps their cows, and other animals like that. If you shop at a supermarket, then yes it may be but when you buy local from farmers you know there is no problem. I am a veggie for the reason that I don't like the taste and texture of meat, but when I do buy meat I know where it's coming from. For instance, a guy at my OHs work has his own estate and brings in game for OH every so often. Niamh will be raised around farms, and know where meat comes from.

I come from a farming community and it really upsets me when people lump a lot of farmers in together. If you don't like the way animals are kept, then go out of your way to find an ethical farmer.
Thanks again. I guess the thing would be to keep it simple then, and stick to the basic explanations and let the parent do the rest ;)

rafwife: I do know that there are different kinds of farms etc., but I don't agree with the killing at the base of it, so I would not go with more ethical meat, milk, etc. But I truly appreciate the people who eat meat but make the effort to know that it's produced in the best possible conditions. Or even better, go for wild game, when possible!
You could always say something like, "I just don't like the way it tastes" if you want to avoid saying anything you think might offend the parents. It can be a touchy subject!
i dont think you should be telling other children really why you are vegan etc. your own child fine, tbh i dont think you'll come across another persons child questioning whats on your plate. i've never had a child say to me why are you eating cheese and tomato and not chicken sandwich. if they do question you then fine just say i eat this because i like this just the same as you like what you eat. dont get in too deep.

i'm a no fuss mum what i say goes end of... we can discuss things but i have the last say. i dont to amsey pansy around the dinner table we eat together and we enjoy our food its not there to be picked at i'm talking about toddlers here i dont let a 3 yr old tell me what they are or arent eating. fine if they really dont like it but i dont allow messing about at the table.
rosie at age 12 decided to be veggie i said fine to her shock lol it lasted two days, i only eat chicken and slices of beef. but i cook all kinds of food if i dont like it i just have everything else on my plate but that. i cook one meal in this house not 4.
rosie at age 12 decided to be veggie i said fine to her shock lol it lasted two days,

Thats what happened to me :) 13 years I'm still going strong, and my Mum thought it was a phase :lol:
rosie at age 12 decided to be veggie i said fine to her shock lol it lasted two days,

Thats what happened to me :) 13 years I'm still going strong, and my Mum thought it was a phase :lol:

i was veggie from around 6ish i had to have it on my plate and my mum told me if i didnt eat meat then i had to eat every veg that was put in front of me think it pee'd them off as they are both good chefs lol.
i got dare'd at school to eat a turkey drummer lol made me heave

i only ate meat at 18 when preggers with rosie and i didnt want to offend my mil, i thought she'd gave me pork and it was chicken. since then i eat chicken and roast beef i might have the odd steak and ham sandwich but if there's a veggies alternative i'd rather have this.
children do what they want and at a certain age around 12ish imo they can make their own choise before that i'd have to chat about it first
I would want you to tell her. I wouldn't want you to go into like gory details about it or anything but I'd prefer if you were to say you just don't eat meat, and if she asked why, just say that some people don't treat animals very nicely and you don't agree with it. If she wanted to be veggie/vegan I wouldn't care. If you were the person to educate her on it, so be it.
I wouldn't want you to tell my LO the truth about why you don't eat meat.
Firstly I don't think a small child needs to hear about those sorts of things :(
Secondly, even though I don't really eat much meat, I would like her to at least try it out and give it a fair go, when she's older and can research it, or when she's older and I think she's mature enough to understand, I can tell her about things myself and explain to her and she can form her own reasonable opinion..

I agree with raf also, buying locally rather than buying from big companies makes a difference also in the way animals are treated.. and don't forget it supports local farmers :) 2 positives!
I want my children to grow up learning about different people's opinions and that we respect their choices even if they're not the same as ours. So I'd be fine with you telling my child your personal opinion - why you've chosen not to eat meat or animal products - if my kids are as curious as I was as a child, no doubt they'd then come to me to find out more.

I don't necessarily agree with not eating animal products - I stick to local produce when I can, so I know where it's come from - but I'd like my kids to learn that other people make different choices and it's good to learn that. If they decided to become a vegetarian or vegan, then I'd have no problem providing a diet to suit that - they'd either grow out of it eventually, or it'd be something they really believed in and wanted to do. :)
Thanks once more, everyone, it's been really interesting reading what you all think.

(Helen1234, I've actually have kids already ask me this twice! It has come up in situations where we have been eating at someone's place and I've had some different food than the meat eaters, or have said 'no' to meat or dairy being offered.)
I would say when you are a grown up you get to decide what you want to eat and I decided not to eat meat and dairy. I would leave it at that as its not a lie. I would not want you explaining to my kids as I feel its a matter of opinion and choice and I think to really understand all thats behind that choice you need to be an older child.

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