please don't let your age depress you! I was 43 when I conceived this little one(am 44/will be 44 when I deliver) and this was after a mc two years ago (August 2009) and two possible chemicals....
I had loads of blood work, pre-IVF (but got pregnant naturally, actually) and took metformin (for PCOS) and thyroid medication when it was realised I had an underactive thyroid the month before I became pregnant with this little fellow....I also lost weight, tried to eat healthily and we saw a fertility specialist (oh, I also quit smoking in January, but didn't smoke when was pregnant before until mc....), so age isn't really a big issue BUT if it is a third mc, then it's time to fight for more tests/all tests, to make sure and find out what it going on....
am really, really sorry....
best wishes
Thank Sabrina
Im hopin they dont fob me off with more nonsense!
All i ever heard the last 2 times was we dont test until its the 3rd MC and it has to be the 3rd in a row!!!
Im worried they will say we wont test a 41 yr old woman!!! I honestly think i wud crack up!!Do you think they cud say "No we dont test ladies over 40"?
I had 3 pregnancies before my 1st MMC,they were never easy pregnancies but i always had a baby in my arms after 9months!! So i think havin 3 in a row means theres a real problem goin on!!
After the 1st MMC in Aug 09 it tuk us ages to conceive! Finally we manager it in Feb this yr but that ended in another MMC
I said to my Hubby then that i thought they musts did sumthing wrong to me when i was knocked out for the 1st MMC(EPRC) and now more than ever i firmily believe it!! Do you think they cud say "No we dont test ladies over 40"?
Suppose only time will tell??