Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Hi Baby Maybe, what great news you've had today! Hurray!!! I wonder if you'll be able to guess if you've got the progesterone or not...? I was just given the cyclogest as my stitch was an emergency one so there was no time to sort out trials. Have you had progesterone in your other pregnancies? x
aww thanks hun. id much prefer it to be summer, id rather be hot and uncomfortable then plain freezing, its 47 degrees in my apartment! im furious with the electric company, if im a day late on paying the bill they come after me and they just completely ignore the fact that over 400 apartments are with out power, heat, and hot water. I threw out my entire fridge, im not working right now so not in the best way financially and its really such a burden to have to replace everything . i dont even care about that, i just wish the power would go on! im miserable! apparently its supposed to go on today or tomorrow, if not were shit out of luck until the storm passes and then who knows when they will actually get it on, thanks for the sympathy hun its much needed lol.. ill update when i get it back, i am on my phone which i finally was able to charge..

please everyone, pray that my power comes back today!
Hi Day and welcome,

The ladies on here are amazing and will gladly help. Lizzie is the stitch oracle and carried twins on a stitch. They were full term healthy chunks!

It is worth asking about what kind of stitch your doc is proposing. A McDonald is simpler to remove, whereas a Shirodkhar is a little more invasive but is very strong.

Hey Kim, how are you doing now? Has all that pain settled down yet?

hi there babymaybe :) i was going to ask how you were 2 :) i saw that your on the optimum trial :) i have also been on it and am now at 33 weeks which is amazing so hope u find it ok have u had ure fibronecting? i had mine done for the trial at 23 weeks luckily came back negative i was relieved then had one done 2 weeks later not for the trial which was positive but have held on till now :) im still in pain alot of the time and have had some jelly loss and some bleeding but just taking it 1 day at a time i see my consultant again tuesday she said she will be taking stitch out at 36 weeks if i make it cant wait ........ how are u??? xxx
Hey Kim, how are you doing now? Has all that pain settled down yet?

hi there babymaybe :) i was going to ask how you were 2 :) i saw that your on the optimum trial :) i have also been on it and am now at 33 weeks which is amazing so hope u find it ok have u had ure fibronecting? i had mine done for the trial at 23 weeks luckily came back negative i was relieved then had one done 2 weeks later not for the trial which was positive but have held on till now :) im still in pain alot of the time and have had some jelly loss and some bleeding but just taking it 1 day at a time i see my consultant again tuesday she said she will be taking stitch out at 36 weeks if i make it cant wait ........ how are u??? xxx

just seen it was negative thatsd fab news :) :happydance: so pleased for you x
Hello ladies i am new to the forum and i am almost 2 months pregnant with twins .I was pregnant two years ago and went into labor at 16 weeks losing our son. This time the ob wants to try a cerclage but she said she doesnt know how effective it is with twins .has anyone been pregnant with twins and has had a cerclage?
Hi - you have definitely come to the right place. Lizzie is the stitch queen and had twins witha stitch. Another lady on here has just had triplets as well. I am only carry 1 but was given really bad odds and they didn't think I would make it to 24 Weeks but I have proved them wrong and made it to 32 Weeks with the stitch so far. My cervix was fully open when they stitched me. I would definitely recommend hun x x x x
Quick update on me - I'm 27 weeks today (yay for third tri!) and had a cervical length measurment taken this afternoon. Still holding stable at 1.0 for the fifth week now. :thumbup:

I never said anything to my doctor about the odd liquidy discharge; it happened once more last week and so far hasn't happened again. I'm not too worried about it now though, as today my fluid was once again measuring too high :dohh: I guess if there was a leak, it must have repaired itself.

lch - so sorry about your power loss. I really hope they get things restored soon for you. I've been through numerous hurricanes and I know how miserable things can be. :hugs:

Day - go for the stitch! As the others have said, Lizzie carried twins on a stitch to I think 38 weeks and WTB just carried triplets on a stitch to 33. If your doctor is willing to place one, DO IT! :thumbup:
lch - I'm so sorry you're still without power, I've been thinking of you a lot today. I really hope that darn power company gets in butt in gear and gets some power back to you soon :hugs:

Helen - thanks :) No never had progesterone in any of my previous pregnancies, even the ones with rescue stitches so this will be interesting. I'm not sure I'll be able to figure out if I've got the real stuff though, my consultant doesn't do cervix length checks at all and I don't see anyone with regards to the trial until it finishes when I'm about 34 weeks. They made me an appointment for January today, so I guess that's when it stops!

Kim - glad you're still hanging on in there, although not glad that you're still getting pain. Do you see the consultant every week at the moment? Because the FFN was negative today I don't have to see mine until 26 weeks, but he will do another FFN test then to see if anything is likely to happen, although as you said yours was positive ages ago and you're still here! I've a feeling if I get a positive one before 28 weeks he'll give me the steroid injections just to be safe, but otherwise I might only see him once more after that appointment and then he'll discharge me to the community midwives. I don't mind either way as long as baby is ok :)
Hey everyone! I made it to 12 weeks so should get stitch anytime within next 2 appointment is November 13th so figure dr will discuss it with us then. I was wondering if there is anything I should expect that's NORMAL after the cerclage is placed..cramps, spotting, etc? After losing 2 babies already I'm super paranoid & will probably rush to L&D over every little ache lol
Grrr just typed a long reply to you and lost it :dohh:

Anyway I have always had Mcdonald stitches placed so my experience from those is cramping, a sore lower tummy and spotting. All of these lasted for roughly a week after the procedure and then you gradually start to feel a bit more normal. Also I suffered a little bit of a sore back from having the spinal placed. In addition I always suffer with increased discharge after the suture has been placed, that might not happen to you but it is common throughout once you have it in because of the fact there's a foreign body up your vjayjay :haha:

Don't worry about being paranoid and do go to triage if you're worried about anything at all. I've been more times than I can count on one hand so far this pregnancy and they actually encourage me to go up to get checked over if I'm worried.

Good luck with your next appointment and be sure to keep us up to date with your progress :hugs:
Hi ladies :hugs:

Congrats on your news baby :happydance: Onwards and upwards from now on hun xx

Day day, I did carry twins weighing 8 and 9Ibs to 38wks withthe help of a shirodkar stitch (you should ask your doctor for one, it is the strongest cervical stitch available). Many doctors don't believe in stitching with multiples, but it can and does work hun. Without it I would have likely lost the boys as early as 18wks :( Good luck, and welcome to the forum xx

AmyLou, prepare to feel all kinds of aches, pains and twinges after stitch honey - most of which mean absolutely nothing and are just your body's way of dealing withthe presence of a foreign body. You will have times of real stress and anxiety darlin, but we have all been there, and are here to offer support and reassurance every step of the way. Remember too that the majority of us make it to term, with a minority delivering slightly prem - stitching is successful most of the time :hugs:

Ich - sending extra prayers today ;) xxx
Ich I hope you are back with your household comforts now. Typical you have your bed rest reduced and the only warm place is bed!!

Maybe- I am taking the progesterone-cyclogest suppositories (coming up to my 4th week on them, im now 28 weeks) 2 weeks after my cervix had stayed the same length. It had previously been reducing about 3mm every 2 weeks so not sure if this is due to progesterone or not???!! I have another check Friday so will let you know how it goes.
I don't think theres Anything I can point out to make you know you are using the progesterone or a dummy/placebo. I did have horrid bowls the first couple of days and I was a bit splatty and a funny colour. Sorry for TMI!!
Thanks hun, I think it's going to be so hard to tell unless I get any symptoms that can't be explained away!
Thanks ladies.. the new estimate is Sunday. Completely unacceptable. Today they sent out the bill. How ironic.
I really feel like such a baby right now but I'm seriously upset.
Hi everyone! I'm new to this. Pardon the typing I am almost upside down on bedrest. I went to my peri last week on Thursday and baby girl looks great! I felt great!.... Until they did the transvanginal and saw her legs in the sac. Buldging into my cervix. I was hysterical. I went to the hospital and had an emergency cerclage the next day. The dr said he saw a little buldging and pushed it back as much as he could safely ANC did a McDonald's cerclage. I go back Monday for a follow up. I'm on bedrest and can only go to the bathroom for the first two weeks. No more work for me. I'm so sad and so scared. I'm a newlywed and I have a daughter from a previous relationship who was a 26 weeker who is PERFECT. I want to give my husband at least one healthy baby of his own. He is so good to me. I keep praying and I know God is able however the journey is scary. I need to hear more success stories to keep me going :(. I'm borderline paranoid about this cerclage. It feels like there is always something in your vagina. Is it suppose to feel like that? How do I know if something is wrong? I'm in progesterone injections and suppositories. Someone please share a similar story with a POSITIVE outcome. Thanks... Pray for us and I'll pray for you.
lch I'm not surprised you feel that way, I'm thinking of you daily :hugs:

Prayerfulmom - that must have been a shock for you you :hugs: I had a rescue McDonald cerclage placed at 24 weeks a few years back, complete with bulging membranes etc. I managed to carry to 32 weeks with it and now have a happy and healthy 11 year old to show for it :) Also I was never on bed rest and carried on pretty much normally for the weeks between having it placed and labour, so I'm sure if I'd have been on bed rest I may well have carried further than that. I've since had a rescue cerclage placed at 20weeks, an elective at 14 weeks and now I'm on my 4th cerclage which again was an elective placed at 15 weeks this time. If anyone's proof that they work it's me. I sadly lost my first child due to incompetent cervix, but have 3 healthy daughters since and a boy on the way.

Please keep in touch with the thread the ladies here are so helpful and a lot of them have had to do strict bed rest like you are on now and have healthy children to show for it. Hang on in there, I'll be thinking of you xxx
Baby maybe. (Sigh) hope! Congrats on your healthy babies and sorry for your loss:( . Thanks for sharing. What did your cerclage " feel" like???
I struggle to remember now, it was so long ago, but I don't remember feeling huge amounts of pressure down there. Just that sort of sharp pain you get sometimes that feels like its very low down in your tummy/high up in your vjayjay. I think it's the stitch pulling and I quite often get it when baby kicks in that direction or sometimes if I get up too quick or change positions quickly. This pregnancy I have felt more pressure than ever before, but I'm blaming a lot of that on this being my 5th pregnancy, age and not so good pelvic floor muscles :haha: I do try to keep them toned but it's hard work when you're pregnant and can't feel them so well!!

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