I'm Scared


Mummy to a princess x
Jul 14, 2008
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Hey Girls,
I was feeling so positive yesterday after having a sign that O might be on it's way now i'm worried hte clomid's not working and i'm really scared.
temp dipped this morning and the lines on the stick were much fainter. I don't know what to think.
cant help im afraid hun as not using any tools for the job other than mr winkie lol. didnt want to read and run though.
Did it go dark at all? because you already Ov'd?
no yesterday was the first day i did it cos i was only cd9 yesterday and it was faint even then it's still faint and i've had a slight temp dip. still have creamyCM but not sure what else would indicate it was working just worrying myself silly i guess
Ah love, you are only on CD10. They say that you generally ovulate 5 - 10 days after you take your last pill. I took my last pill on CD6 and ovulated on CD14. Or, at least I think I did. My tests have been positive the entire time so I could not really pinpoint ovulation but my temps went from 97.5 to 98.3 this morning so am assuming ovulation has happened.

I had NO eggwhite. Barely any CM at all. On Clomid, all of the CM signs go right out of the window.
It does sound like early days still and you can get smaller LH surges before the big one, can't you? Can Clomid effect you OPK results?

:hugs: Will be thinking of you
This si fine sweetheart do not worry your only on CD10 which is relatively early to ovulate, just hold tight and it should all happen in the next week. I also get a temp dip the actual day i O, good luck, were all routing for u :hugs:
EPO helps with EWCM especially with clomid as it can dry it up, also get some pre seed. XXX
if you do an opk to early with clomid it can make a + opk start about cd11 i o'd on cd13 when i was on it good luck
Can Clomid effect you OPK results?

Yes, it can. You are told not to start testing until at least 3 days after you take the last pill.

Having said that, mine have been positive right the way through. I have ovulated, now, and they are STILL positive.
thanks girls - you've really put my mind at rest. I'm a naturally worryier and sometimes it goes a little ott! Guess this was one of those times!
I'll keep my fingers crossed and BD like it's the end of the world as i know it hehe!
I too am in the same boat. According to my chart it looks like I might have actually O'ed on cd11. Gotta wait a couple more days to find out though. Anyways all of my opk tests came back negative but I thought you were supposed to do those with FMU which is what I was doing which is why they came back neg. Then I read yesterday that its better to wait till later in the day to do the test.:dohh: But yesterday morning's test was darker than all the others I had done but not quite a full positive so I'm thinking that it must have been indicating the end of my surge. I'm guessing that on cd 11 if I had done a test around late afternoon/evening time it would have been positive.:dohh: Oh well!! OH and I BD'ed on cd8,9, and 11 and prolly again tonight(just for good measure!) so we hopefully caught the eggie. So now I get to play the hurry up and wait game.:-= And patience is not my strong suit! :blush: lol. So hang in there Aflight and know that you are not alone in this and I'm in the exact same boat as you!:hugs: Keep us posted!
thanks kimberly. i worry about the slightest little thing guess all i can do is bd as much as i can and go for cd21 test which will actually have to be cd22 cos it falls on a sunday and hope for the best. just hope i can get the test results back quick!
You and me both! I also go for my progesterone check on cd21. Hoping for good news for both of us! Hang in there, I know how miserable it is to wait!:hugs:
same thing is happening to me the lines on my opks are faint but my temp has dipped and shot right up its so confusing isnt it!
I hope everything works out.

I'm on my first cycle of clomid and I'm on cd 30 something.....My temps are everywhere so I'm not sure when I ovulated and thats even if I did. :dohh:

Don't get discouraged with the first cycle its said that only 40% of women will ovulate on clomid on the first cycle. The other 70% go one to ovulatings during the second or more cycle.

I hope however, that unlike me.... you can pinpoint ovulation on ur first cycle with Clomid
Hey girls....what OPK brand are u using?

From experience the IC are by far the worst for me. They never really get positive. And from what my OBGYN said....u actually ovulate two days later after the positive IC opk. Weird right? Confusing as well.

I would try digital OPKs this way it will take the guessing game out.

I wish everyone the best.
think most of us on ere use IC opk ... digi so expensive arent they,i think every1 is different with them IC, every1's pos opk is different on them i mean ! ive kept mine so to compare nexxt mth but i do also do my monitor,do the IC along side monitor just2confirm i suppose :)

anna im exactley like u, worrying and that about nothing we can prob do anything about, if u didnt get a pos opk ur avin cd21 done anyways which will confirm it 4u....do u get a cd21 done every mth with clomid then2make sure uv O or not??
good luck,u WILL get there,maybe ur body is just gearing up for O :)
think most of us on ere use IC opk ... digi so expensive arent they,i think every1 is different with them IC, every1's pos opk is different on them i mean ! ive kept mine so to compare nexxt mth but i do also do my monitor,do the IC along side monitor just2confirm i suppose :)

anna im exactley like u, worrying and that about nothing we can prob do anything about, if u didnt get a pos opk ur avin cd21 done anyways which will confirm it 4u....do u get a cd21 done every mth with clomid then2make sure uv O or not??
good luck,u WILL get there,maybe ur body is just gearing up for O :)

So true.... One month I can get a positive and the next I don't get one even though I ovulated. lol They are so confusing.. Next cycle will be the first with digital ones thats if I ever get to a next cycle..... lol

Honey~~~ I noticed u are 6 dpo....I'm only 3 before you. I'm testing this weekend. when are u testing?
well my temp went down again this morning and FF now things I O'd on CD8!

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