thanks ladies. im just scared. I now will be depending on family to support me. I feel like a failure for some reason, and i wont be able to buy anything for the baby because i am literally broke and i feel like a bad mom. i know that its silly
Hi Kim, glad to hear you're still hanging in there. 28 weeks is a great milestone to get to so well doneAs far as I knw your waters can go at any time if regardless of whether you have a stitch in place or not. I don't really think the stitch has much to do with it, although I suppose with IC if you are dilated with no stitch there is obviously a greater risk of prom. Perhaps something to ask your consultant or midwife next time you have an appointment. Have you had your 28 weeks one yet?
Hi Kimbo. Why were u to have baby at this stage?
I wonder why she's moving the goal posts on you Kim? I'd find that confusing too, especially if you've already been told one thing.
Dmj - not long to go now, I hope your stitch removal goes ok, I'm sure it will
AFM - anyone get braxton hicks as early as 18 weeks? They seem to have started and whilst it's not painful I'm worried that they're already starting. They don't last long and nothing regular, also I only seem to get them every few days or so. Last pg I didn't start getting them until about 25 weeks but I don't remember them making me worry! I'm definitely going to ask the consultant about them next time I see him though.