=[ chovie im not sure what im doing. my doctor doesn't think the gel will do anything.. and i have just talked to my insurance company. the shots are going to cost me over 1000 dollars. I just got laid off last week and we cant afford this =[
Goodness!!! I am so sorry you were laid off. I know it is hard. I have been on the progesterone gel and it has helped all the way up to now, so if you cannot afford the shots, I really think the gel can help. If you haven't already, you might want to mention to your doctor your situation and see what options you have. Due to being placed on bed rest, my 12 weeks of FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) protection ran out August 3rd and the company I worked for let me go as well. It is definitely a struggle right now, but it will all be worth it once your baby comes. Since you were laid off, are you going to use the time to stay at home on bed rest or are you looking for another job? I have somewhat searched online for a "work at home" job, but most of the ones I have found do not seem legit.
Is the insurance just not covering the shots or are they that expensive because you are losing your insurance due to the loss of your job? Also, are the shots $1000/month or for the entire time?
Warning this is lengthy!!! LOL Assuming that the shots are so expensive due to the loss of insurance coverage... There are laws in place to where you have the right to keep your insurance by buying it back (laws may vary by state). COBRA laws allow you to buy back the insurance plan you were on and I believe by law, your company has 30 days from the time of your loss of job to send you something in the mail regarding this. Although it is expensive (because you have to pay 100% of your insurance premiums each month) it should still be a lot cheaper than having to pay $1000 for the progesterone shots, if the shots are $1000/month. At the moment I pay around $500/month to keep my insurance, but it is well worth it right now due to the doctor's fees, hospital fees, progesterone gel etc. As soon as I have my baby, I plan to either find a private plan or find another job that offers benefits...even though I would love to be a stay at home mom. It stinks because most private plans will not take a person on if they are already pregnant, which is considered a pre-exisiting condition to them. Fortunately, COBRA laws were put into place partly for this reason.
Check out this link regarding COBRA laws if it applies to you:
Also, not sure why you were laid off, but you might also check out the below link regarding FMLA laws for New Jersey. The company you worked for should have adhered to these laws as well:
Keep your chin up... You are in my prayers!