I have been reading this thread for the past few days. I'm up to the April 2012 posts, and am starting to wonder if reading them is making me feel worse instead of better. I'm envious of the many women who seemed to be well into their third trimester. I lost my son at 24 weeks, in July. My heart is still so broken over his being gone. I should be 30 weeks now, and joyful about his arrival instead of so empty and sad.
I am a military spouse, and was in the middle of a move to a new state when I noticed mucus discharge. On the day we moved into our new house, I went to the hospital. In the space of 4 hours I went from 1.8 cm to .8 cm and dilated half a cm. I was given an emergency McDonald cerclage, at just about 20 weeks, and sent home to a house full of moving boxes for bedrest.
Two weeks later, my MFM saw that my membranes were bulging past the stitch, and I was 4-5 cm dilated, though I had no blood or other symptoms. I was taken by ambulance to a hospital with a NICU where I remained in Trendelenburg position for 5 days, using bedpans for all elimination, and not sitting up to eat. The doctors said I didn't need to be so strict, but I insisted. I was given magnesium sulfate and indocin.
On the morning of July 23, I began bleeding and contracting strongly and painfully,*at 15, then 10, then 5-7 minute intervals.*
I was 7 cm dilated, and my son's leg was intermittently in my vagina, but my water had not yet broken. The doctors warned that if my water broke, he would likely slip out with his neck caught in my cervix. They recommended a c-section, so we could get him safely to the NICU to give him the best possible chance of survival.*
My husband and I weighed the decision for hours, and cancelled two scheduled c-sections during that long day, hoping something would change and we could hold our baby longer.*
The contractions just kept getting stronger and closer, and we finally decided to listen to the many doctors trying to convince us to have a c-section. If I had it to do over again, I might have waited until he was born in the bed - but I made what seemed the best of two horrible choices, at the time.*
I am heartbroken and not emotionally ready to try again. But nonetheless, I am made even more sad that it will take me so long to be physically ready to try again. I had a
classical c-section, so the doctors have warned me to wait at least 9 mo ths, ideally
18, to try again. But I am almost 39, and don't have months of time to waste.
I know I have rambled on, but I just am not that great at organizing my thoughts these days, and I invite anyone to comment on any part of my experience that resonates.
I'm writing now, instead of lurking, because I am hopeful to get some support on this board. I hope my story doesn't frighten the ladies who are in the midst of an IC pregnancy now. Being honest, it's hard for me not to feel a bit jealous, but I do wish you all the best.