Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Thanks Lizzie, I have been sent home to rest and have to go back tomorrow to see my consultant so will keep you posted tomorrow x x
Hi girls,

WOW I can't believe my thread is still going! It's been two years now since I started this thread and I am pregnant again (around 9 weeks now) and am organising to go in and have a stitch so thought I'd drop by and read up on it again.

And I see the wonderful Lizzie is still helping everyone, she is a godsend, thank you Lizzie!

I have to admit I'm feeling rather scared about going through it all again but I'm living proof it can work. In fact, it worked so well my darling daughter didn't want to come out in the end and stayed in till nearly 38 weeks. I'm already having all the familiar symptoms so am keeping all crossed for 12 weeks, I just want to get the stitch in there and then I might be able to relax a bit more. Mind you, not much relaxing goes on with a 20 month old! And I am feeling horrendously nauseous 24 hrs which I'd forgotten about. Still, all in a good cause as they say!

Wishing everyone luck with their little one's and hoping all our stitches do their job!

M xx
congrats on your pregnancy! thanks for starting this thread :hugs:
congrats on your pregnancy! thanks for starting this thread :hugs:

Thanks Ich28, but really I can't take any credit, it is all the people who have contributed to the thread, amazing! When I first looked on the internet two years ago as a terrified mummy-to-be I could hardly find out a thing about Incompetent Cervix but now we've all got chatting there's so much info which is fantastic. And of course, people like Lizzie (there are too many of them to name them all !!) who take the time day after day to answer all the questions and share their knowledge.

What a great site this is! Hooray for babyandbump !!

Brilliant news mpg! Congratulations :happydance:
I remember reading your story - you had your stitch quite late on didn't you?
You should be able to relax a lot more in this pregnancy as your having your stitch early.
I'm doing it the opposite way round! I had my stitch early last time and caried on as normal til 37 weeks. This time my stitch was done later and I've put myself under house arrest and am doing as little as possible. I'm actually quite good at doing nothing - I think I've found my calling!

I had horrible morning sickness with this pg too. It really is rubbish when you want to eat healthy food but can't stomach it or even think about it. Hope it passess soon. xx
i was very sick with Sophia (went into ptl at 23 weeks :cry:) but this pregnancy i have not been sick at all. it really worried me up until a few weeks ago. i was convinced i would MC or something. I got my stitch in at 12 weeks. My doc has told me to carry on as normal except for lifting etc. Also with Sophia we never knew i had IC. I started bleeding one day (23w6d) and i went to the dr and they said i was 4cm dilated and my membranes were ruptured. of course this was after i had been begging them for an ultrasound or atleast internal exam for a week because i felt pressure etc knew something was wrong. I didnt understand how this could be happening if i was not in pain. The pain came later of course. I delivered 8 hrs later and she was with us for a bit over an hour.
Hi LindyB,

Congratulations to you too! Lovely to hear from you. Glad you are managing some rest time, it is absoultely essential, I too was very good at that last time, sadly I won't be doing much of that this time as my toddler has other ideas... ha ha.

In fact just to add to my fun day (not!) she is sporting a fever of 102 and requiring my full attention. I can hardly bear to cuddle her as she is like a roast potato, poor lamb.

All my good mothering has gone out the window and we're clasped to each other lying down watching back to back Peppa Pigs and Charlie & Lola's sipping iced drinks.

Oh the glamorous life I lead!

Wishing you lots of luck with this pregnancy, I see you're at 27 weeks which is fantastic. Keep up the good work!!

Lots love xxx
i was very sick with Sophia (went into ptl at 23 weeks :cry:) but this pregnancy i have not been sick at all. it really worried me up until a few weeks ago. i was convinced i would MC or something. I got my stitch in at 12 weeks. My doc has told me to carry on as normal except for lifting etc. Also with Sophia we never knew i had IC. I started bleeding one day (23w6d) and i went to the dr and they said i was 4cm dilated and my membranes were ruptured. of course this was after i had been begging them for an ultrasound or atleast internal exam for a week because i felt pressure etc knew something was wrong. I didnt understand how this could be happening if i was not in pain. The pain came later of course. I delivered 8 hrs later and she was with us for a bit over an hour.


So sorry to hear you lost little Sophia, that must have been so utterly heart breaking for you and your family. I can't even begin to imagine... You must have been beyond devastated. Sending you a huge hug. :cry::hugs:

I too had no pain when I went into labour at 23 weeks, my doctors mentioned a thing called Silent Labour (haven't heard that term again). But it is positive that you have a stitch in place this time keeping this little bean in snug and safe and I will keep everything crossed for you.

M xx
thanks ladies. i was very pleased to have a doctor who agreed to do the stitch electively. The first doctor i talked too (she was rude anyway) wanted to only give me a stitch in an emergency situation. I did not like the idea at all and immediately went hunting for a new doctor! He is great and we love him . mpg1502 i am sorry for your loss :hugs: i love the name Camilla by the way!
Hey mpg - fab to see you here again :happydance:, and so so pleased to hear you're pregnant again! Congratulations :flower:

I think you're gonna be fine is time around, especially when you get your elective stitch. Have they agreed to an elective this time?

As for morning sickness, in my experience it usually signals a girl - I was far more sick with Evie than I ever was with the boys (even when I had two on board). I knew the twins were boys because I just wasn't ill enough to have a girl in there lol.

Mpg, do you mind me asking how ttc was this time around? I know that you were concerned about age and another chance to have more babies. I had two miscarriages last year at 38, but had no trouble conceiving. I am always keen to hear from older ladies that have successfully conceived and (most importantly), made the bean stick! I am so aware of age now, and fret that soon it will be impossible to conceive - I am 39 now, 40 next March. The pressure of that looming certainly can't help the situation. Would love to hear your thoughts honey.

Soooo pleased to see you back :hugs:
Thanks Lizzie, I have been sent home to rest and have to go back tomorrow to see my consultant so will keep you posted tomorrow x x

Try not to worry tonight sweetie, you have remained stable since the stitch which is hugely significant in the fight against IC :hugs:
Starting to gear up for a mag wash as my terbutaline is slowly becoming less effective. I had five contractions in an hour and that was an hour after my first dose of terbutaline. It was another hour before they started slowing. I still take precardia as well because these contractions get going and just dont want to stop.

Atleast the receptors fill up slowly so I have time to mentally prepare for the two days of magnesium sulfate hell. :haha:
Starting to gear up for a mag wash as my terbutaline is slowly becoming less effective. I had five contractions in an hour and that was an hour after my first dose of terbutaline. It was another hour before they started slowing. I still take precardia as well because these contractions get going and just dont want to stop.

Atleast the receptors fill up slowly so I have time to mentally prepare for the two days of magnesium sulfate hell. :haha:

*shudders* magnesium sulfate...does a body good...ick...necessary evil.
Good luck with everything on that.
Is that an umbrella cockatoo in your avatar? My parents have a Molluccan cockatoo. He is a noisy guy.
It sure is (an evil medicine and my cockatoo). We have six birds, one Quaker, three conures, and two umbrella cockatoos. I loooooooove them.
WTB I have no experience of any of the drugs which you are having to take but it doesn't sound nice. Thinking of you and wishing you well xx:flower:
Hey mpg - fab to see you here again :happydance:, and so so pleased to hear you're pregnant again! Congratulations :flower:

I think you're gonna be fine is time around, especially when you get your elective stitch. Have they agreed to an elective this time?

As for morning sickness, in my experience it usually signals a girl - I was far more sick with Evie than I ever was with the boys (even when I had two on board). I knew the twins were boys because I just wasn't ill enough to have a girl in there lol.

Mpg, do you mind me asking how ttc was this time around? I know that you were concerned about age and another chance to have more babies. I had two miscarriages last year at 38, but had no trouble conceiving. I am always keen to hear from older ladies that have successfully conceived and (most importantly), made the bean stick! I am so aware of age now, and fret that soon it will be impossible to conceive - I am 39 now, 40 next March. The pressure of that looming certainly can't help the situation. Would love to hear your thoughts honey.

Soooo pleased to see you back :hugs:

Thanks Lizzie! re ttc well we weren't actually trying! We hadn't used any contraception believing that Camilla was just a one off as we had been trying for 10 years before I became pregnant with her at 40. I'm now 42 and this baby will be born just after my 43rd birthday.

We are completely baffled why I was unable to conceive at all in my 30's, a total mystery. We had tried clomid, IVF everything as well as the "more fun" way (haha).

So to be honest we were quite surprised, in a good way! After all that trying in my 30's both pregnancy's have happened naturally and when we haven't been trying. So I can only claim that it is true that when you stop trying bingo! Must be stress levels or something. But whatever it is I am truly grateful to be a Mummy, even at this late stage when most of my friends are years into the school run and getting much more rest!

The morning sickness, well least said is best. I was just the same with Camilla so could be another girl but I'm less dizzy this time so who knows, will keep you all posted!

Got a CVS in a couple of weeks time (dreading it but am high risk) then an elective stitch. And just remembering the moment that Camilla arrived means I know it is worth every single moment of pain and worry. Just to see that little pink bundle.... there's nothing like it!

Good luck to all the girls and our little mouses, lets all keep them in there as long as possible!

M xx
Hey mpg - fab to see you here again :happydance:, and so so pleased to hear you're pregnant again! Congratulations :flower:

I think you're gonna be fine is time around, especially when you get your elective stitch. Have they agreed to an elective this time?

As for morning sickness, in my experience it usually signals a girl - I was far more sick with Evie than I ever was with the boys (even when I had two on board). I knew the twins were boys because I just wasn't ill enough to have a girl in there lol.

Mpg, do you mind me asking how ttc was this time around? I know that you were concerned about age and another chance to have more babies. I had two miscarriages last year at 38, but had no trouble conceiving. I am always keen to hear from older ladies that have successfully conceived and (most importantly), made the bean stick! I am so aware of age now, and fret that soon it will be impossible to conceive - I am 39 now, 40 next March. The pressure of that looming certainly can't help the situation. Would love to hear your thoughts honey.

Soooo pleased to see you back :hugs:

I'm an older mummy and both last year and this year found conceiving very quick. We were convinced that it would take ages cos of my age (40 in Jan next year). How very wrong we were. Was 2mths last year and first month this year.
Quick few questions for you too if you dont mind answering them.
Does it hurt when they remove the stitch? Last year it bloody hurt, was worse than giving birth. It was done as an emergency tho and I did dilate around it. This year it was done early at 13wks.
Other question is how likely is stitch removal to trigger labour?
Awww, thanks ladies - love to hear stories of conception success in older women. Tbh we haven't found a difference in ease of conception between trying for #1 when I was 28, or #5 when I was 38! Always seems to happen within a month or two for us too - tho the twins took a little longer. I am convinced that pregnancy itself seems to kick start the ovaries into action, and conception is easier with a year or so of a prior pregnancy.

It is the miscarriages which have undermined my confidence. We very much feel that my dh's age is also a factor in this (he's older than me), and that might have tipped the balance for us.

Mpg - I know you must be concerned due to your age, but I have several friends who have just had their 1st, 2nd or 3rd babies after 41 and all are completely healthy. The fact that you have severe ms is actually a very good sign - it was the almost total lack of sickness in my last two pregnancies which indicated to me that miscarriage might happen. It wasn't a shock because I just didn't feel pregnant - a total departure from my usual pregnancy experience.

Pink hun, my stitches were removed both time under a spinal anaesthetic - first time I had one because they were preparing me for a possible section if they couldnt get Evie out, and second time I had an elective section and the stitch was removed after it. For that reason I cannot say if it hurt or not.

What I do know however is that most women report it as being uncomfortable rather than painful, so I'm guessing that much of your pain was likely labour rather than stitch related. A cervix dilating and in labour is a sensitive, painful one so contracting against a stitch, then having it removed would be painful.

It should be as simple as snipping the end, and pulling it through. If embedded they'll likely suggest an anaesthetic anyway to spare you unnecessary pain. Hope that helps x

Wtb, hope you're ok, and contractions have eased. Those babes are certainly testing your resolve sweet. let us know how you're getting on xx
We found the same thing with trying to conceive with our first. We tried for a year and I never got pregnant. I was so desperate to conceive and I think I made the whole experience pretty horrible for OH. Anyway we then had fertility tests and Tom's sperm count came back low and sluggish (can't remember the exact term!). He gave up smoking which is supposed to help. Three months later after he gave up I got pregnant! I found out the day that we got our appointment letter to see the fertility doctor at the hospital. I remember thinking "I can't get pregnant". I have read that giving up smoking takes 3 months to have an affect on a man's sperm and it definitely did with us. Though the major factor was probably me not stressing!

Lizzie would they know that the stitch was embedded before they start to take it out?

I'm 28 weeks tomorrow! Can't believe it. I can't believe the last 8 weeks. I've hardly been out the house, hardly done anything except lie down, read, watch a bit of tv in the evening. Surprisingly it's not been that bad!
I've had a whole week on my own. Tom and the kids are back tomorrow. I've actually really appreciated the peace and quiet - it's been lovely - just me and the dog! I don't think I'll ever get a whole week just to myself with absolutely nothing to do ever again!

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