Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

By the way, I was put on cyclogest from 18 weeks and I think that helped a lot although I do get irritable feeling in uterus if I've been too active e.g preparing a meal or washing up or when we go for scans walking around the hospital. Maybe that will help you if you're getting contractions when active.
Agiboma, I'm still coming to terms with my loss in July, but I wanted to ask you one thing about the TAC. In retrospect now, if you'd had the option of getting it before you got pregnant, would you

Sorry for you loss. I had the option to get it prior to pregnancy but i just didn't have teh time to get around to it. I only have it because the tvc failed on me i had two of them my last pregnancy with my son and i still delivered him @ 25 weeks, so TAC was my only option this time around. Im still on progesterone suppositories and will continue to take them till 37 weeks. I will have a scheduled c-section @ 37 weeks, either way i cannot deliver vaginally because of the type of section i had with my son, so that drawback was not really relevent to me because of my medical history.
I lie on my back only because I get so numb on my sides!! I sleep on my sides but during the day find it more comfortable to sometimes be on my back. I also get Lower back ache if I lie too long on my side. I know it's not recommended but it hurts too much!!
I have been getting like a dull ache in my bits when I move about. Similar to the feeling of when I'm about to get my period. Do you suppose this is due to the weight and my body not used to being up and about it something to be concerned about!!
I don't know about the period pain feeling as I only used to feel my period coming on in my back and sides and it would pass very quickly. But I get a stabbing pain along the top line of where a low cut bikini would sit , right in the middle, right where I imagine my very high and buried stitch is. I get it when I don't wee immediately or try hold it or if I've been standing up too long.

But if you're having period like pain I'd talk to the doc about that. It's probably nothing except stitch pain but best get a medical opinion hey?

The other more experienced stitch ladies might be able to also advise....
I think pressure is pretty common for cerclage/bedrest ladies. We spend so much time horizontal that we stand up or switch positions and baby's weight is in our cervixes. I think that's why we have the stitches! :winkwink:

Cramping is something to ask OB or MFM about, as its one of the PTL signs. But I wouldn't panic. I'd stay as relaxed as possible and drink tons of water and check for baby moving. If baby is still moving up a storm, its probably not PTL (from what I understand).

Good luck! Please ask your Dr if it would put your mind at ease!
hi ladys as many of u may have read ive been having a tough time lately been in hospital as i was contracting and they nearly cut my stitch but as my cervix didnt seem to be changing and pains calmed down i got sent home thankgoodness as im only nearly 32 weeks. well yesteday i got a red/pink coloured discharge only very slight and after all the contractions i had been having it concerned me so of i went back up to hospial where the doc didnt really give me many answers she just checked my cervix was still closed and said if i was still in pain i could stay and see how they go if not i can go ???? i was rather confused as she didnt ask a consultants advice or anything and im now worried as it may be my stitch starting to tear a little where ihave been having regular contractions...since the first bit i have had some more last night and today not a pink tough more brown but still concering really notsure what to do or think xxxx
are you home now hun? id stay for monitering, you def dont want the stitch to tear. :hugs:
are you home now hun? id stay for monitering, you def dont want the stitch to tear. :hugs:

hi yeah i went straight home last night went up there for about 5 and was home few hours later they put me on monitor babys fine and it only showed little bumps for contractions so she said they were bh just dont feel lke the docs know what there on about whe it comes to stitches its only the consulants and mine isnt there on a weekend so ill have to wait to see her tuesday its all non stop worry isnt it but pains are still the same and dischrge is now morw browny wh little bit of pink so hopfully all should be ok xxxx
did they check your cervix and see that the stitch was in tact? i dont know how it works where u are, im guessing you cant call and speak to your doctor directly?
did they check your cervix and see that the stitch was in tact? i dont know how it works where u are, im guessing you cant call and speak to your doctor directly?

yeah the doc did a speculum and just said cervix still looks closed and she can see stitch but didnt really saymuch else other than there doesnt look like any more bleeding ext but ive had more since :shrug: and yeh cant speak directly to my consultant :growlmad: its really annoying so im going to have to wait untill tueasday till i see her i just hope it all stays the same till then and it doesnt get worse thanks for replying hope ure ok x :flower:
well if you start to feel lots of pain or more bleeding etc of course go to hospital.. i hope you are able to relax till tuesday which is easier said then done hun.. lots of :hugs: wish they gave you more info or looked into it more..

i am okay, thank you! looking forward to every friday when my week changes!
well if you start to feel lots of pain or more bleeding etc of course go to hospital.. i hope you are able to relax till tuesday which is easier said then done hun.. lots of :hugs: wish they gave you more info or looked into it more..

i am okay, thank you! looking forward to every friday when my week changes!

yeah i will thnakyou :hugs: and hope friday comes real quick 4 u :) xx
thank you!

i know this isnt cervix related but wanted to know if this has happened to anyone..

Since yesterday ive noticed a decrease in movement. I havent felt any at all today i think. Yesterday only a few times. I read that babies have a growth spurt around 23-25 weeks and movement may slow down for a few days but im really concerned =[
thank you!

i know this isnt cervix related but wanted to know if this has happened to anyone..

Since yesterday ive noticed a decrease in movement. I havent felt any at all today i think. Yesterday only a few times. I read that babies have a growth spurt around 23-25 weeks and movement may slow down for a few days but im really concerned =[

hi i had this around ure stage and got really concrned but went in to get checked and the lil monkey started kicking away lol but id say if ure at all concerned best get checked over...have u tried the usual laying down on ure back icecold water ext? xxx
yes =[ and i didnt feel anything. i have a doc appt tomorrow but concerend i wont be able to go as we are supposed to get hit by a huge hurricane!
lch - About every 2 weeks or so, my girls have a day where they pretty much don't move at all. It usually coincides with a day where I would happily sleep all day (which usually I do!) and is followed the next day by wiggly babies and a huge appetite for me. That's how my growth spurts seem to work. I wouldn't worry too much, unless your gut tells you something is wrong. If you're worried, go in and get checked, to put your mind at ease. :hugs:

kim - I'm sorry, I don't remember, how long have you had your stitch in? Spotting is normal through all stages of pregnancy and brown/pink is much less of a worry than red. If the doctor didn't find any blood at/on the stitch, maybe it's from cervical irritation or something completely unrealted (and harmless). Definitely speak with your consultant as soon as you can on Tuesday, but until then, try to relax, keep off your feet, and go straight to the hospital if your pain gets worse or the bleeding/spotting turns red. :thumbup:
I lie on my back only because I get so numb on my sides!! I sleep on my sides but during the day find it more comfortable to sometimes be on my back. I also get Lower back ache if I lie too long on my side. I know it's not recommended but it hurts too much!!
I have been getting like a dull ache in my bits when I move about. Similar to the feeling of when I'm about to get my period. Do you suppose this is due to the weight and my body not used to being up and about it something to be concerned about!!

Hi hun, I got this crampy feeling a lot with the twins from very early on and it didnt signal anything sinister. If its associated with moving around, then it's probably just harmless pregnancy aches and pains and nothing to worry about. If, on the other hand it comes and goes even when resting, then it's always wise to get checked. Much more likely to be harmless than not tho sweet x
hi ladys as many of u may have read ive been having a tough time lately been in hospital as i was contracting and they nearly cut my stitch but as my cervix didnt seem to be changing and pains calmed down i got sent home thankgoodness as im only nearly 32 weeks. well yesteday i got a red/pink coloured discharge only very slight and after all the contractions i had been having it concerned me so of i went back up to hospial where the doc didnt really give me many answers she just checked my cervix was still closed and said if i was still in pain i could stay and see how they go if not i can go ???? i was rather confused as she didnt ask a consultants advice or anything and im now worried as it may be my stitch starting to tear a little where ihave been having regular contractions...since the first bit i have had some more last night and today not a pink tough more brown but still concering really notsure what to do or think xxxx

Hi Kim - I don't think this is your stitch tearing hun, but I can understand your concern and think it is worth a second opinion. Although you've been contracting, if your cervix has remained stable then it's unlikely that your stitch is being compromised. You cervix would most definitely be showing signs of change and you would bleed more and more, accompanied by increasingly painful, regular contractions.

Because every woman is different and there are no hard and fast rules, you should always double check, but because the bleeding has decreased and is brown (old blood), I'm more inclined to think this is a minor loss and is harmless as far as your cervix is concerned. There are many women here who contracted sporadically and bled (sometimes a lot), but who didn't tear thought their stitch or damage their cervix xx
Hey Ich - baby movements are pretty hit and miss until around 28wks when there are very definite punches and kicks lol. Even with twins movement came and went on a daily basis, sometimes it would be hours before either baby moved! You're looking for a few hrs of on off movement atleast once/twice a day - sometimes less. It's probably fine, but if you're concerned then get them to listen in chick. Do you have your own doppler? If I was worried I used to pop that on and have a listen, it always reassured me xxx
i dont have a doppler =[ really want one but i guess financially it wouldnt be the best idea right now, living with my mom and all, i am budgeting very carefully to buy everything for baby, and now we are in the middle of a huge storm, probably going to lose power, and my doc office called, they are closed tomorrow and most likely tuesday and will reschedule me for wed or maybe tuesday =[ just wanna hear the hb. i think i felt one little movement today.

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