I can understand that hun. I hit that point at one time too. Me and DH have been trying for 6 years for baby #1, and believe it or not, it does get a little easier because you will come to a point where you accept it but you will always still have that glimmer of hope. I go through what you are feeling too, and it is so hard and heartbreaking. After DH and I took a two year beak after trying for three years, it really helped. Well, we didn't really stop, we just stopped "trying" we were just not preventing and still, nothing happend, so for all those who say when you stop trying, it will happen, that is not always the case. We decided to give it another good try starting this past Feburary 2012 so, we have been trying agian for 5 months. Maybe you just need a break? I don't mean give up, I mean take time to relax and have sex for FUN and not for baby making. You would be surprised how taking a break can allow you to start new and feel refreshed, that is how those of us who have been trying for 6,7,8 or more years have kept our sanity. And hun, it doesn't have to be two years like me and DH did, it could be a cycle or two or maybe a year, who knows. Me and DH didn't plan on two years, it just happend that way. And boy let me tell you, when we decided to actually try again we both felt like we had a clean slate and the excitment you had when you first started to try comes back. I am sorry you are feeling bad, I just wanted to let you know that you are going to be ok. You may not be ready to accept it yet, and you may never accept it, but in order to truly move on you have to. Not to sound mean, I just know EXACTALLY how you are feeling, and until I accepted it, I felt like that all the time.