Hi everyone! I'm new to this. Pardon the typing I am almost upside down on bedrest. I went to my peri last week on Thursday and baby girl looks great! I felt great!.... Until they did the transvanginal and saw her legs in the sac. Buldging into my cervix. I was hysterical. I went to the hospital and had an emergency cerclage the next day. The dr said he saw a little buldging and pushed it back as much as he could safely ANC did a McDonald's cerclage. I go back Monday for a follow up. I'm on bedrest and can only go to the bathroom for the first two weeks. No more work for me. I'm so sad and so scared. I'm a newlywed and I have a daughter from a previous relationship who was a 26 weeker who is PERFECT. I want to give my husband at least one healthy baby of his own. He is so good to me. I keep praying and I know God is able however the journey is scary. I need to hear more success stories to keep me going

. I'm borderline paranoid about this cerclage. It feels like there is always something in your vagina. Is it suppose to feel like that? How do I know if something is wrong? I'm in progesterone injections and suppositories. Someone please share a similar story with a POSITIVE outcome. Thanks... Pray for us and I'll pray for you.