Lovely heartfelt advice for 'hoping4' ladies. That's why I love this thread! X
Hoping4, I'm a little confused when they say you aren't funneled, but you're cervix is dilated at the bottom by 1cm. Usually, the cervix thins out, then begins to funnel from the top down and this eventually leads to dilation (not always, but sometimes). Have they done a tvu to confirm funneling or not? It isn't possible to see what the cervix is doing without one if it is still essentially closed. Usually a weak cervix opens first at the top, even if you were in genuine ptl it is more typical for it to soften and open throughout or at the top.
You might well have some open cervix, but if it is closed nearer the 'baby end', then that is a reassuring sign honey. Of course labour can complicate things and make them less predictable, but if this is a genuine case of your cervix feeling the strain and stretching of two babies, then there is every chance it can and will hold for many more weeks to come.
As Wtb and Shelby said, uterine irritability is common with multiples, and doesn't always lead to labour or dilation - it is simply a symptom of uterine over-distension. What triggers full blown labour is a,complex series of events which is about much more than a slightly opened cervix as a result of extra baby weight. Multiple pregnancy is a whole different ball game to singletons, it throws up lots of additional side effects and symptoms - most of which are in the end harmless (except of course that they throw Mum into a blind panic of anxiety and fear!)
Your cervix is obviously feeling the strain, as is your uterus - hence the sporadic contractions. However, at the moment you aren't in established ptl, your cervix is still pretty long and mainly closed so with rest it is capable of taking you much further. Good luck sweet, you know where we are