I need help...I got pregnant with my first miracle at just 15 (obviously not planned) and I had a absolutely beautiful pregnancy. No symptoms, no complications, it was just easy and perfect. So I naturally thought second time around would be a breeze, it's been anything but that... I first started trying October of 2015 and I said I'll give it 5 months before I start to jump to conclusions thinking something was wrong. Well we kept trying and trying and nothing. I even started to feel like I wasn't ovulating cause I never showed signs nor did I ever get a positive on a ovulation kit... So cut the story short a little bit I had kept going back to the OB pleading to please figure out what was wrong with me because i'm sure as many of you know every month when you get that negative pregnancy test it hurts. So All they kept saying was that i'm young and it'll fix itself and we just need to time it better and nothing was wrong with me. I didn't wanna take that for a answer, there's no way you go from getting pregnant so easy to months of trying and nothing. So finally I demanded to my OB that I was referred over to a reproductive office and she finally agreed. My initial visit with my RD was amazing!!! FOR ONCE I felt like she was going to fix me. She said don't worry you're in good hands here I promise you're going to get pregnant and I left the office feeling so relieved that I was going to get answers and make progress!!! So I had to wait till my next cycle for us to move forward with any treatment and offfcourse my cycle decides to not come and be almost a month late. So I called the office let them now what was going on and what should we do, I came in for a HCG blood test which came back negative and 10g of provera for 10 days. I started taking it and noticed the next morning intense cramping in my upper stomach area which I knew was associated with taking the medication. Called the nurse let her know what was going on and she said that's not a normal side effect and to continue on taking it, so I did... By the 3rd night of taking it I was in so much pain I couldn't even function and knew I had to stop taking this pill... I called again in the morning and was very adamant to her that I know that's what was doing it to me but I was trying to push thru because obviously I wanna brung a period so we can continue with treatment. She said for now to stop immediately because my health is more important and they would figure out moving forward what to do. So luckily God granted my prayer and within one day of coming off the pill I got a period!!! But creepy thing is I've only had barely one day of true bleeding and it sees to have become extremely faint and basically stop... What does that mean? Has anyone else experienced this? Was it even a real period. So this morning I go for my ovarian preserve blood work!!! I'm so excited to hear back results and hopefully begin fertility meds!