impatiently waiting movement


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2014
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I'm 19+2, and not sure I've felt movement yet....It's driving me crazy...i definitely haven't felt things the way a lot of people describe them (popcorn popping, wings flapping, etc...) I'm having this horrible mood where i swear i always look at the "normal" feelings pregnant women have at each new pregnancy thing and i swear mine always seem to be much less pleasant/different..."morning sickness"...all day aversion to food...."will get better around 12 weeks"...probably when mine was worst - more like 16/17...round ligament pain.....i won't even now I'm impatiently waiting, i feel lots of stomach gurgles/stretches, but it's fairly often/not what I'd imagine movement to feel like...i just feel so frustrated and anxious...

I've had a short ultrasound and i know HE'S in there abd moving around :) and i have my a/s Thursday and hope I'll relax/feel better after but i worry i won't...I catch myself hoping the 10 wks scoot by quickly so I'll KNOW I'll be bringing a baby home (part of me thinks all my worry comes from my mil having had amc at 19 weeks and my mom one at 22 and a coworker that delivered at 27 and lost her child....which rational me knows is silly because they're not me and had other risk factors...i just want my healthy boy already....and i have a long way to go....)
Hey hun, i didn't ever feel little flutters or anything either, i started to feel obvious movement around 20wks, like pokes and little kicks. Every woman experiences pregnancy differently so try not to compare yourself to others.. I know that's hard lol. And I feel the same, I just want to bring my baby home, pregnancy seems to go on forever! I'm sure you will start feeling movements in the next couple wks :)
I started feeling proper kicks at 18weeks but I am on my fourth baby. Every one is different and the kicks come at different stages for each women. So I wouldn't worry at all about it. Just relax and enjoy pregnancy. If you have no medical problems or excruciating pain, or pressure that feels like your baby is about to drop out then your fine :) I say if you have no reason to worry then don't.

In this pregnancy I have suffered badly with morning sickness, I'm 19weeks now and still suffering, I can't eat much have suffered with terrible headaches, I have BAD SPD where I find it difficult to walk around anywhere at all, I feel like my baby is going to drop out and I have an incompetent cervix where I have had to have a spinal and cervical stitch placed to stop my baby from being born too early.

I have gave birth to 2 preterm babies in the past and one didn't make it. I'm clinging to the hope that this baby stays put till atleast 24wks then I'll be happy. The point of me writing this is to say if there is something wrong with your baby you have a mothers instinct and you just know. There are massively huge signs that accompany preterm birth and you will know if something's going to happen. so if you arnt having any really bad pain or pressure or contractions then don't worry yourself you arnt the other people who have given birth early you are yourself and you will regret the worry of pregnancy,

I worry about this pregnancy on a daily basis from my last history and even my consultant told me yesterday I'm over worrying. I guess it's only natural to worry but sometimes it helps to think rational and calm our selfs as the worry isn't good xxx
Hey Hun, I'm 14 weeks today with my second baby and I haven't felt anything yet. Other women can feel baby move in the first tri, but I guess I'm not one of those women lol! With my first I didn't truly feel him move till 19 and a half weeks, so right close to where you are now. You'll feel it soon, don't worry :)
I didn't feel anything till 19 weeks. Have they checked if you have an anterior placenta? I know if you have an anterior placenta (which is nothing bad) you may not feel the baby move for quite some time.
I'm 15weeks with baby #2, I haven't felt any movement, and I can't help but worry. I know it's still early, but I keep reading and hearing about ladies who feel movement much sooner then this.

I remember with my first I didn't feel anything until about 21 weeks, and it was really random, nothing consistent until much later.
Im having baby #2 (4th pregnancy) and started to feel light movements last week at 17 weeks. I have an anterior placenta so expected not to feel it yet x
I had a crying fit around 19 weeks because I couldn't feel my baby. I have an anterior placenta and I kept reading things, some of which said I may never feel her. Low and behind a few days later I felt her. It started me lol. I was so happy. It will come for you.
My OB said not to expect definitive movement until around 20-22 weeks (and since I'm about 200lb, it could be as late as 24 weeks!). I bet you'll start feeling things soon. <3
I feel him! 20 weeks exactly! And im sure of it the past 2-3 days! Sooooo much better...haha atleast until my crazy self finds the next thing to worry about!

Hunny i too am around that weight (5'6"), but we did find out today i have a posterior it's coming!
Yay! Congrats, Tina! I also have a posterior placenta and am about 5'5", so I hope I get to feel movement at 20 weeks, too!
Congratulations tina426, Twinkle 3 and other mums-to-be! Hopefully you will feel your li'l ones movements soon and be reassured! May God bless you all with a healthy n happy baby when you are due.

:dust: :dust: :dust:
I think i was too hung up on trying to feel movement the way everyone has described...the popcorn, the flutters, etc...mine was none of that, he's literally just squirming and i can feel the squirm inside of me, almost like a muscle twitch (watching and feeling during a/s confirmed it....I'm guessing i felt him earlier and just lumped it in with round ligament pains)
I'm 24 weeks and still just flutters and pinches!! So annoying, I want to feel a kick!

I have an anterior placenta though so Dr isn't worried. Maybe you have an anterior placenta too?

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