Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

hi ladys as many of u may have read ive been having a tough time lately been in hospital as i was contracting and they nearly cut my stitch but as my cervix didnt seem to be changing and pains calmed down i got sent home thankgoodness as im only nearly 32 weeks. well yesteday i got a red/pink coloured discharge only very slight and after all the contractions i had been having it concerned me so of i went back up to hospial where the doc didnt really give me many answers she just checked my cervix was still closed and said if i was still in pain i could stay and see how they go if not i can go ???? i was rather confused as she didnt ask a consultants advice or anything and im now worried as it may be my stitch starting to tear a little where ihave been having regular contractions...since the first bit i have had some more last night and today not a pink tough more brown but still concering really notsure what to do or think xxxx

Hi Kim - I don't think this is your stitch tearing hun, but I can understand your concern and think it is worth a second opinion. Although you've been contracting, if your cervix has remained stable then it's unlikely that your stitch is being compromised. You cervix would most definitely be showing signs of change and you would bleed more and more, accompanied by increasingly painful, regular contractions.

Because every woman is different and there are no hard and fast rules, you should always double check, but because the bleeding has decreased and is brown (old blood), I'm more inclined to think this is a minor loss and is harmless as far as your cervix is concerned. There are many women here who contracted sporadically and bled (sometimes a lot), but who didn't tear thought their stitch or damage their cervix xx

hilissie thankyu so much puts my mind at ease :) i will definately mention it at my apt tomoro and go bk if there is red blood i am getting alot of period ype pains and it can be quite paiful at times along wiht the tightenings i will update u all on how my apt goes 2moro :) thankyou again :hugs: xxxx
Dropping in with an update and a question :thumbup:

For the fourth week now, my cervix has remained stable :happydance: My doctor today even said she doesn't think it's impossible for me to make it to 34-36 weeks! So that is all great. I'll be getting checked weekly until 28 weeks and depending on how things look at that point, the frequency of my appointments may decrease to every other week.

Now, my question. It isn't really cervix-related, but I feel a bit "between trimesters" and don't feel comfortable posting in the "regular" boards much anyway at this point, so I thought I would ask here. For the past few weeks, my amniotic fluid levels have been a bit high, to the point where it's being watched, but my doctor hasn't been distressed about it or anything. Well, last week, the fluid was looking slightly better, and today it measured "perfect". Doctor said the babies "grew into their amniotic fluid" which sounds good to me.

But. (There's always something, right?) I didn't think about mentioning the odd, watery discharge I've been dealing with over the last 5ish days. No idea why I always seem to forget to mention the important things! :dohh: Anyway, the discharge I've been having has been liquidy enough that 2 mornings this week, I've gotten out of bed, gone to the bathroom, sat down on the toilet, and the discharge has actually trickled out of me (we said nothing is TMI, right? :haha:) and sounded like water.

The first time this happened, I immediately put on a pad and "watched" things, and an hour later there was nothing on the pad, so I let it go as one of those things. The problem is that I really have no idea how to distinguish between normal increased pregnancy discharge and amniotic fluid. So I guess maybe if someone could tell me what to look for? How to tell? I feel so.stupid for having to ask :blush:
I've always had trouble trying to figure it it too shelby, I guess the best thing to do is get them to do that test in you which tells you if it is fluid leaking and not just watery discharge. Towards the beginning of this pregnancy I kept on thinking I was leaking and in the end I got checked just to put my mind at rest over it.
Hi Shelby,

It's not crazy to forget the questions you wanted to ask, it's normal, the appointments seem so pressured to check everything is holding up cervix-wise, that it's easy to forget the other stuff.

Anyway, the discharge sounds totally normal to me, I experienced this so much, and between 23 and 36 weeks I went to maternity triage at least once per week worrying about leaking fluid. :wacko: it was exactly as you described, I went to the toilet and the discharge actually trickled out, even worse if I had a bowel movement (sorry tmi). I doubted myself, questioned whether it was urine, but it was definitely discharge. Every time they gave me a speculum exam, swabbed for thrush, they didn't test for amniotic fluid but kept me in for obs. If I stayed at home and waited, there would be nothing on the pad. I doubt very much that trickling amniotic fluid would account for the levelling out of your fluid levels, and I am 99% sure that any tear in the membranes would have been picked up on the ultrasound. Of course, get it checked out, but please don't automatically fear the worst. :hugs:

Hi ladies, I have been keeping up to speed and even typed a humongous reply last week, only to lose it all. So very frustrating. You ladies are always in my thoughts and I hope every day is a successful step closer to a healthy term baby/babies for you all xxxx:hugs:
Hi Ich,

I hope you're safe and sound and bubs is kicking happily away. I just wanted to echo what Lizzie said about a Doppler, I had one too and it was such a reassurance to me. I sold my on eBay when I'd finished with it, and got back what I'd paid for it. It may only be a temporary outlay, although trust me, I do understand the need for financial restraint. X
Hey's it going?

So, I will be 39 weeks this Friday! Crazy!!! I am amazed that I have made it this far. I had a cervical check today and I am still hanging on at 2cm dilated and 80% effaced, so no changes have occurred in over a week other than losing my mucous plug (which is icky btw). If I do not have my little man before my appointment next Wednesday, doctor is going to do a sono to see how big he has gotten and possibly plan to induce. I am so curious to see how big he is since she has not done a sono these last few weeks. I guess my little man has decided he is comfortable where he is. I assumed that since I am able to go walking around now, clean, etc. that all the movement would have sped things along, but guess not! lol :dohh:

Anyone else dealing with pregnancy induced carpal tunnel? I have had it for almost 2 weeks now and it is driving me crazy... Very hard to sleep comfortably when you cannot find a position to place your arms without your hands/fingers aching or going numb. Any suggestions to help with it?

Well, I just wanted to say hello and reassure you again that even with IC you can make it to full term and beyond. Definitely a prayer answered!

Have a Happy Halloween! :thumbup:
Wanted to drop by and say hello to Lizzie, Helen and any of the other ladies that may lurk as well as those here right now.

We celebrated Amelia's 1st birthday on Sept. 29th. I STILL cannot believe that I have my baby here after such a long and trial-filled journey. I look at her and I'm filled with more love than I ever knew I had. Just wanted to thank you Lizzie and the other ladies for being around. Had it not been for this thread, I would have NEVER known that my son passed from IC and Amelia would not be here.

We are ttc again in January so I hope to be back here again come the New Year sometime. This time with a toddler in tow. :wacko: :lol:

Love and hugs to you all. Praying for a happy and healthy 9 months for those of you who are waiting patiently on bed rest. It's SO worth it. The fear is always there, but the little life you wait and fight so hard for is just beyond comprehension when you finally hold him or her. :hugs:
Hi ladies

Just wanted to check in with a quick update. I am 32 Weeks on Saturday and have my first scan since 24 Weeks tomorrow. Really nervous as not sure what to expect with my cervix which was measuring 7mm at my last scan and funnelled to the stitched. Had lots of weird, sharp pains over the last few days with a permanent ache in my lower abdomen which is driving me mad. Baby is moving about a lot tho so I have no worries with regards to her. It is hard to believe that I only have approx 6 Weeks left as having a section at around 38 Weeks. Can't believe I have made it this far (with the help from everyone in here). Miracles do happen ;-)
Let us know how u get on Angel. Congrats foraking it so far hun. Hope nothing has changed with cervix x
Hi all, 2nd update x x

Had my scan and consultants appointment. All good. Cervix is still 7mm closed, not changed in 8 Weeks which is great cos I have pretty much resumed life a usual with not much rest. Consultant said theyare not going to remove stitch as I am having a planned section so no point, they can remove during section. Down side is they are going to probably leave me til 39 Weeks to have section which normally would be fine but it means I possibly will be in over xmas. Find out a definite date for section at my next appointment on 30th November.
Thats great angel! I am having an ELCS also and they said they may as well keep stitch in until my date, which should be on the 26th of this month. Exciting :)
Angel - great news that your cervix had stayed stable :)

Hopeful - so you will be having your section at around 37 weeks? It's great that you've got so much further than you did with your first, proof that the stitch really works :)

AFM - not much to report really. As far as I know cervix is fine, my consultant won't check unless there appears to be an issue and luckily I don't appear to have any yet. Starting to feel my little man move a bit more this week, can still be sporadic some days, but thats down to where my placenta is so I don't worry too much. If I go a while without feeling any movements I get the doppler out, although I haven't felt the need to use it for almost a week now :) I've got an appointment for an FFN test next week as part of the oppitumum trial which I think some of you may have been on too? Hopefully it will be negative, although I still qualify for the whole trial as I've had two previous premature labours. I'm a bit nervous about the suppositories and sticking something 'up there' after all this time of nothing, but I'm sure it'll be fine once I get used to it :haha:
Ladies just wanted to update. Would love to type more but I am on my cell..
I live in USA in new jersey. My state was hit very hard by hurricane sandy. Millions of people are with out power and many lost there homes. I've been with out power, hot water, drinkable water since Monday morning. I got into a bad car accident while on my way to a local church that is providing families with food water heat etc and was in the hospital over night. So very thankful to say me and my little man are fine. I will hopefully have power by Monday and will talk to you all then!
So glad you are ok lch, please take care of yourself. I hope you get your power and water back soon :hugs:
I am on my third pregnancy and am on my 2nd cerclage. The problem is the Dr. told me today that he is 70% comfortable with the stitch but he was not convienced that the stitch will hold. I am 14w5d and put on bedrest. I do not mind the bedrest but I was told there is one more option if I start funneling and shortning early was to undergo an abdominal cerclage.

I was wondering if anyone has had an abdominal cerclage placed during pregnancy? If so how far along were you?

I have 10 weeks left to a chance of survival for our baby boy and 26 weeks till full term. I just want to make the right decision early enough to make a difference.
I'm on my 4th cervical suture and the three previous have held fine, even the emergency one which was not placed until 24 weeks on an open cervix. That one got me to 32 weeks and my dd is just fine, she is 11 now :) the next two went all the way to term and I'm hoping this latest one does the same. I've never been on bed rest.

Did your doctor say why he thinks this suture won't hold? Did your last one hold to term? Getting back to your original question, there is a member on here called Abigoma i think, who has a trans abdominal suture, she posts in this thread sometimes, I've also seen her post in the gestational complications section under different threads.

Good luck with your pregnancy, make sure you keep us updated, this is a great thread with lots of support for us IC ladies :)
I am on my third pregnancy and am on my 2nd cerclage. The problem is the Dr. told me today that he is 70% comfortable with the stitch but he was not convienced that the stitch will hold. I am 14w5d and put on bedrest. I do not mind the bedrest but I was told there is one more option if I start funneling and shortning early was to undergo an abdominal cerclage.

I was wondering if anyone has had an abdominal cerclage placed during pregnancy? If so how far along were you?

I have 10 weeks left to a chance of survival for our baby boy and 26 weeks till full term. I just want to make the right decision early enough to make a difference.

My tvc failed twice with the pregnancy with my son and i had him @ 25 weeks with this pregnancy i had an abdominal cerclage placed at 15+4 so almost 16 weeks.
So I have my cerclage removal scheduled for 12/17, I'll be 35+4.

I had my last MFM appt, still 2cm under the stitch, .5-1.0cm above the stitch. Slight funneling but Dr totally unconcerned as cervical changes begin to happen in most pregnant women at this point. Cervix is a non-issue at this point, now its just watching for PTL (my odds of which are no higher than any pregnant woman).

I was released to relaxed MBR! I can be up more but listen to my body for signs that it its time to rest and elevate feet (and obviously watch for PTL signs). Around 12/7 I can consider myself off bedrest. :yipee:

I am just so glad that my daughter will get some of her mother back before she has to share me with a baby. And my poor husband gets a little relief from doing everything. Life is good, I feel blessed.

Now...I wonder when this baby is coming??? I keep thinking December 26th for some reason. :xmas12: I'm sure God is laughing at me already, knowing I am wrong.
Baby_maybe I will have section at 39weeks. Its my date I get this month. Wasnt v.clear.

Btw i know of people on that trial and its only been positive outcomes so dont worry xx

Ich-Pls update when u can. Thinking of u c

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