Thank you Alisa. Do you know if gbs shows up on a urine dipstick test or does it need to be cultured to confirm? Thanks
Dmj - you're in the homestretch now my lovely. What sort of stitch do you have? I've only had macdonalds so can only comment on their removal, but in my experience it was just a bit of a pulling and pinching feeling when it was taken out both times. Good luck for your next appointment and the stitch removal
Definitely 100% does NOT show on dipstick even if u have severe GBS in urine. First time in early preg I knew something wasn't right and after my dipstick was clear I had to convince my gp to do culture. He gave in and sure enough, GBS in urine and a weeks worth of antibiotics. I was "lucky" cos I had symptoms with first infections, otherwise I would have taken his word all was clear. But I knew something wasn't right.
After that I started getting routine cultures. Fortnightly. Next GBS in urine I didn't have any symptoms. And then just now third infection, something other than GBS, again nonsymptoms or indication on dipstick. I think this third one was a strep variety infection so I assume they're the group of bacteria that don't show on dipstick.
I reckon you will be fine, I'm just uti especially GBS prone. I'm heavily colonised. BUT don't take anything for granted and get them to culture it for peace of mind x