Oh Kim, you sund like you've been through it for the past few days. I'm so pleased our contractions settled down and you were allowed homeHopefully resting at home will get you another couple of weeks along at least and you'll get to your goal of 34 weeks.
thanks ladies, your all so sweet..
well im a first timer and of course with Sophia there was no tearing or anything since she was so little. ive been really scared about an episiotomy! like terrified! is this usually done almost all the time? can i avoid that? lol
lizzie thnakyou for ure fab reply only just read ithi to u and everyone sorry havent been on for a while but after all the latest comotion of my scan i seen my consultant the folowing day who was really concerned as i was having tightenings...so she admitted me i have been there for 3 days just got out today i was hooked up to monitor and it was showing contractions/bh every 3 mins at one stage so i was being preped to be taken down for a csection and stitch out but luckily they calmed down and she decided against doing anthing and just monitored me...she then was thinking of cutting stitch and leaving me on bedrest but was concerned as my little one is breech so i had further monitoring and pain relief as i was in alot of pain belly/back and stitch....to all of our relief my contractions/bh got further apart 2day and pain reduced so she has alowed me home on rest would love to make it to 34 weeks im now 31 a very scary couple of days hope everyone else is ok xx