hi ladys had a scan today check baby baby all fine

told the sonographer ive been havingpains and on off feeling trickles like my waters have gone so she checked my cervix and said she wanted me to be seen by a doctor as she could see a colection of fluid below level of the cervical suture and she put possible cervical dilation?? got seen by doc who didnt really know what to do or say and culdnt get hold of my cnsultant..he said i ca go home where the pains arent constant but they are exsectly the same as when i laboured early with my last pregnancy so now im really wrried my paisn have got worse and ifeel so uncomfy..he contacted consultant on call swell but she didnt want to make a decition as what to do she wanted my consultant to decide i see her 2moro morning luckily just dont know what to think and im now worried im dilating was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?? xx
Hang in there mama! First, you are 31+ weeks, that's decent news should baby decide to arrive. Too early but not horrible. Second, bedrest until you see someone! Keep drinking water, lay down, and try to stay calm for the rest of the day. If you cannot wait, head to L&D, that's what they are there for!