Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

lch - good luck for your scan on weds. I find that I get more mucus when I need a bm and when I go too, so hopefully it is just cm and you just have an increased amount. With the suture being a foreign body it's very common to get more cm when you have one in :hugs:
Hi ladies :)

Kim Hun, finding ecoli isn't that unusual since many of us carry the bug in our intestines but it doesn't cause a problem. It might be that the bug passed from back to front and is present but not likely to cause any issues. There are lots of bugs which we harbour (including mrsa), but which are 'harmless' to us except in certain conditions/circumstances.

We IC ladies are kind of micro managed during pregnancy, and many things are found as a result which most other women would remain blissfully unaware of. It's important to screen, but the majority of the time any bugs found are part of the yucky 'flora and fauna' we all carry much of the time. So long as your stitch is intact, and you have some closed cervix, none of these findings are particular cause for concern :hugs:

Ich - mucus plug is very jelly like and clear tinged with brown and bloody streaks. In pregnancy mucus is abundant anyway, and not unlike the plug so this is more likely normal cervical mucus coming away as you strain for a bm than it is the plug. My 'show' has never been stringy, always like a huge blob of snot (sorry), and a very different consistency than pregnancy mucus.

As your pregnancy progresses you will experience lots more discharge which will be scary for you considering your last past experiences hun. I had exactly the same amounts of mucus in my full term as I did in my preemie pregnancies, and learnt that it's normal ebb and flow meant nothing for the pregnancy and how my cervix was doing. Try not to worry sweetie, all is looking good so far xxx

We're away for a week til Monday 1st my lovelies. If anyone needs me please pm. I will get a chance to look at the forums but where we're going the signal is awful and I might not be able to reply quickly. Take care xxx
Bluestar, you ok? Read your post about the contractions and wondering if they've settled? It sounds like you're in early labour, but you could be like this for a few days yet honey. Usually by this point however full blown contractions are around the corner, usually within days if not hours. Hope all is well xx
Hi girls,

Well its 2am Monday morning and I'm in hospital. Was rushed in at 7.30pm on Sunday with severe contractions. It took 2 and a half hours for them to get Gynae down to A&E to see me. I must have repeated a hundred times that I had just had a stitch put in a week ago and urgently needed someone to check.

The trouble is at 14/15 weeks they just don't see it as viable but I was terrified. Worse still I had to go in the ambulance alone as we had no one to babysit our daughter. Eventually they pretty much forced me to have morphine, I didn't want to take anything till I had seen my consultant. But as it happened it was the best thing to do.

Turned out all gynae were tied up in emergency c sections so of course they must take priority. Despite the contractions the bottom stitch has held. They will scan me in the morning to check the top stitch, funnelling etc but no blood or fluid loss thank god. The scariest part was it took 3 separate doppler scans by 2 doctors to find the babies heartbeat. And worst of all there was over an hour between the 2 failed ones to finally finding it. I was literally sick with worry.

I am now in a room alone and of course I can't sleep a wink. I need to see my baby on a scan and to know its ok.

What a night! My husband did manage to join me in the end, he made me laugh when he said "Honestly the lengths you will go to just to getout of the washing up" ha ha.

Anyway, will keep you all posted. Hope your weekends have been slightly less eventful.

M xx
hi lizzie thankyou very much for the info its put my mind at ease now :) altough having new constant kind of stabbing burning pain down there so may need to go get checked for infection again but ill se how it goes hope u have a lvly holiday xxxxx
Have a lovely time away lizzie :)

Mpg - sorry to hear you're in hospital, sounds like you had a scary night. Will be thinking of you, keep us updated and let us know how you're doing :hugs:
Mpg so sorry for your scare, hope your baby is all fine and you re out of there safe and sound soon!
Hi Ladies,

Ich- I was at maternity triage probably every week with scary discharge. Sometimes it was thick and creamy, gloopy like, others it was clear, whitish and runny. Sometimes it was both at the same time. The scares were almost always after a bm, I think they push out cm which is lodged in a little nook. The stitch also produces the runny clear discharge which I was utterly terrified of being amniotic fluid. I knew what water breaking felt like as I experienced this before labour with my first, it is utterly unmistakeable, however, the trickling sensation was more than I could handle.

At about 32 weeks, my consultant was so worried about the psychological effect all these visits to maternity triage were having that she contemplated removing my stitch even sooner to stop some of the discharge! In the end, she decided to leave it alone, just that my body was effective at keeping the stitch area clean by producing the discharge, and that i should continue to go to triage if i was worried. Go and check for reassurance, but try to take some heart from the fact that others have experienced this too and all turned out well :hugs:

MPG- I really hope you're back at home now, with everything calm, baby kicking happily away and huge bar of chocolate! How terrifying for you :hugs: A&E are appalling at dealing with stitch ladies, please don't dwell on their rubbishness! Do you have a Doppler at home? I had one that I bought from eBay and I started using it at about 14 weeks. It gave me lots of reassurance, even tho I was still a maternity triage frequent flyer.

I utterly sympathise with the A and E wait, I've had a similar experience when maternity triage were too full and I ended up with an A and E doctor doing a Doppler on me, which I could have done myself, when all I really wanted was an ultrasound. It's exasperating and exhausting to know what you need, but just not be able to get it quickly enough to settle your mind. I hope you can get some rest and relax now :hugs:

Hi Christiana- we're all ok thanks, yes they're my babies, growing fast and keeping me busy. Thanks for asking, I have a new job in a school that I used to work in and it's sooo much calmer. Life feels so much calmer, although I have a lighter timetable so I need to do a few hours of tuition or something to make the pay up. But, generally, my work is done by 9:30 pm latest and I'm doing a lot less than I used to at weekends too.i can't believe that for teaching 3 days per week, I was working 6 nights per week until at least 11pm, and then a whole day at the weekend. I am now getting at least 2 nights "off" every week :happydance: how are your gorgeous babies? Glad the colic is settling, it's so tough, even more so with an older child. Oliver used to get so upset with Bella and her colic, I used to do everything I could to compensate for him having to listen to it. Poor child! X:hugs:
Thanks Helen.. it's just so scary..

Lizzie what you are explaining sounds like exactly what I had.

On an up note I can't wait to find out the gender Thursday!! A little nervous about my length...

Mpg sorry hun you must have been so scared
Mpg sorry to hear about all your troubles, hopefully you are now home and everything is ok with you and baby.

Helengee, your post on CM has helped me loads, I have been experiencing so much of it and knowing I am not the only 1 helps x

Have a great holiday Lizzie x
I get the thinner more watery type discharge as well and at times feeling it trickle has really freaked me out. Luckily I do remember it being like this the last time I had an elective suture and so I have managed, just, to keep the panic down.
Hi girls,

Well we are home safe and sound and all intact. Phew!

It was quite a 24 hrs. I won't bore you with all the details but they kept me up all night poking and prodding me, nil by mouth, not even water and didn't scan me till 9.30am the next day. Then the doctor didn't finalise the report till 2pm so I hadn't eaten for 24hrs! I was literally gnawing my own arm. I kept saying to the nurses "I've had the all clear, the Dr says I can eat now" so in the end I put a cardigan over my nightie and walked out of the hospital to Costa and got myself a tea and sandwich. When I got back they hadn't even noticed I'd gone!

Anyway, the baby is fine my stitch held and there was no funnelling, bleeding or leaks. So although my blood pressure was a cause for concern (very low) they agreed to let me go home. They have no idea why I was suddenly doubled over with contractions especially ad I've been on bed rest since the stitch. One very helpful nurse suggested it wasn't contractions but maybe wind... Wind, I said, have you ever had a baby or contractions with a stitch in???? Believe me there is no mistaking it for wind! I don't think they give you huge doses of morphine for wind thank you madam! ha ha ha

Thank you for all your kind thoughts and words!

M xx
Mpg - oh what a nightmare 24 hrs but glad to hear all is ok. My blood pressure was really low for a week or so after stitch. I had to have morphine when I came round from anaesthesia as I felt like my bladder was going to explode but I couldn't wee for hours. Although I didn't have contractions, I had severe lower ab pain, and I mean really severe! And I have a very high pain threshold. Just letting you know so you don't worry cos we all feel different after stitch. If all scans were good then you know it's ok so you can at least not stress about bubba's wellbeing xxx
Glad you re home safe n sound mpg, hahaha the image of you at costa in your cardi n nighty gave me a good laugh! Go pig out girl, you totally deserve it!
Glad you're home all safe and well hun. I can't believe they didn't let you eat for that long! Shocking! I'm not surprised you went out and got your own, I probably would have as well!

AFM - had a call from the hospital a little while ago to say that one of my swabs came back with strep b present. Ugh, I'm not surprised really as I've had it come up before, so it was only a matter of time before it appeared again. Now they said I don't need antibiotics for it at the moment because it hasn't appeared in my urine, does that sound right to you? However I will now need to have them in labour, which again I've had before, but again ugh because that means if they don't manage to get both doses in me while I'm in labour (which happened last time) I'll end up stuck in hospital after the birth for the baby to monitored and I was hoping for a 6 hour discharge like I had with my last LO. I know it's all for the best etc but the thought of not being able to come straight home makes me feel really sad right now :(
I've had group b step in my urine twice already this preg, and yes u need antibiotics when it's in urine but not if in vag until delivery. Extra few hours in hospital small price to pay hon to make sure bubba isn't affected by GBS.
Just a quick update from me .. So tonight I inserted my last progesterone suppositrie woohoo .. Feels nice knowing I havnt got to stick anything up there for a while now lol! Iv got my last check up with the consultant tomorrow who we travel 2 hours each way to see every 3 weeks as il be delivering baby at our local hospital which is only down the road so no need to be under there special clinic now. Last check up on cervix was 5 weeks ago so will be interesting to see if any changes have happend due to what iv been feeling down below. Stitch is booked in for removal in 7 days time eeekk! Quite nervous about that one..

Mpg- glad all is ok hun :flower:

Hope everyone is well :hugs:

Thank you Alisa. Do you know if gbs shows up on a urine dipstick test or does it need to be cultured to confirm? Thanks :)

Dmj - you're in the homestretch now my lovely. What sort of stitch do you have? I've only had macdonalds so can only comment on their removal, but in my experience it was just a bit of a pulling and pinching feeling when it was taken out both times. Good luck for your next appointment and the stitch removal :)

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