Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Now that I am in heading way into the last trimester, is it normal to get lower back pain? I have read that lower back pain could be a sign of labor, but mine is not constant and I am not having contractions or other symptoms...other than hip discomfort too. It is not horrible bad, but pretty uncomfortable. I was not sure if this was just a pregnancy thing or if the bed rest is making it worse. I have heard that the 3rd trimester can get pretty uncomfortable. :cry:

Back pain is very normal as baby gets bigger. Back pain associated with labour is pretty intense and accompanied by other signs which indicate labour versus stretching pains. It's difficult to describe the differenc if you haven't experienced it, but if the pains come in waves, are accompanied by tightenings and make it difficult to sleep, then it's worth getting checked.

Normal back pain is usually eased with rest and a hot water bottle, labour pain definitely isn't. I always had back and pelvic pain in later pregnancy - it can be pretty intense but isn't labour. Take care xx
Hey ladies,

hope you're all doing great, and your bubbas are getting bigger and stronger.

Just wanted to say that, since I can't participate as frequently as Lizzie does at the moment, feel free to pm me with questions etc. and I'll get back to you asap. I'm not the guru Lizzie is, but will try my best to help.

Hi Lizzie and friends... I'm new here! I'm 26 weeks now, FTM, going to be 27 on thursday. I was diagnosed with IC on the day of my 20 weeks scan. My cervix measured 3.6cm with internal os funneling upto 1 cm in width and 2.5 cm in depth. 1cm at the external os was closed. So I was given a cerclage. Had a followup after 10 days of cerclage and found the length of cervix to be 3.6cm with internal os still funneling upto 1 cm in width and 1.5 cm in depth. 2 cm at the external os was closed. But it closed back up to about 1 cm which was an improvement.

After this, I was advised SBR with only washroom/shower privileges. Been 6 weeks of bed rest now and I have not had any u/s to check the cervical length all this time. I take weekly 17P shots starting from my 23rd week. 4 shots done so far. Have been meeting the doc frequently, yet no cervix check. She asked for a scan only at 32 weeks. But since we requested her for as u/s to make sure that bed rest and the shots have been working, she prescribed us for 25th Aug, that is after I complete 28 weeks. It will be a growth scan + cervix check. I'm very very nervous about it. Havent had any check so far and I have been imagining my cervix to be 3.6 cm all this time. I'm really scared if it will be lesser than that or shortened to unacceptable levels :(. My doc swears by saying that cervix would definitely shorten by 28 weeks and that is why she recommends a growth scan only at 32 weeks. I'm so scared abt this check ladies! Need some support/advise! :(
so yesterday i started feeling really sick. runny nose/headache/sore throat/body aches. etc. today i threw up and i haven't felt nausea in about a week. im scared i have an infection from the cerclage.
Ich i doubt that a cerclage related infection would give you these symptoms...i had 3 cerclage related infections and all i ever got was funny discharge. Did you call your doc?

Mayaa- hi and welcome to the thread. To me it sounds weird as to why she would only check after 28 weeks as after 28 weeks the risk of ic decrease ( baby is too big to actually fall through). On the other hand since you re already on sbr and the shots maybe there is nothing else you can do so you better not poke things around with scans? I m sure lizzie will be able to help more though. Ow and 3.6 cm to me sound pretty good actually, dont really understand the other measurements and their severity. Good luck hun, stick around, this thread us a life saver
i have not called him. i have not noticed any change in discharge. i think i just got worried because i threw up and have not done that in over a week..
I had a similar thing a couple of weeks ago. I felt sick and was wretching quite a bit and I had a pain in the top of my tummy. I rang the hospital and they wanted me to go in to check that I didn't have a urinary tract infection. They did all the checks and everything was fine. Also, the consultant scanned my cervix (abdominally) while i was there which was a bit of a bonus.
You should ring - I really don't think the cerclage has got infected - but I know that the midwives/doctors know how worried us high risk ladies get and they don't mind checking us over for reassurance. xx

Hope you feel better soon1:flower:
Hi All,

Sorry to gate crash....

I have been following this thread for some time, starting just after I lost my little one at 21 weeks back in Dec last year. I am now 12 weeks and will be (hopefully...I think!) be getting the stitch placed at 13 weeks.

Back ground info...I had my first dd at 26 weeks, due to infection (in the placenta), fairly normal labour, pain dilation etc, she is fine now. My 2nd dd was born at term, however at 23 weeks they noticed I had a short cervix with funneling and put me on progesterone, I didn't have any problems. Having gone to term before the drs were not too 'concerned ' with my third. They were not going to do a cervical length scan until 23 weeks, I had my reservations and arguments with them but they wouldn't budge, I went with it thinking they know best...hindsight is great :( At 7 weeks I had a major bleed and they thought I'd probably lost a twin, the bleeding continued until 13/14 weeks, then ceased. Then at 21 weeks I presented with light bleeding and was 4 cm dilated, no pain. Dr was going to do an emergency cerclage, however when the time came i was too far gone and I delivered shortly afterwards. My Dr diagnosed me with IC.

After much debate we decided to try again...I am now 12 weeks. They are planning a McDonald stitch at 13 weeks and progesterone suppositories, my dr does not believe in bed rest at all, although I think I may do this on my own.

Sorry for the long questions are...

I have just started brown spotting, very light, baby fine. I'm not seeing the consultant until Wednesday, will they still go ahead with stitch if i am bleeding/spotting?

I am already feeling some pressure down there, same as last time, will this get worse with the stitch or will the stitch help to improve this?

If I have a short cervix at this point, will it be possible to still place the stitch?

Sorry I'm starting to panic now that it's getting closer, the sudden appearance of spotting is not helping either.

Thank you for any responses x
hi honey. im sorry for your loss. i cant answer many questions as this is my first cerclage also (we lost our daughter at 23 weeks in February) but i wanted to wish you the best of luck :hugs: the girls on here are great
Faibel - this is my first stitch so I font know much but just wanted to wish you good luck.

Maya - hope it all goes well for you too hon. I'm new to all this IC stuff but I know at 14 wks my cervix was 3.2cm and 2.9 at 18 wks. I'd love to have 3.6 cm like you, that's a good length. Good luck.
im going to the dr tonight.. my temperature is 99.3. do you think this can harm the baby
? i called my ob and he said its not cerclage related and to go see my primary care doctor bc it is most likely a virus or strep throat etc. im just worried about the fever
Hi all,

Mind if i join you, im currenty 6 weeks had 2 tvc stitches that both failed last pregnancy so i am looking to get a abdominal stitch this time around, anyone ont he thread got one of those and what week did they put it in.
welcome .. i don't know much about abdominal stitches but good luck :hugs:

well i have a sinus infection. now i have to take antibiotics. i am prone to yeast infections when taking antibioitcs =[ i am taking a probiotic with it. would it be really bad to get a YI with my stitch?
Thank you Chistiana and Alisa! :)

Lizzie, waiting for your response hun! :)
Does anyone know whether pelvic floor exercises are ok to do with a stitch? I haven't been doing any - I was going to wait and ask my consultant when I see him at 30 weeks. I have had a bit of groin pain on the left side - it just all feels a bit weak down there. As this is my third I really could do with doing some but don't want it to annoy my cervix/stitch.
Hi all,

Mind if i join you, im currenty 6 weeks had 2 tvc stitches that both failed last pregnancy so i am looking to get a abdominal stitch this time around, anyone ont he thread got one of those and what week did they put it in.

Sorry to hear the TVCs didnt work. There is a yahoo group called Abbyloopers, its 99% women with TAC so if youre not already on it, sign up. There are some doctors who also post on that site, like DR Haney who is i think the world expert on TAC, so you will get good advice on there. good luck hon x
Congratulations on your pregnancy agiboma! Not many people have TAC s but I know that they are very effective. I think they can be left in place afterwards as well. Good luck!:flower:
Hi Lizzie and friends... I'm new here! I'm 26 weeks now, FTM, going to be 27 on thursday. I was diagnosed with IC on the day of my 20 weeks scan. My cervix measured 3.6cm with internal os funneling upto 1 cm in width and 2.5 cm in depth. 1cm at the external os was closed. So I was given a cerclage. Had a followup after 10 days of cerclage and found the length of cervix to be 3.6cm with internal os still funneling upto 1 cm in width and 1.5 cm in depth. 2 cm at the external os was closed. But it closed back up to about 1 cm which was an improvement.

After this, I was advised SBR with only washroom/shower privileges. Been 6 weeks of bed rest now and I have not had any u/s to check the cervical length all this time. I take weekly 17P shots starting from my 23rd week. 4 shots done so far. Have been meeting the doc frequently, yet no cervix check. She asked for a scan only at 32 weeks. But since we requested her for as u/s to make sure that bed rest and the shots have been working, she prescribed us for 25th Aug, that is after I complete 28 weeks. It will be a growth scan + cervix check. I'm very very nervous about it. Havent had any check so far and I have been imagining my cervix to be 3.6 cm all this time. I'm really scared if it will be lesser than that or shortened to unacceptable levels :(. My doc swears by saying that cervix would definitely shorten by 28 weeks and that is why she recommends a growth scan only at 32 weeks. I'm so scared abt this check ladies! Need some support/advise! :(

Hi Maya and welcome :flower:

Your cervix even when funneled without a stitch was actually a really good length - to have over 3cms of remaining closed cervix is excellent and a very good starting point from which to get stitched. Post stitch the funneling is not really important because the stitch is unlikely to allow further funneling below it, and is there to prevent full dilation (which it seems to be doing).

Your doc is correct to say that up to 28wks is when we'd expect a weak cervix to do most of its changing, and it wouldn't be abnormal to see shortening up until that point. To have 2cms remaining below the stitch after the surgery is again excellent, and even if your cervix were to shorten further (which it might), any catastrophic changes are extremely unlikely and rare.

Some docs really don't believe in scanning constantly once a stitch is in plce, mainly because all that can be done is being done and to monitor too closely will only cause stress. I felt hugely reassured by 3weekly scans, but suspect I only got them because I was carrying twins. If and when I have another pregnancy I'm betting she'll stitch me at 12wks, scan once around 18, maybe another at 24 then I'll be left alone.

I am absolutely certain honey that if your cervix had dilated through the stitch (which is the only concern and would mean the stitch had effectively failed), you would,know about it by now. There would be bleeding and pain and your body would respond with signs of ptl. Some shortening and/or funneling is to be expected and not cause for concern once the stitch is there. It does stop further cervical changes due to weakness but cannot prevent ptl.

I remember how scary it was not knowing how my cervix was behaving, and being convinced it must have changed, but it didn't. It had funneled right to the stitch at 25wks but beyond that didn't change at all - and that was with the equivalent of a full term uterus pressing down on it. Hard as it is, try not to worry sweetie, everything g sounds just fine to me :hugs:
Eek, sorry ladies, trying desperately to answer some more posts and my iPad is playing silly buggars - get half way through and it bounces me off the Internet! Bear with me, will try to get to lap top and start again. Needless to say, faibel all will be well with doing stitch - was trying to give you an in depth reply when lost connection.

Back as soon as I can xx
its okay lizzie. just wondering about if it would be really bad to get a YI with my stitch because i am seriously prone to them during antibiotics.

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