Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Hi Lou, I'm about to have my 4th stitch placed and I would also always go with this option rather than not. My last two pregnancies have gone all the way to term/overdue, one of them with an emergency stitch at 20 weeks and the last one with an elective stitch at 14 weeks. This time I am scheduled for 15 weeks, which for me will be the week after next. I am nervous about the procedure, I always am, but I know it's for the best and I would rather that, than the possibility of silently dilating and ending up in premature labour.

Good luck with whatever you decide xx
Hi Lou, I'm about to have my 4th stitch placed and I would also always go with this option rather than not. My last two pregnancies have gone all the way to term/overdue, one of them with an emergency stitch at 20 weeks and the last one with an elective stitch at 14 weeks. This time I am scheduled for 15 weeks, which for me will be the week after next. I am nervous about the procedure, I always am, but I know it's for the best and I would rather that, than the possibility of silently dilating and ending up in premature labour.

Good luck with whatever you decide xx

Thankyou, I think I should go for it. Did you have yours with local anesthetic or general?
Hello all,

I last came here last when I was pregnant with my youngest.
I have a didelphic uterus with double cervix and an incomplete vaginal septum, I also only have one ovary and Fallopian tube thanks to having a rare form of ovarian cancer back in 2007 when I was 20.

My eldest was a high risk pregnancy and I was closely monitored for cervical incompetence. Waters went a 37 weeks and he was born the next day.

My youngest didn't go so well,Dilatation at 22 weeks saw me rushed to theatre for an emergency stitch,which held well until I gt a water infection at 31 weeks but the registra failed o treat me :(
I ended up in prem labour which they couldn't stop and DS2 was born at 32+5.

He needed no breathing support thanks to the steroids and came home two weeks later exclusively breast fed!

We are now thinking of TTC but I have a few questions...

I understand I will have a stitch placed around 12-14 weeks? Are these more successful than emergency stitches?
I understand sex is a big no no until stitch removal?
Is all exercise off the cards? Is swimming allowed or is it an infection risk?
Does a stitch have to be removed under local in hospital?
Any tips on how to go the distance?
I really want a hwba2c but need to get to 37 weeks at least to do that..

Sorry for all the questions!

Unique - First of all, wow. Wow, you went through a LOT. Congrats on being so strong and optimistic.

To answer your questions, an elective stitch, placed between 13-16 weeks has an extremely high rate of success. It's placed there to stop your cervix from taking any initiatives :dohh:. An elective stitch does not necessarily equal bed rest, you should however put your feet up at any given chance, don't walk for too long, avoid house chores and, unfortunately yes, any form of exercise, and intercourse. Try to steer clear of infections. Wash yourself regularly (but don't douche), wear cotton undies (I used to sleep commando), eat tons of yogurt or take probiotics, avoid sugary foods as best as you can and get the nasty, bitter cranberry juice from a health store (or any sort of unsugared vit c really).

It may sound like a lot but to be fair, it's worth every second of agony, pain, stress, it's all so worth it. You've been there twice already so you know.

Good luck, hon.:flower:
Hi unique - I'm in a similar situation. I have unicornuate uterus which I understand is one of your didelphys'. so I'm being treated like a multiple pregnancy. I can't give you much advice as it's my first stitch but I can tell u my protocol for this preg if it helps at all as I've seen all the best high risk obs in UK so if you can't have faith in them who can you tryst eh...?

I had a stitch at 12+3. Cervical scan measurements every 3 wks but you could have less or more depending in how your cervix holds up. Urine culture every fortnight (not dip stick test) but this is cos I had group b strep and if found in my urine I have to take antibiotics. Which i have twice already. Progesterone suppositories from 18 wks. No sex, swimming, exercise. Bed rest was discouraged for me but dic said "you can go out for lunch or dinner if you go by car". Basic rule not to walk around too much or too long, keep my feet up, and no carrying heavy stuff like shopping or picking up toddlers etc...

Everyone is different though, so your doc may advise something totally different based on how your preg progresses but I just thought you might like to know my treatment seeing as we have similar uterine anomaly on top of the weak cervix. Good luck xxx
The elective stitch is much more effective then emergent hun.

My doctor is all for sex during the stitch. I am too scared though lol.

I was told to take it easy and i can have short walks. No swimming, no bath.

From what i have read, only removed under local if it gets embedded
Thanks for the replies ladies..
I'm a little gutted about swimming as I was hoping to stay fit/healthy by doing that when pregnant
I've got some weight I wanted to lose before ttc but I don't think that I will lose it in time if that makes sense? I'm trying very hard though!
It's going to be so hard to not do much, I work part time in the community and my boys re 2 and 3!
Thanks so much for your responses...It really makes me feel better. He does seem to have lazy days. It is like he is active for a few days and then a couple days I feel like there is nothing I can do to get him to move. He has done this more than once to me. Lol. He is in his active stage right now again. I think he is going to be like his dad...Likes to play tricks on me! :dohh:

Ich - I am so happy that your cervix length is great. Are you still using the Crinone progesterone gel or did you decide to switch to the shots?

This is exactly the same as me at the moment. i'm the same gestation as you too. As soon as I say to someone "This baby is really active" I don't feel anything for ages. Whenever I ring maternity triage to say I'm worried that I haven't felt any movements then the baby starts moving! xx
Hi Lou, I'm about to have my 4th stitch placed and I would also always go with this option rather than not. My last two pregnancies have gone all the way to term/overdue, one of them with an emergency stitch at 20 weeks and the last one with an elective stitch at 14 weeks. This time I am scheduled for 15 weeks, which for me will be the week after next. I am nervous about the procedure, I always am, but I know it's for the best and I would rather that, than the possibility of silently dilating and ending up in premature labour.

Good luck with whatever you decide xx

Thankyou, I think I should go for it. Did you have yours with local anesthetic or general?

I had it done under a local hun xx
Hi ladies :flower: Hope everyone is well?

Sorry I've been gone for a few days, visitors are staying at the moment, and my tribe have been unwell so a lethal combination lol. If anyone wants my thoughts specifically on anything, then please let me know and I'll answer direct - its quicker than me trawling back through all the pages I've missed. I really don't mind and would like to help if I can.

PS - Hi uniquex - not on Facebook honey, but you could pm me any time you like with questions. As for you queries here, the other ladies have said it all really. Elective stitching is very effective, swimming is not advised but once you've reached a 'safe' gestation it probably wouldn't do any harm. If for you the benefits outweighs the low risks, then it might be ok. Take care and good luck with ttc :hugs:
I have been reading this thread for the past few days. I'm up to the April 2012 posts, and am starting to wonder if reading them is making me feel worse instead of better. I'm envious of the many women who seemed to be well into their third trimester. I lost my son at 24 weeks, in July. My heart is still so broken over his being gone. I should be 30 weeks now, and joyful about his arrival instead of so empty and sad.

I am a military spouse, and was in the middle of a move to a new state when I noticed mucus discharge. On the day we moved into our new house, I went to the hospital. In the space of 4 hours I went from 1.8 cm to .8 cm and dilated half a cm. I was given an emergency McDonald cerclage, at just about 20 weeks, and sent home to a house full of moving boxes for bedrest.

Two weeks later, my MFM saw that my membranes were bulging past the stitch, and I was 4-5 cm dilated, though I had no blood or other symptoms. I was taken by ambulance to a hospital with a NICU where I remained in Trendelenburg position for 5 days, using bedpans for all elimination, and not sitting up to eat. The doctors said I didn't need to be so strict, but I insisted. I was given magnesium sulfate and indocin.

On the morning of July 23, I began bleeding and contracting strongly and painfully,*at 15, then 10, then 5-7 minute intervals.*

I was 7 cm dilated, and my son's leg was intermittently in my vagina, but my water had not yet broken. The doctors warned that if my water broke, he would likely slip out with his neck caught in my cervix. They recommended a c-section, so we could get him safely to the NICU to give him the best possible chance of survival.*

My husband and I weighed the decision for hours, and cancelled two scheduled c-sections during that long day, hoping something would change and we could hold our baby longer.*

The contractions just kept getting stronger and closer, and we finally decided to listen to the many doctors trying to convince us to have a c-section. If I had it to do over again, I might have waited until he was born in the bed - but I made what seemed the best of two horrible choices, at the time.*

I am heartbroken and not emotionally ready to try again. But nonetheless, I am made even more sad that it will take me so long to be physically ready to try again. I had a
classical c-section, so the doctors have warned me to wait at least 9 mo ths, ideally
18, to try again. But I am almost 39, and don't have months of time to waste.

I know I have rambled on, but I just am not that great at organizing my thoughts these days, and I invite anyone to comment on any part of my experience that resonates.

I'm writing now, instead of lurking, because I am hopeful to get some support on this board. I hope my story doesn't frighten the ladies who are in the midst of an IC pregnancy now. Being honest, it's hard for me not to feel a bit jealous, but I do wish you all the best.
A few more things I wanted to mention, in case they are helpful for others:
1. I had a HSG before my pregnancy, and they told me I had an arcuate uterus. They were never more specific than that, so I don't know if I have a septate or anything, though I asked to see images from the procedure.
2. I had spotting daily from week 6 to 12, though they never could explain why. I wentvto a private doctor for one visit to get progesterone, because my military doctor refused to give it. I had miscarried last year at 6 weeks, and I had convinced myself it was due ti low progesterone, though of course it could have been for any reason. I took
progesterone orally from week 6 to 14.
3. In week 19, I had an anatomic scan that showed the baby was growing wonderfully. They measured my cervix abdominally that day, and it was over 4 cm. That night, I
passed some tissue, which scared me a great deal. I went back the next day and they did a vaginal us and saw that my cervix was 3 cm and funneling. I begged for a cerclage, and they said my length was still long enough, and there was no way to know if it actually had shortened, because it had been measured two different ways. They said there was some "debris" in the funnel, and told me to come back the next week. When I returned, they found that the debris had moved into my cervical canal, but it was closed above and below the debris. They said all was fine, and I would be safe to drive myself to our new state. Two days after is where the rest of my story began, which is posted above. I will never know if things would be different if they had given me a cerclage as I had begged them to do, or if my move had not occurred right in the middle of the most worrying weeks of an IC pregnancy.
Katece -

I am truly so sorry for your loss. I know it is hard right now to read others' posts and to think about all the "what ifs". Everyone copes differently, but for me, I had to temporarily not look at anything baby related until I healed some; however, I did feel the need to talk about it to others. It really does help to have support! The "what if's" can make it even harder. Unfortunately, as with most 2nd trimester losses, we don't learn about these things until after we have experienced a loss.

I have had 2 miscarriages (one at 21 weeks) and I know it can crush all your hopes and dreams. You will find that a lot of the ladies on the forum have had miscarriages in their 2nd trimester and a lot have had successful pregnancies following. There is still hope!

We are here for you and you are in my prayers! :hugs:
katece - im so so sorry for your loss honey.. i lost my daughter in February at 23 weeks and 6 days. It is utterly heart breaking and the worst thing anyone can go through. Your loss sounds a lot like mine, my doctors wouldn't listen to me when i knew something was wrong and i constantly wonder what would have been if they had checked my cervix a week prior to my loss like i kept asking. I called every day for a week. I am so sorry you have gone through this. I think its important that you don't give up. Allow yourself the time to grieve and don't question any of your feelings. I am wondering why you got a C section. My baby was breech too but they actually wouldn't let me get one. For some reason in the moment i didnt want to go through delivery. My water also had never broken. They never mentioned anything about her neck . Im sorry that you had to get a C section and now have a long recovery time. That being said I do know of people who have gotten pregnant before the 9-18 months. My friend got prengant 6 months aftre a C section. Next time, you should get an elective stitch, done around 12-14 weeks. These have the best success rate. Make sure you get a doctor you are comfortable with. I have a new doctor and i really love him. Lots of :hugs: and we are all here for support
Katece- yet another heartbreaking, alas infuriating story of a loss happening because of medical negligence. Reading stories like that make me fume. I'm so, so very sorry. Most of the ladies here can relate. They experienced such losses themselves, so you're sure to get plenty of support here.

If you've read until April 2012 then you've read my case, and seen how many times I was laughed at for having an elective cerclage with no previous loss. The protocol in Greece is that early funneling is a good indication of a cerclage necessity length aside. I am now considering filing a complaint against the NHS registrar that laughed at my face and even refused to check if my amniotic fluid was leaking. Criminal, criminal negligence in my opinion.

In any case, the one thing I can help you with is re your c-section. My gyno (and he's one of the best in the world) told me that after three months I can start trying for a baby again. Some say six months, some don't say anything. I know different doctors say different things, but if my doctor says it's three months then I trust him. The only thing is that you're not going to have a vaginal birth. It's three years from a c-section that a VBAC can occur.

I was also on progesterone since day one, until about week 12/13. Pills+injections, every time I saw spotting.

I'm not sure where you're based, but if you want to travel abroad and have the stitch done, I can recommend my own doctor. His office arranges accommodation from people abroad as he has plenty of foreign patients. PM me if you want.
Katece I am so sorry for your loss and the difficult time you are going through. I would like echo what LaRockera said about medical staff questioning her elective stitch. I had an elective stitch with my second child, I hadn't suffered a 2nd trimester loss and my first wasn't born too early really - 34 weeks. But I felt I needed it after I had had repeated procedures on my cervix years before. Most of the doctors/midwives made comments that I didn't need it during that pregnancy. So for my third pregnany my consultant and I decided to watch and wait and my cervix definitely did funnell and lengthen and I had a stitch placed later with less cervix to work with. Obviously I was terrified and have had to do moderate bed rest etc.
I know a lot of people will tell you not to read anything online about pregnancy etc as they don't want you to get more upset. But you sound a bit like me in that when my youngest child was diagnosed with his disabilities, all my friends and familiy tried to stop me from thinking about/reading about these issues - they wanted to take my mind off it. However I found that I needed to know as much as possible to help me to understand what had happened and move on. You will have read all the success stories on this forum and will see that you will have a baby.
Lizzie knows everything about this subject so you should PM her because I think she'll be really good at commenting on the specifics in your situation.

Take care - lots of hugs to you and your hubby xxx:hugs:

Sorry about everything you have had to go through:nope:
But I will just say that I have had two second trimester losses at 22 weeks and 23 weeks. It was only after my second loss that I was told a stitch would be needed in future pregnancies. Everyone is different and copes differently with it all but I was very much determined to try straight away and have a successful pregnancy which so far I am as I'm now at nearly 32 weeks. I wouldn't have been able to do it without family's support.
Wishing you all the luck Hun :hugs: xxx
Katece - I'm so sorry for your loss hunni. I lost my first daughter at 24+6 and in the next 2 pregnancies was given the watch and wait approach on my cervix. I ended up with 2 emergency sutures one at 24 weeks and one at 20 weeks. I was lucky enough to go to 32 weeks with the first and full term with the second. In my last pregnancy I had an elective suture and never had any issue through the rest of the pregnancy. Again this time I will be having an elective suture placed next week.

Personally I would see another doctor and maybe consider seeking advice about the treatment you were given by your last doc. For doctors not to listen to patients when there is a legitimate reason for concern is unacceptable in my opinion. In fact in the pregnancy where I got my suture at 20 weeks, I was funnelled and they tried to send me home, I stood my ground and refused to go until I'd had a suture placed as I knew by then what the potential outcome would have been if I had not of had it done.

Again I'm so sorry for your loss :hugs:
Im wondering if you lovely ladys could help/give some advice.

I had 2 previous preterm babys, 1st 36 weeks and 2nd at 32 weeks. i was told if i had
another i would need a stich put in place.( i moved area at this point

when i found out i was pregnant again i asked straight away for the stich to be put in only to be told by the doctor that the nhs do not do them anymore. i was in and out of hospital with sickness/dehydration and pain in my lower belly from 8 weeks -12 weeks. during this time i was given 9 sti tests as no one listened to me that i had the same partner and we was clean. during one of the examinations i was told my cervix was open. i once again asked for a stich and got refused.

Now i have moved back to where i was from and they have made an urgent referal to see someone about getting a stich put in i am 18 weeks (was 17 when refered) but i have been told i cant be seen until not this thurs but next thurs il be over 20 weeks.

Where will i stand about getting a stich put in past 20 weeks (will they do it or not). i have been telling and telling every doc/midwife and no one listened. i have so much pain pushing down when im vertical (standing,sitting, evan going to the toilets an effort) that my partner just tells me to stay in bed all day. sorry for a bit of a rant it just seems like none of the doctors are listening to me
I received mine as an emergency procedure at 23 weeks and 4 days and am still cooking as of 28 and 1.

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