Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Hope all is ok ich .. :hugs:

So today saw my consultant at the local hospital where il be delivering. I'm only measuring 1 week ahead now so they are no longer concerned about baby's weight.
Iv been given a date for my stitch removal and it's the 3rd October .. That's only 29 days away!!! She wanted it to be removed by 36 weeks. Il also be getting induced around 38ish weeks if he doesn't make an appearance before then due to my spd. Really looking forward to meeting him now but am really nervous for the stitch removal.
Hope all is ok with everyone :flower:

Don't be nervous about the removal hun, it normally only takes a couple of minutes. Speculum in and a quick look to see where it is (I've always been offered gas and air if I wanted but never bothered) and then it's snip and out. It feels a bit pinchy and pully as it comes out but nothing compared to other pain I've had in the past.

It's great that you have a plan for removal and then induction because of the spd, hopefully bubs will play ball and make an appearance for you :)
Ich hun, please try not to worry about the mucus. Discharge and mucus loss is very common as pregnancy progresses and is also one of the additional side effects experienced by ladies with stitch in particular.

I had copious amounts of worrying discharge in all my pregnancies, preemie and full term and it never failed to strike fear in my heart but most of the time was completely harmless. Of course it never hurts to get checked out, especially if it reassures you, but I would be very surprised if you were exhibiting early cervical changes at this stage with an elective stitch in place - especially in the absence of any other symptoms.

Take care honey, and try not to worry xxx
Wow dmj, 29 days! Can't believe you're so close - glad you're on the home straight and looki g forward to the arrival of bubs after the weeks and weeks of worry :hugs:
I feel really out of things at the moment ladies, keep dipping in briefly but have a shocking lack of time to reply regularly at the mo :( Really missing the forum, but please know that you're all in my thoughts despite my absence. Things will calm down for me here towards the end of this week :hugs:

Welcome new ladies, and Kate Hun I am so sorry to read of your recent loss :cry: Terrible news, and I could feel your despair coming through in your posts. There is nothing anyone can say to ease the heartache, but just know that you are among friends here, some of whom have faced the same overwhelming grief as you and so understand it better than most.

I totally understand your urgency in ttc again, but at the same time, the horrible mixture of fear and anticipation another pregnancy will bring. It is so important to give your body chance to heal but understandable that you're desperate to get going as soon as possible. At the moment your head and heart must be all over the place - don't put pressure on yourself to rush things emotionally or physically, or expect too much from yourself at this point in time.

There is every chance that with the proper care, and steps to support your next pregnancy that you will have a happy outcome in the future sweet. We are here to help in any we can so don't hesitate to ask.

Incidentally, There is a lady on here called Sunkiss who lost her first baby to IC at age 41 I think, but who conceived again several months later, and has just given birth to a baby girl at 35wks. I know you feel the pressure of time, but because you conceived at 39, it is likely you'll conceive again and probably have a few years of good fertility left yet my lovely. Try not to lose hope at a time when all hope might seem lost :hugs :hugs:
Hi babymay :) Thanks for enquiring after me hun. The kids are poorly this week so my time is very much stretched :( Longing for them to be back to their old selves, and for us all to get a decent night's rest! How're you and brood, both inside and out lol? Xx
Alisa, thank you for helping me to feel one degree better about my c-section. Though I am sorry that you had to go through the experience of questioning if things would be different if you had a section. Those "what ifs" are so painful, and they play in my mind constantly.

My biggest "what if" is having a McDonald cerclage instead of a Shirodkar. At 20 weeks, when I was .2 cm and dilated a finger, the doctors said I could have a McDonald right away, or a Shirodkar the next morning when the only doctor qualified to do one returned. My cervix had already changed so much in a few hours, that day, I didn't feel I could wait - though a little voice in my head was saying "the other cerclage is better."

Angel, they said they dud a classical c-section for me because that was the safest for my son, at his early gestational age (24 weeks). I think a lot of moms of micro- preemies get that kind, if they have a section at all.

Hi Hun, if it helps, it's unlikely a shirodkar would have been possible anyway given that you were already down to .2cms. It is a more complicated stitch which needs to be placed high near the top of a reasonably long cervix. It works better in severe cases of IC, but usually when it is placed early before any changes have occurred.

You made the only call you could darlin' - those 'eleventh hour' decisions are the worst kind and by definition, made under huge pressure. By that stage it was unlikely that any type of stitch would have made a difference, tho it was definitely worth a try :hugs:
hi just to keep you up to date on me. I had stitch in on 9th July at 16 weeks. When I went to 20 week scan on 7th August it showed I'd lost all my waters. The decision was made to take my stitch out the week after. I delivered our little angel Kenzo on 15/08/12 at 7:15pm at 21 weeks weighing 400g he now plays in the clouds with his big brother. Just want to say thank you for all help and advice over last couple of years xxx
So so sorry for your loss!! I have you and your angel babies in my thoughts and prayers. :hugs:
So sorry to hear of your loss, my heart breaks for you. I hope our little angels are all looking after each other up there. Sending you warm hugs.
So sorry for your loss hunni, thoughts are with you and your family :hugs:

Lizzie - sorry to hear you have poorly little ones, it's tough when you have so many at home to know what to do with them when one or more is ill. I'm not too bad, thanks for asking. Getting nervous for my suture next week and hoping that all goes well with it. Tmi but I feel quite damp down below and I keep thinking I've been leaking fluid, but when I got checked on Tuesday the doc said there was no fluid to be seen :shrug: I don't know maybe it's just mucus and there's more because I seem to be warmer more often than not these days. I never feel any gushes upon standing up when I've been laying down, but then again I probably wouldn't because there can't be that much fluid yet at only 14 weeks. I also had a quick scan on Tuesday and there appeared to be fluid around the baby, so maybe it's all in my head and I'm being extra paranoid about everything! I do seem to recall someone on this thread posting about possible leaking fluid and buying test strips from somewhere, I'm not sure I want to panic myself more, but can someone tell me I'm probably being daft and put my mind at rest!!
R.I.P kenzo, so sorry hun, i m sure your angels and playing in the clouds smiling down to you all.
Baby maybe- la rockera had bought some lh strips to check for af and i did too cause i kept thinking i was leaking af and kept asking my doc to scan me to check my waters. It was never anything other than just extra discharge. With that said however when my contractions started after an hour or so i started feeling a little bit more wet down thete but no big gush or anything..the sac had a small hole and water was slowing leaking so if i were you i d go in and have it checked just for your peace of mind
Hi baby - Firstly I don't think you worrying is daft at all! It's an unfortunate side effect of having had previous pregnancy/birth complications and the worry won't leave you until you hold that baby safe in your arms :hugs:

As for discharge, my own opinion for what it's worth is that this is normal pregnancy gunk which is very common and and a good, healthy sign. I think you're probably focusing on the damp sensation more than you otherwise would, and are attributing it to a sinister explanation because of your history hun. Water leakage tends to trickle with movement, or gush if there's lots of it.

If it were waters, then the implication is that your cervix is already changing enough to allow your membrane to bulge and leak? If that were the case then you would have other symptoms and indications of such changes. It is very early for you yet, it would be unusual and rare for IC to show itself so soon. With the twins I believe I was exhibiting early signs that my cervix was already under strain as early as 12wks - I was losing teeny bits of brown stained stringy mucus, and the pressure down below was as bad as it had been, if not worse than with my daughter at 23wks. I also had regular crampy tightenings early on. Sure enough, when the stitch was placed at 14wks my cervix was atonal (floppy) and had zero strength. Even with two babies and sac tho, my weak cervix would have held up until 16/18wks.

Your symptoms are likely normal, and your cervix is unlikely to show changes until atleast 16wks. Try not to worry lovely, all will be well :hugs:
Thanks lizzie, I'm almost certain that you're right and I have been checked on Tuesday this week because I panicked that I was having cervical changes. The doc did a scan to check baby and a speculum to check cervix. She said it was closed and long and no sign of fluid or blood. I'm booked for my suture next Tuesday morning so I might ask the consultant again then. I've never funnelled before 20 weeks in any previous pregnancy and so I'm sure my cervix is fine at the moment. I have felt pretty damp for the whole pregnancy so far and at the beginning was more worried that it was blood I could feel as I had some spotting on and off, I was always relieved when it wasn't blood and just discharge when I went to the loo, but now the worry of blood has passed I keep thinking its something else :dohh:

Ive not had any pain or feelings of pressure and all the scans so far have showed nothing to worry about, so it probably is just me being overly paranoid I think!
So ... Iv had an eventful afternoon!
I went and saw my midwife today for a regular check up and mentioned to her about my high pulse rate and heart palpatations that I'd been having. She wanted me to be seen at the hospital just to be on the safe side.
Was put on the monitor and all is ok with the baby :-) I had to have numerous bloods taken and an ECG which came back fast but regular so weren't too worried about that. Still don't really have any answers as to why I'm having these and am now waiting to have a 24hr ECG monitor fitted and more bloods taken. Im home now resting up, and have to wait for a letter through the post for the monitor so I don't think there is any real concern. Felt strange being back in the delivery suite though :-/


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