Yes witch, stay away from us! I've nothing more to report other than the more spotting though I really need to do something to take my mind off of it lol Please come back tomorrow and report, or I'll be wondering! x
Ive been feeling nausea, absiolutly shattered and achy.Sore boobs but thats eased today and also quite gassy. Not full on belches TMI but do youb know what I mean
Will you be testing tomorrow Kristy? If so let us know how you get on. I am doing one, although I'm not holding out a lot of hope since it will be a bit early to test. But you never know?! x
Well I got a BFN this morning. still not due AF for two days, and don't actually know for sure when i ovulated (had a relaxed attitude this month...till now! lol) So It quite possible that I ovulated/conceived later. Especially since those symptoms of possible 'implantation' only stopped yesterday. It would take a few more days to show up on a test right? Time will tell... lol Anyhow, spotting now completely stopped. Which is strange, cause AF for me usually follows very soon after the first appearance of anything resembling blood down there. Anyhow, how is everyone else? updates please x
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