Hi Ladies
I am currently around 5/6 DPO and this morning after wiping (sorry TMI coming up) I noticed a spec of bright red blood mixed in with lots of light brown and white clumpy CM. What on earth??? The CM part I think of well that could be anything but never had anything red blood related this early before-do you think 5/6 dpo way to early to poss be implantation?
I'm trying to remain realistic as we only managed to BD once around ovulation so very unlikely toresult in BFP but still cant help but hope.
Thanks for any advice!
only bding once can still make a baby.
when i got pregnant the last two times, we were not trying and only had sex once that month...he didnt even finish inside..and i still got pregnant...and the exact same thing happened a few months later. both ended in m/c tho. I only experienced IB once..and it was just the smallest amount of blood mixed in. it was the dead give away for me because the blood didnt continue and i never have got spotting before my period.