Hi Ladies,
Ich- I was at maternity triage probably every week with scary discharge. Sometimes it was thick and creamy, gloopy like, others it was clear, whitish and runny. Sometimes it was both at the same time. The scares were almost always after a bm, I think they push out cm which is lodged in a little nook. The stitch also produces the runny clear discharge which I was utterly terrified of being amniotic fluid. I knew what water breaking felt like as I experienced this before labour with my first, it is utterly unmistakeable, however, the trickling sensation was more than I could handle.
At about 32 weeks, my consultant was so worried about the psychological effect all these visits to maternity triage were having that she contemplated removing my stitch even sooner to stop some of the discharge! In the end, she decided to leave it alone, just that my body was effective at keeping the stitch area clean by producing the discharge, and that i should continue to go to triage if i was worried. Go and check for reassurance, but try to take some heart from the fact that others have experienced this too and all turned out well
MPG- I really hope you're back at home now, with everything calm, baby kicking happily away and huge bar of chocolate! How terrifying for you

A&E are appalling at dealing with stitch ladies, please don't dwell on their rubbishness! Do you have a Doppler at home? I had one that I bought from eBay and I started using it at about 14 weeks. It gave me lots of reassurance, even tho I was still a maternity triage frequent flyer.
I utterly sympathise with the A and E wait, I've had a similar experience when maternity triage were too full and I ended up with an A and E doctor doing a Doppler on me, which I could have done myself, when all I really wanted was an ultrasound. It's exasperating and exhausting to know what you need, but just not be able to get it quickly enough to settle your mind. I hope you can get some rest and relax now
Hi Christiana- we're all ok thanks, yes they're my babies, growing fast and keeping me busy. Thanks for asking, I have a new job in a school that I used to work in and it's sooo much calmer. Life feels so much calmer, although I have a lighter timetable so I need to do a few hours of tuition or something to make the pay up. But, generally, my work is done by 9:30 pm latest and I'm doing a lot less than I used to at weekends too.i can't believe that for teaching 3 days per week, I was working 6 nights per week until at least 11pm, and then a whole day at the weekend. I am now getting at least 2 nights "off" every week

how are your gorgeous babies? Glad the colic is settling, it's so tough, even more so with an older child. Oliver used to get so upset with Bella and her colic, I used to do everything I could to compensate for him having to listen to it. Poor child! X