Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

I haven't felt error or moody at all since I started the progesterone.
guess what ladies. my cervix is 4cm i am thrilled! we were supposed to find out gender today but babys legs were crossed so have to wait 4 more weeks
Great cervical length there lch :) Shame about baby having it's legs crossed, that happened in my last pregnancy and we didn't get another scan either!
Hey ladies! It has been a while....I have seemed to have visitors almost every day lately and haven't been able to check the site. I hope all are well.

So I am 30 weeks tomorrow and had a doctor appointment today. During the sonogram the tech could get a good heartbeat (148bpm), but could not get my baby to move. I told her he has been a little more still the last couple of days and she told the doctor who decided to do a heartbeat/movement monitor on me. He started moving around once they gave me some juice and strapped the monitor on me and doctor even felt him kick. She didn't seem worried after the test, but now I am! She told me I should feel at least 4 kicks every hour and if not, to drink juice and lay on my side to see if he will start moving. Funny thing is, as soon as I returned home, he started moving quite a bit. I have read other sites that say I should set a time, twice each day, to count kicks and during those times, I should feel at least 10 kicks within 2 hours. All this counting is just more stressful! What has anyone else experienced with this?

I am also worried because I am funneling more now, but my cervix length is still 2.5cm and the baby (who has been head down almost the entire time) just now decided to go breach. I think he is confused lol and I am hoping he turns back around before time to deliver.

Crazy... I am not as worried about my cervix now, but now the movement and breach thing is going to be constantly on my mind. There is always something to worry about apparently. :wacko:

Thanks for listening (or reading) my venting.
Hmmm I think, but I'll have to double check or if someone else (lizzie) could confirm, that here we go on on 10 movements in a 12 hour period. If you have less than that then you're supposed to contact the maternity unit for advice or to go in and get monitored.

Your cervix still sounds fine though, even if you have funnelled to the stitch you still have the length and you're too far along now for the baby to just pop out without some contractions actively dilating your cervix open.
Ich - congrats, hon, brilliant cervical length. Never mind about gender, the important thing is that you're going through a safe pregnancy. You'll find out what you're carrying soon enough.:thumbup:

Chovie - or rather, Lizzie, how familiar does all this sound? Lizzie will surely remember how paranoid I got towards the third trimester with baby movement. Typical. Once the great danger of IC has passed, we need to find something else to worry about. Well, let me tell you this. I was exactly the same as you. I made innumerable visits to my local maternity triage, got wired with the fetal monitor innumerable times, and innumerable times I was sent off home. I was told that it's 10 movements in 24 hours, not 12. Actually, my doctor in Greece told me (but I was 34 weeks by the time I saw him, so perhaps this was different?) it's five movements per 24 hours. The juice/cold drink test is great. Lie down on your side and wait a couple of hours. If bubber doesn't move, then call triage- always, always call- but chances are, your bubba is absolutely fine. They tend to move far less, and their patters to be all over the place at this stage. But always, always call.

I'm waiting to read more success stories then. Brilliant, how brilliant guys.
Hey chovie! I just wanted to reassure you too... I was constantly worried about baby movement...all the googling and kick counts n not being able to actually count as many as i read made me super paranoid nut it was always nothing more than that! As long as bub kicks a few times throughout the day you re ok hun! Ad my doc put it "babies are allowed to have a quite day or two, no??"
Thanks so much for your responses...It really makes me feel better. He does seem to have lazy days. It is like he is active for a few days and then a couple days I feel like there is nothing I can do to get him to move. He has done this more than once to me. Lol. He is in his active stage right now again. I think he is going to be like his dad...Likes to play tricks on me! :dohh:

Ich - I am so happy that your cervix length is great. Are you still using the Crinone progesterone gel or did you decide to switch to the shots?
=[ chovie im not sure what im doing. my doctor doesn't think the gel will do anything.. and i have just talked to my insurance company. the shots are going to cost me over 1000 dollars. I just got laid off last week and we cant afford this =[
=[ chovie im not sure what im doing. my doctor doesn't think the gel will do anything.. and i have just talked to my insurance company. the shots are going to cost me over 1000 dollars. I just got laid off last week and we cant afford this =[

Goodness!!! I am so sorry you were laid off. I know it is hard. I have been on the progesterone gel and it has helped all the way up to now, so if you cannot afford the shots, I really think the gel can help. If you haven't already, you might want to mention to your doctor your situation and see what options you have. Due to being placed on bed rest, my 12 weeks of FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) protection ran out August 3rd and the company I worked for let me go as well. It is definitely a struggle right now, but it will all be worth it once your baby comes. Since you were laid off, are you going to use the time to stay at home on bed rest or are you looking for another job? I have somewhat searched online for a "work at home" job, but most of the ones I have found do not seem legit.

Is the insurance just not covering the shots or are they that expensive because you are losing your insurance due to the loss of your job? Also, are the shots $1000/month or for the entire time?

Warning this is lengthy!!! LOL Assuming that the shots are so expensive due to the loss of insurance coverage... There are laws in place to where you have the right to keep your insurance by buying it back (laws may vary by state). COBRA laws allow you to buy back the insurance plan you were on and I believe by law, your company has 30 days from the time of your loss of job to send you something in the mail regarding this. Although it is expensive (because you have to pay 100% of your insurance premiums each month) it should still be a lot cheaper than having to pay $1000 for the progesterone shots, if the shots are $1000/month. At the moment I pay around $500/month to keep my insurance, but it is well worth it right now due to the doctor's fees, hospital fees, progesterone gel etc. As soon as I have my baby, I plan to either find a private plan or find another job that offers benefits...even though I would love to be a stay at home mom. It stinks because most private plans will not take a person on if they are already pregnant, which is considered a pre-exisiting condition to them. Fortunately, COBRA laws were put into place partly for this reason.

Check out this link regarding COBRA laws if it applies to you:

Also, not sure why you were laid off, but you might also check out the below link regarding FMLA laws for New Jersey. The company you worked for should have adhered to these laws as well:

Keep your chin up... You are in my prayers! :hugs:
hello hun.
well see i can still keep my insurnace company for 12-18 months because i was laid off. thats the rules here.. if you are laid off and not fired you keep your insurance until the 18 months runs out or you get a new job.

so the cost is with insurance!!!! they told me without insurance it would be 5000 a week! 5000 FOR ONE SHOT!!! these people must come from some other planet..
Ask about custom blended vaginal suppositories as well. Your insurance might cover those too.
hello hun.
well see i can still keep my insurnace company for 12-18 months because i was laid off. thats the rules here.. if you are laid off and not fired you keep your insurance until the 18 months runs out or you get a new job.

so the cost is with insurance!!!! they told me without insurance it would be 5000 a week! 5000 FOR ONE SHOT!!! these people must come from some other planet..

That is great that you are able to keep your insurance, but Holy Cow!!! I didn't realize those shots were so expensive. It seems like the shots wouldn't be so expensive since they are fairly common. I know a girl on Medicaid who has been getting the shots and she only pays $80 per shot. I guess she gets it cheaper since it is government funded for her. Just doesn't seem right since we have to pay out the wazoo for our premiums. Medicaid and Chips are also both options; although, you have to be in a certain financial bracket to qualify.
tell her to PM me and ill give her the info for there patient assistance program - i just got approved for free shots for the remainder of the pregnancy
tell her to PM me and ill give her the info for there patient assistance program - i just got approved for free shots for the remainder of the pregnancy

Yay! So glad you just got approved!

She is actually scheduled to deliver tomorrow at 38 weeks along, so she no longer requires the shots. She is another incompetent cervix success story and she never had a cerclage; although she was on hospital bed rest for a couple of weeks. Just very reassuring to see other ladies make it to the finish line! :)
that is great. any reason they are inducing her? or does she need a c section?
Not sure. I think she is just being induced...I am not positive, but I think she was also having blood pressure issues, so maybe they are inducing her to prevent risks from that.?.
Hi ladies, I am pg with no 2, 13 weeks today and have a dd who is 2 and a half. I was diagnosed with IC first time round, cervix was 2cm and was having mild contractions. From 29 weeks was told to be on bed rest...went full term. From 38 weeks doc said I could walk around again and dd arrived 5 days later.
Have obviously been for my 12 week scan and told new doctor (now in different country) my history. He said he doesn't think I had IC...?! He has told me I can have stitch if I want... Will be so much harder to do bed rest with little one...think I want to go for it? It is good to see that some of you were ok with 2nd pregnancy, but I don't want to go through the stress of worrying about the possibility of it happening. If you had the option at this point would you have the stitch?
Lou - welcome, hon. I am one to always advise pro-stitch, and I believe that if your first doc diagnosed IC, he probably had good indications for it. An elective stitch until 16 weeks means that you won't have to go on bed rest (even though you'll still be expected to put your feet up at any given chance, and avoid house chores, exercising, intercourse and walking for too long). Second, most of the time, the stitch does work. Trust me when I say you'll be much more relaxed with a stitch in than without. So, I see every reason to go ahead with it, and none to dismiss it. Since your doctor is okay, go ahead and have a cerclage inserted, honey. x
Morning ladies. How is everyone.
For once I don't have a question. I just wanted to say I am laid on my bed watching my belly move by itself. I love that sensation x x x

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