Hi prayerful and welcome

The other ladies have said it all really but just to add that I had awful pressure in my back passage from as early as 8wks with the twins, from 20wks that eased only to be replaced by a tampon-like sensation at the front end. It was scary and I permanently felt like I had something sitting low down inside. You have had bulging membranes, quite invasive vaginal surgery and now have a reasonably thick piece of tape holding your cervix closed - I would be more surprised if you felt nothing down below
All I can say is that I was plagued by sensations, aches and pains which all mimicked the preterm delivery of my second child, but which amounted to nothing last time around. Much of these symptoms are present, but largely overlooked by women without cervical issues and 'normal' pregnancies, but because you are aware, and have lots going on cervix/uterus/vaginal wise, you are bound not only to feel more, but to micro manage every twinge - and understandably so honey. Take care xxx
Kim - bleeding/loss of plug alone doesn't mean labour is around the corner and if your cervix looked closed then that's a good sign sweet. That said, you are anxious, there is a theoretical risk (especially given your experiences last time), so like the other ladies have said, keep pestering them to check again. Something is clearly going on cervix-wise for there to be a 'show', and it could well be that there are changes above the stitch, not detectable with a manual exam alone. I'd ask for a TVU to see exactly what's happening above and below the stitch. At the moment your contractions don't sound strong or regular enough to be causing cervical changes, or damage for that matter, but that could change if you are showing early signs of labour.
Good luck and keep us posted xx
Chovie - good luck for tomorrow, look forward to hearing your baby news. Try not to worry about the induction, lots of ladies are induced and the labour can sometimes stretch out but lots avoid a section

Yey for a well behaved cervix lol xx