Congratulations, Day! Try not to worry about your waters going. I was dilated with no cervical length left for two weeks before my water broke.
Tink - I am OVER THE MOON about you being 37 weeks! If I remember correctly, I was still pregnant when you joined over here! You've done so well getting this far, I'm so excited for you, and I can't wait to see pictures of Audrey.
MA - Good luck on your TWW!
Everyone else - I haven't been able to keep up with you new(er) ladies, my twins keep me busy (not sure how you do it, Lizzie, with 4 kiddos running around!), but I hope you're all doing well and keep on cooking for a while longer.
Prayer - I know your frustration with the brady spells. Britton had to stay an extra 7 days because she had one. Missy will be home soon, she has done wonderfully.
AFM - My girlies will be FOUR MONTHS OLD on Monday!
Where in the world has time gone?! I feel like they JUST turned 3 months old!
From yesterday: (Tegan in blue/polka dots, Britton in greenish blue/whatever you would call that color