Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

I think you will be fine. 5th times a charm😋. I go back Monday to see my OB and peri. I'm praying the cervix has lengthened and funneling gone! Hey they might even let me up in a reclined position
Haha thanks hun :)

Good luck for your appointment on Monday, I'll be hoping for a longer cervix for you. Don't worry too much if there is still some funnelling, a lot of ladies funnel right to the stitch and stay that way right until they have the stitch removed at term and still go overdue!
I went to 2 month checkup and was told i have a bv but to not take any meds to 12 weeks but suppose to get cerclage at 12 weeks ugh really irritated.
Hey girls. Went to triage last night cause of lack of movement. Still having it! Trace showed movement that I never felt. Anyway.. it registered alot of uterine activity...assumin BH's. Was allowed home but now i am worried about lots of tightenings yet lack of movement. Didnt go home feeling v.reassured. In my notes it says the trqce was shown to a doc also as baby hr baseline was 150-155?! confused.
Hi everyone! I'm new to this. Pardon the typing I am almost upside down on bedrest. I went to my peri last week on Thursday and baby girl looks great! I felt great!.... Until they did the transvanginal and saw her legs in the sac. Buldging into my cervix. I was hysterical. I went to the hospital and had an emergency cerclage the next day. The dr said he saw a little buldging and pushed it back as much as he could safely ANC did a McDonald's cerclage. I go back Monday for a follow up. I'm on bedrest and can only go to the bathroom for the first two weeks. No more work for me. I'm so sad and so scared. I'm a newlywed and I have a daughter from a previous relationship who was a 26 weeker who is PERFECT. I want to give my husband at least one healthy baby of his own. He is so good to me. I keep praying and I know God is able however the journey is scary. I need to hear more success stories to keep me going :(. I'm borderline paranoid about this cerclage. It feels like there is always something in your vagina. Is it suppose to feel like that? How do I know if something is wrong? I'm in progesterone injections and suppositories. Someone please share a similar story with a POSITIVE outcome. Thanks... Pray for us and I'll pray for you.

Hi prayerful,
My cerclage was placed at 18 Weeks with bulging membranes and a fully open cervix. I am funnelled all the way to stitch and cervix is showing 7mm closed and has been for 14 Weeks. The stitch is the only thing keeping me closed. I am now nearly 33 Weeks x x x with regards to feeling the stitch, I don't feel it as such but do get a lot of pressure down there and pain when I get Braxton Hicks but besides that all good x x x
Hopeful, if it were me I'd definitely go back to triage and tell them you're still worried. I hope everything is ok for you :hugs:
Well she has moved a few times today and i called triage again this morning and had a lovely midwife let me know that my uterus will be more irritable and prone to BH's now that I have a stitch in place. x
I agree about the braxton hicks I had them last time frequently from 24 weeks onwards and the same is already happening again. However if you're still worried about the amount of movement I'd insist on being seen again to put your mind at rest, You know what's normal for you and your baby, so don't let them fob you off :hugs:
Hi angel 229,
Thanks for sharing your story! Congrats on making it so far, yay for you!!!!!'��were you on bedrest the whole time? I am on bedrest and wondering what the dr is going to say at the follow up. If you were on bedrest was it strict an how did you survive??? I feel so helpless. My poor husband and six year old are doing everything :( . I can't even make my own meals....,
Hi angel 229,
Thanks for sharing your story! Congrats on making it so far, yay for you!!!!!'😃were you on bedrest the whole time? I am on bedrest and wondering what the dr is going to say at the follow up. If you were on bedrest was it strict an how did you survive??? I feel so helpless. My poor husband and six year old are doing everything :( . I can't even make my own meals....,

I was on moderate bed rest for a while but as soon as I got to 24 Weeks he lifted it to rest when I can. Then from 28 Weeks I have pretty much resumed life as normal except going to work. I am fine with my 6 year old now but I struggle with my 1 year old. She spends most of her time at my mums cos I struggle lifting her and playing. Bed rest definitely helped in the first few Weeks after the stitch. Consultant told me once I reached 28 Weeks it didn't make much difference if the stitch was there or not as baby could no longer 'fall out', lol. Every consultant says different tho. X x x
Your consultant said the same as mine angel. 28 weeks the worry over the IC isn't really there as the baby can't fall out! lol
I am scheduled to be induced tomorrow at 4am as my little man decided to stay put after having stitches placed and 4 months of bed rest. I am so excited but, getting very nervous as I never thought that I would be induced and I have heard that it ups your risk for having an emergency c-section. Please say a prayer for me that baby is healthy and all goes well delivering.

I hope all you ladies are doing well!

Ich - I have been thinking about you and am sorry that you had to deal with that terrible storm and car accident. I hope things improve very soon.

Big hugs to all!!! :hugs:
Hi chovie, nice to hear from you hun :) Can't believe you're being induced after all the worry of second tri, but with IC it does often happen that way! I think I'm in for a long wait after my stitch comes out and may jut get to induction. I hope not, but I only missed it by a day last time, so I'm thinking more of the same is in order. DH says he going to try everything to get him out once my stitch is out, so we'll see how well that works when the time comes :haha:

Good luck for tomorrow, hopefully you won't end up with extra procedures from being induced but I guess you never know what will happen until youre there :hugs:
Ich, how's it going on the eastern seaboard? How's it going with your car? How's baby? I've been thinking about you, t&p your way!

Update: had my 30 week OB appt today, got a manual exam. My 2+cm funneled cervix is closed and tight! Baby's head is high. I can move to more scheduled resting than modified bedrest. :happydance: She doesn't want to see me again for 2 weeks and doesn't need any u/s at this time. I am almost feeling like a normal pregnant woman!
hi justins muma just wanted to sa thats fab news :) bet it was great to hear xx
hi ladys im still having issues....lost more plug 2 days ago a kind of pink brown and clear jelly bits and pieces and then yesterday i had what i think must be my bloddy show as it was bright red/and dark red jelly and abit of blood a few clots had a few increasd painful contractions last night so went up to hospial where the doctor checked me and said my cervix still looks the same she couldnt see any fresh blood and i could go home if i wanted and come back if pains increase ext she also did a blood test o check for just really worried as if this is my plug and bloody show which i think it is as i had it last time i was pregnant before i went into labour surely they should be mo nitoring me more as labour could be soon?? maybe ?? what do you ladys think? also my swab showed i have ecoli which wil need treating when im in labour but am concerned where i have lost my plug so confused right now sorry to ramble on hope ure all ok xxx
I'd go back and asked to be monitored more closely Kim. Better that and nothing happen than the other scenario. I think if you're losing plug they should be keeping a closer eye on you especially if they're worried about an infection.
I'd go back and asked to be monitored more closely Kim. Better that and nothing happen than the other scenario. I think if you're losing plug they should be keeping a closer eye on you especially if they're worried about an infection.

thats what i thought 2 and was thinking they need to be on guard to remove my stitch no one never seems to want to do anything other than my own consulatant and they never contact also worried as im on the optimum trial and where i have been puting the pessaries up i couldnt really feel anything but now i can feel the stitch im seeing my consultant on tuesday but not sure if ill hold out till then last time i had my bloody show and waters went about 7 hours later i lost the blood yesterday about 2pmish and so far only few odd pains nothing major so just not sure what to do.....hope alls ok wiht you :) xxxxxx
Kim, go back and demand to be monitored. Thats all I can say. Dont take no for an answer. I hope all is ok.

Ich-Thinking of u and hope u have power! x

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