I'm back and how it went


Mom of three
May 27, 2008
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Hi there. I am back from the hospital and thought I would share with everyone the details since there is so many of you who are going to be going through the same thing.

I arrived at the hospital about an hour and a half early and when I got there I had to go to admitting and there they put the bracelet on my wrist and sent me upstairs to daycare surgery. There they took me into a room and gave me a bag and a locker. I put on a hospital gown, hospital pants, booties, and housecoat, and a little hat that they told me to keep in my pocket of the housecoat for now. Then I went into a room and a nurse asked me a bunch of information and took my blood pressure and weight etc...asked me when the last time I ate and drank was. Then I went into a waiting room and sat there for about 1/2 hour. A nurse came and gave me a warm blanket while I was waiting. My sister was with me during this whole time and we sat and chatted and it went by fairly quickly and at this point my nerves were pretty good.

Then the nurse called me in, and my sister left. The nurse took me to the washroom, and then she took me to a stretcher and I was told to take off my pants, booties, and to put my little hat on and get into the stretcher. There was blankets there to cover up with and everything and it was quite comfy. Then the nurse came back and wheeled me into the hall just outside of one of the operating rooms. My specialist came and spoke to me about all that he was going to do and told me that he was going to take pictures and that I can take them home with me. Then the anesthesiologist assistant came and asked me a few questions and put my IV in. He gave it a quick freeze with a little needle first, so I didn't feel the IV at all!!! That was nice.

Then the nurse came and wheeled me in the OR. I had to take my covers and scoot over to the other "table" bed. I could take all the blankets with me. Everyone was nice and chatty. I met the anesthesiologist, but mostly her assistant spoke to me. He hooked up some little heart monitor pads and then he put a syringe full of stuff in my IV, and he said "there I just gave you a couple of good martinis. LOL! That hit me about 3 seconds later and it was nice...totally relaxed after that. Then they put oxygen on my face and put another needle into my IV and the assistant said "sweet dreams".

The surgery was an hour and a half. I woke up in recovery and I had a blood pressure cuff on, my IV was still in. I had a pad between my legs. I wasn't really in much pain, but they put stuff in my IV twice anyways. The nurse also gave me a couple Tylenol's with some water. This part I didn't like. I felt tired and drugged, but my body was fighting to stay awake. This state only lasted about an hour though, and then they moved me to a different section. There I was given some ginger ale and I was checked a couple times. I was also given the pictures and was told what they found etc...which I will say below...so keep reading!!!

Then about another hour there, I heard them phone my husband and say to pick me up in about a half an hour. A nurse came and helped me dress and I changed my pad. Then they took the IV out and took my vitals one more time. The nurse helped me into a wheelchair and wheeled me out to see my family! :=) I was quite alert and it no pain at this time.

Last night though, I didn't take pain meds, and the pain got out of control. I was shaking and it hurt no matter what I did. I was crying for my husband to help me. It took about a half an hour for the pain meds to kick in and then I was fine, and now I am on top of my pain meds. So, make sure that you take yours too, because that sucked but it was totally avoidable. As far as a flow (I had a D&C) it was heavy for the first 4-5 hours with one HUGE clot (sorry TMI) that came out, but since then it has been almost nothing at all. Basically just when I wipe. Peeing has been difficult. I have to "push" it out, but it took all night of me feeling like I needed to pee and not know how to, before I figured out that I need to push it like a bowel movement. I guess it's just from all the messing around in there.

OK, so I have NO endometriosis. Both tubes were clear and open. Both ovaries look fine. But, my uterus had some damage. Think of a donut. Right in the middle of my uterus, just like where the hole of a donut would be, there was scar tissue that connected one side of the uterus to the other! So, that was divided and returned to normal (that is what it said on my notes). I have had HSG's that were CLEAR in the past, so this did not ever show up on any other kind of test. So, I need to talk to the specialist in person and see if he thinks this was the cause of everything (I hope so). And, I don't know how soon I will be allowed to TTC again. But, hey, I sure do have HOPE now!! They are also sending the contents of my uterus to pathology and if there is some sort of infection, I will go on antibiotics for 2 weeks.

SO, there is ALL the details. :=)
I hope now that it has been found and sorted you'll get your BFP!
THanks for sharing as it will be really useful for anyone who has to go through this.
I'm really pleased that it went well for you and thank you so much for sharing it as it's quite possible me and many others will need to go through the same thing.

I really hope that it does the trick for you.:hugs:
Glad it went well for you and I hope that was the reason so as soon as you start TTCing again you will get a sticky bean
Glad it went well hun, really interesting to no. hopefully a nice BFP for you pretty soon. xx
Im glad it went well too, and so pleased for you that no endometriosis was found.
:hugs: thanks for all the details and i'm glad you are on your way to recovery!
I hope now that has been discovered you get your bfp. It sounds like something that would have prevented one so you're likely to be fixed now, fingers crossed! :D

I too had to push when needing a wee after a lap and dye. It should ease soon. It's wierd isn't it!
That is great news, and I'm glad you're feeling better. I totally forgot about the difficulty peeing...I remember sitting there concentrating to try and make it happen!
I've been thinking about you lots this week.
So glad it all went well hun.
When will you see your specialist then to ask more questions? i hope it's soon chick and you can move on from this xx
That is great news, and I'm glad you're feeling better. I totally forgot about the difficulty peeing...I remember sitting there concentrating to try and make it happen!

OK, good. I am glad that I am not the only one! I was beginning to worry that they had nicked my bladder or something. It is getting easier though! LOL!
I've been thinking about you lots this week.
So glad it all went well hun.
When will you see your specialist then to ask more questions? i hope it's soon chick and you can move on from this xx

I am not sure when I will see him next. I will probably call to find out. He said that the contents of my uterus (from the D&C) will be sent to pathology and if that comes back with an infection then I will go on antibiotics for 2 weeks, but he didn't say anything else...or if he did, I can't recall. So, I will call next week and see what they say. Like, do I still take the Clomid and Prometrium? Probably, since that is for low progesterone, but we just never talked about it, so I need to sort it all out. And, how long do I wait before TTC again?
Thanks Jasmak for your story and for your reply to my post the other day. I have been feeling a little lost in myself as I do not know how I feel about getting a laparoscopy and hysperoscopy. Sounds like you have had a bit of a journey ttc, I wish you all the luck in the world, if anybody deserves a :bfp:, its you! Is this your first your ttc?
Glad is went well hun, was an interesting read :D
Hope you get your :bfp: soon


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