Im nervous history could b repeatin itself!! UPDATE!!!

^^^ Sorry that is so scattered, pregnancy brain lol! Ment to ask how ya were today and what's up with the hunger, I'm starving all the time too lol!
well...I'm scheduled for a c-section on February 19th, so the three month countdown begins TODAY, so as of tomorrow, I can say 'in less than three months, we'll meet this little fellow!...(it is tomorrow here, so yeah!) --oops, you're NI, so it's tomorrow for both of us....

as for a bed, we have a box that the cat likes -- if we put a pillow in, that should be okay, right? (I am just kidding!)

best wishes (and go to bed!)

Isnt it so excitind when ur in to nxt stage!!!
Bet you cant wait!! I will b a C section 2! I cant progress so they bring me in for a section instead!!! Never mind its well worth it when we hold our beautiful babies in our arms :)
Hi Ro! My name is Karista, you can call me kris if you nickname is actually taterbug or tater for short though lol! Well, last couple of nights I've been dryheaving like crazy! Never thought I'd be so happy lol! Course thankfully it only last for a few minutes! My daughter will be 1 on the 30th of this month but shes having her party tomorrow!! Do you have a facebook too? If so karista earnest is me, picture if my little girl in a purple and green outfit is my profile pic!! I'm so jealous you're not in maternity clothes yet, I am but it's mostly bloat lol! Can't believe we'll be 8 weeks on Monday! 3 more days till my ultrasound! Glad your midwife said that, gives me comfort too thanks for sharing! Well, off to bed soooo very tired lol!

Hi Kris,
I havent had a gr8 day so far,just feelin very queasy,want to bouk but cant!!!
Got little sleep last nite v sore bk!! I was gonna buy some new tops this wk for winter but think i will prob buy maternity now!! Be nice to have a bitta comfort! Im actually gonna b 7wks!! My due date will b July 2nd becus i cant progress and have to get C-Sections,so my actual due date is July 9th but they take me n a wk early hence July 2nd!
I am on my own today and am meant to b ironing!!! HATE IT!!!! So did a bit but im now exhausted!! I slept in until 10am!!! Still im tired now???
And i cant stop pickin at food!!! EAT EAT EAT......Im gonna b the size of a house at this rate!! Not good :-(
I am on FB will look you up later! Gonna make a cuppa Decaf Tea now,hope to stay clear of biccy jar!!lol
It makes me feel so 'old' to hear ladies with JULY due-dates and makes it a little easier to get through 3month- wheeeeeeeeeeee!

as for the upset tummy, I found travel sweets (at Tesco) to be really good to combat that sick feeling and Gaviscon mint tablets really good -- the lemon ones are terrible, and lots of sparkling water helped...

best wishes
Good morning Buddie!! Ment to hop on yesterday but got so busy with my baby's party!! I am exhausted lol but it was so worth it! That crazy child wouldn't eat cake either, she stuck her hand in it and then tried to wipe it off on her highchair lol! When it didn't come off she became hysterical, it was so pitiful lol! I wondered how we were both due july 2nd but a week apart!! I couldn't figure it out lol! I think I'll probably be huge this go around too, I was so small and cute the first go around so I figure I'll pack on the pounds now lol! Doesn't help that I look pregnant right now either!! So, how was your weekend? Are you gonna work through this pregnancy? If so good thing you'll have some time off for the holidays!! How did the ironing go? I seem to be getting little burst of energy here and there so my house is" mostly" clean and the laundry is" mostly" done lol! Was a bit worried today and yesterday because I don't seem to be peeing as much but I have been nauseas the past 4 nights and some this morning too!! My ULTRASOUND IS TOMORROW! !! So excited and nervous, wish me luck and hope you and beanie are doing well!! Btw are you originally from ireland? My great greats came over on a boat from ireland, course he was irish but his wife was German! And then teir children mixed with native american so I'm a bit of everything lol!
Can't be buddies, was supposed to be 8+1 and am measuring 5+5 very slow heartbeat. Hurting but don't want you to get upset, this is my 5th miscarriage. Hope your bean is healthy and you have a very uneventful pregnancy.
Can't be buddies, was supposed to be 8+1 and am measuring 5+5 very slow heartbeat. Hurting but don't want you to get upset, this is my 5th miscarriage. Hope your bean is healthy and you have a very uneventful pregnancy.

I havent been to well last wk or so and hadnt been on,this is my 1st time on in over a wk!!
I couldnt believe ur news!! Your heart must b broke!!
Im so sorry to hear that!! I honestly dont kno what to say??
I feel your pain xxx
Please take care of urself
Hi Girls
I had my scan yesterday!(Mon 28th)
Was 1st to be seen at 9.30am!! But had to wait ages as the midwife was chattin about her meal out the nite b4!!!!!
I was on pins with nerves!! I was drivin my Hubby crazy!!
So after waiting a eternity i went up to her and said "Excuse me but i think im your 1st patient" She looked at me and said Oh are you? But what time is it? I said my app was for 9.30!!! Oh dear you must b my 1st then and laughed!!!
I just couldnt wait any longer without pullin my hair out! She brought us in and went thru usual paperwork.....etc
Then popped me up on bed for internal scan,i couldnt luk at screen,then my Hubby shouted Omg it that the heartbeat?Its going like the clappers!! She said yes it is!!! Very clear and very strong!! James started to cry!! So she put the sound on,he was amazed!! I lay there in shock!!! I was so unwell last wk i had convinced my self something bad had happened!!
She said my dates are same as measurments,which gave me great comfort she told me to stop frettin and discharged me frm EPC!!! I was a bit worried about that but she assures me all looks as it shud do at this point!!!
So im now lukin 4ward to my bookin in app!! he told me i shud get my nxt scan around 14-16wks!! Seems like a lifetime away!! But i guess i have to wait???
Congrats on the heartbeat and measurements!! I am just now actually starting to miscarry and am hoping to do it naturally. So you're about 9 weeks now! You know after seeing a healthy strong heartbeat the miscarriage rate goes way down! I think this is it for you, homw are the symptoms?
Congrats on the heartbeat and measurements!! I am just now actually starting to miscarry and am hoping to do it naturally. So you're about 9 weeks now! You know after seeing a healthy strong heartbeat the miscarriage rate goes way down! I think this is it for you, homw are the symptoms?

Thank You 3x
I am so sorry that its takin so long for you! Its heartbreakin when its drawn out!! Hopefully you will do it all urself and not need any medical assistance!
Ive been bk to the hospital since!! Bleeding and pains! They didnt have a explaination for bleed,becus when scannd all wa as it shub b!But she did say frm the scan ive quite a bit of scar tissue frm my 2 sections and that that was now attachd and pullin and wud increase as pregnancy progresses!!
So by sounds of it its gonna b a painful 28wks ahead of me!!
But aslong as i have my baby in my arms in July thats the main thing!!
Ive still got sobe boobs,v nauseaus!Plus the pains i said b4!! Therte are horrible!! But i had my bookin in app yesday!She said dont always assume those pains are the scar tissue,if you are in doubt dont think twice goin to gynae for a scan!! Even just for reassurance
Ive another scan 2moro mornin at 9.30am,im lkuin 4ward to it,as we are plannin on tellin out families this wkd!!
I pray all goes well for you!! Hope its not too long til ur bk in 1st Tri with me
God Bless xxRo
:hug: BabyCarey I cried reading your good news earlier in this thread! I am So happy for you! :D
:hug: BabyCarey I cried reading your good news earlier in this thread! I am So happy for you! :D

Hey Lil!!!
Its been a bumpy ride for me!!! Usually is but this time seems worse??
Im now currently 12+5!! I have my next scan 4thJan!! I cant wait!
Think im drivin Mr C crazy!!Its these pains i cant get used to!!
But i live in hope all will b ok,and i will have my healthy baby in July
How have you been?
Just read your thread x congrats this gives me hope I have had a mmc an 2chemicals in 6months x I have an early scan booked for 20th so living posts like this to keep me going till then x after 3healthy pregnancies ive been told they are just bad luck so let's hope my luck has changed i wonder if it's to do with age as well im 35 x suppose we'll never know that answer x can't wait to see your pic on the 4th xxxx
Hi Ro...member me? Lol!! Well, just wanted another update from you, seems like this pregnancy is going good and I am so happy for you!! I just had my first AF, took my clomid and am hopefully getting ready to ovulate so I hope I will be joining you again soon! Maybe with twins lol!! BTW what do you want, boy or girl?
Such a nice story..update? Wishing you lots of luck.

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