Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Sounds like a busy day dmj! Hopefully everything comes back fine once you get your monitor sorted, I'm sure they were happy or they wouldn't have sent you home :)
Mum2 rugrats I am so sorry about your loss. xx I can remember reading your earlier posts. It must be a very diifficult time for you and your family. xx:hugs::hugs:

Baby-maybe - I've had the same thing were I have felt a little too wet to be comfortable with. I change my knickers quite a few times in the day because I hate the worry that comes with it. It wasn't anything to worry about with me and it won't be with you. I bought them amniosense pads and they are very expensive and will give false positives very often as they turn blue for amnio fluid and blue for slightest tiniest bit of urine detected. I only wear dresses now as I find trousers/ jeans make it worse and I hate it.

I had a cervical scan today and the results were brilliant! There is still no funelling everything looks good. The sonographer said the total length of my cevix was 3.7cm. I'm not sure that is entirely accurate as it was 2.9cm before I had any changes then 1.9cm when there was funnelling. Surely the longest it could be is 2.9?? Anyway I'm just glad it is closed with no funnelling. The stitch is holding well and is high up the cervix. The sonographer said they are usually half way. I don't want to speak to soon or hget my hopes up but I am very pleased!
Hey girls finally had my booking appointment. Bit pissed off as the hospital hadn't bothered requesting my notes from the hospital were my 2nd daughter was born prematurely so I basically had to tell them everything which obviously I've probably forgotten a lot off and blocked out bad memories. Anyway they said I was 9 weeks 4 days and then checked my cervical length which was only 2.8cm. When I asked was that good or bad she just didn't give me a definitive answer and went off to speak to another consultant. When she came back she booked me another appointment for 3 weeks time to recheck the cervical length. She said they would hopefully have my notes through from the other hospital by that stage and would be a better position to make a decision about the stitch but certainly if it shortened at all they'd be bringing me in straight away for a stitch. I'm just confused though I remember with both previous pregnancies I was about 3.9 - 4.6 cm at this stage as all my scans were done around the same period so surely 2.8 is on the low side and if that's the case then why not just do the stitch already?!!! Stupid NHS!!! :-( XOX
jen - i think over 3 cm is the norm.. thats what i was told.. but the baby is not big enough to shorten it more so i am sure it will stay that way.. they never like to do stitch before 12 weeks

lindy great news about your cervix!

i start my progesterone shots on Monday. Never shared this with you ladies but my fiancee and I have called off our engagement. We are now living separately.
Oh, mama, I'm so sorry you have had this loss. I wish I could wrap my arms around you. :(

And, Ich, I know I haven't been on the board long, but my heart goes out to you to be going through this pregnancy after your loss, and dealing with a new living situation. I hope you have as much peace as possible.
Ich I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope everything is still as amicable as can be for yours and the baby's sake. I kinda thought it should be over 3cm but it just annoyed me that she wouldn't give me a definitive answer as to what they plan to do. I don't know, guess I feel like I've more still more questions than answers... xoxo
thanks ladies. he just has been treating me awful and i had enough... i also got laid off so ive been really stressed the past few days. I got approved for free progesterone shots for my whole pregnancy which is quite a blessing. I start on Monday. unfortunately i will have to give them to myself. She said i can do it in my leg, has anyone does that?

im sorry jen! i just realized i have posted on your journal a few times. I keep losing it lol! For some reason its not in my subscribed threads. anyway i wish you got more answers. it sucks having so many unanswered questions. did they do a TVU to measure your cervix? i had a stupid nurse measure it at 13 weeks with her hand, she said it was 2cm and i was freaking out.. my dr did a TVU and it was actualyl 4cm.
Sorry to hear that ich. Stay strong x x

I am a little restless tonight. I am having a cervical length scan tomorrow. Last 1 I had was 3 Weeks ago and I was .7cm. Fingers crossed it hasn't got any worse. I reach the 24 week mark on Saturday. I will let you know tomorrow what the outcome is x x
Good luck for tomorrow Angel! Yeah Ich they did a vaginal ultrasound, the dr said it'd give a more accurate measurement at this gestation than a normal one. I'll be back in 3 weeks either way and like you said surely there shouldn't be much pressure between now and then to bring it down any further. I think I'm going to be rather paranoid though between now and then. xox
Perhaps you could schedule your 12 week nuchal scan early. I think they can do at 11 weeks. Doctors like to wait until after that scan
but yes, looking at your ticker, i dont think 4 grams is enough to put lots of pressure!
Has anybody had the stitch done under general anesthetic? My doc is favoring it as he says it's quicker and a quicker recovery time? I've only read of it being done under local...? Nervous either way!
Ich - I'm sorry about whatyou are going through but hoping that separating will make you feel a bit better and allow you to relax and try to enjoy your pregnancy. Good news about the progesterone. I've never taken them but have only heard good things about it.

Angel - good luck with your scan!! xx
Hi Jen
They don't do stitches in the first trimester as the risk of a miscarriage thats not cervix related is still relatively high. That's why they wait until after your 12 week scan. Also the baby won't be putting any pressure on your cervix until later on - that's when it if you have an incompetent cervix it would shorten. This is usually after about 16 weeks.
My cervix was 2.9cm before it started to change - similar to yours. I think the average is 3.5cm - 5cm. My consultant said that they stitch if it is below 2.5cm or if they see it shorten and or funnel on scans. Mine stayed at 2.9cm until 20 weeks when it shortened to 1.9cm and funnelled. I am now almost 31 weeks and my scan yesterday showed that the stitch was holding well - I still have no funnelling and my cervix is 3.7cm (I don't believe that bit! Its probably 2.9cm)

It is annoying that your doctor hasn't explained what the options are for your treatment. They may want to keep scanning you regularly like they did with me. You said your second baby was premature. How early was she? My first was 34 weeks and I did have a stitch early (16weeks) in my second pg but I think that most docs and midwives felt that I didn't need it. This time round with the scans its proved that I did. I don't know how but i just had a feeling that needed it. xx
My second daughter was born at 26 plus 4. It was all rather traumatic, over 9 weeks in NICU and SCBU. I just don't know if I've the strength to go through all that again and we were very fortunate that she avoided most of the main issues preemies born at that gestation have. Just very conscious we may not be as fortunate this time...
hi ladys sorry about tmi but those of you who have used progesterone pessarys did you ever get a big leakage at night time i woke last night and had to change my trousers and underwear as it had made me quite wet panicked it might have been my waters but nothing this morning so must be pessary xxxxx
hi ladys sorry about tmi but those of you who have used progesterone pessarys did you ever get a big leakage at night time i woke last night and had to change my trousers and underwear as it had made me quite wet panicked it might have been my waters but nothing this morning so must be pessary xxxxx

I tend to get this quite often too .. I sometimes wear small liners throughout the day as I find the rest of it comes out slowly during the course of the day also.
So ... Iv had an eventful afternoon!
I went and saw my midwife today for a regular check up and mentioned to her about my high pulse rate and heart palpatations that I'd been having. She wanted me to be seen at the hospital just to be on the safe side.
Was put on the monitor and all is ok with the baby :-) I had to have numerous bloods taken and an ECG which came back fast but regular so weren't too worried about that. Still don't really have any answers as to why I'm having these and am now waiting to have a 24hr ECG monitor fitted and more bloods taken. Im home now resting up, and have to wait for a letter through the post for the monitor so I don't think there is any real concern. Felt strange being back in the delivery suite though :-/


Hi hun, if it helps I always have a rapid pulse in the later stages of pregnancy (especially with the twins). It was so bad that they even considered postponing the planned section on the actual morning because the anaesthetist wasn't happy to proceed whilst I was tachycardic! They did and it was fine, the rapid pulse put down to the strain of pregnancy and my body being super efficient at supplying the placentas!?! It settled as soon as the little rascals were out and I had fully restored my blood volume.

Hope it's nothing more than that for you lovely xx
Mum2 rugrats I am so sorry about your loss. xx I can remember reading your earlier posts. It must be a very diifficult time for you and your family. xx:hugs::hugs:

Baby-maybe - I've had the same thing were I have felt a little too wet to be comfortable with. I change my knickers quite a few times in the day because I hate the worry that comes with it. It wasn't anything to worry about with me and it won't be with you. I bought them amniosense pads and they are very expensive and will give false positives very often as they turn blue for amnio fluid and blue for slightest tiniest bit of urine detected. I only wear dresses now as I find trousers/ jeans make it worse and I hate it.

I had a cervical scan today and the results were brilliant! There is still no funelling everything looks good. The sonographer said the total length of my cevix was 3.7cm. I'm not sure that is entirely accurate as it was 2.9cm before I had any changes then 1.9cm when there was funnelling. Surely the longest it could be is 2.9?? Anyway I'm just glad it is closed with no funnelling. The stitch is holding well and is high up the cervix. The sonographer said they are usually half way. I don't want to speak to soon or hget my hopes up but I am very pleased!

Hi Lindy - thrilled to hear all is going so well for you :hugs:

Your sonographer doesn't sound hugely experienced. She probably hasn't come across many shirodkar stitches before, which are always high up at the top of the cervix. He measurements may also have been slightly off, but as you say, all that matters is at your cervix has a good length and isnt even funnelled - brilliant! Hopefully you can begin to relax some now xx

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