Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Congratulations day :) bet your so relieved they are here now.

im 30 weeks today yey!!! iv never made it to the 30s before. the countdown is now on for stitch removal.. 6weeks to go :)
Thankyou Jadey, i never thought I would make it to 30weeks :) it dosnt seem real.

Your 26weeks :) YEY your doing well. How's your cough? Do you feel better today
nope, feel horrid. Scared everytime I cough. Really hope this passes soon.
I think the rest of the time will fly by for you. I really think you are going to make it to stitch removal!
Jadey im sure you will be ok :) i know its horrible panicking about your stitch being irritated. i had a cold a while back and was sneezing constantly. everytime i sneezed i was hoping my stitch wouldnt be affected. hopefully you will better soon.

I hope time flys i just want to meet him now and know hes safe, it will be a huge relief after the months of endless worrying
Twinkle, welcome to the thirties club, it's a cool place to be! Its funny though coz it felt like a massive leap from 29 to 39. I agree it doesn't seem real thinking about stitch removal, mines planned for 37wks. I can't believe it's been in for 17wks already, where's that time gone. In some respects it's dragged by when I look back its flown by, if you know what I mean.

Jadey, sorry you're still feeling poorly today, hope you start to feel better over the next few days. But look at you, 26wks, not long till you'll be joining us in the thirties club, lol!

As for me, feeling a bit off colour today and can't put my finger on why? I can't decide if I feel a bit queasy or if I'm just tired. It worries me when I have a day like this in case it's the start of something, but probably in reality I've just picked up a bug or something. My hubbie is paranoid though and keeps asking if I'm ok. He's going to watch our son and I'm off back to bed for a snooze, hopefully that'll sort it. Fingers crossed! I've got my whooimg cough jab booked for later.

Hope everyone else is good today xxx
Yey im in the thirties club :) we should be having our stitch out round about the same time :) i really want to ask for mine out at 35weeks as i know ladies who have them out carry on a few weeks after with no stitch.

I have been feeling like you, felt sick and dizzy, just not like myself.still feel so tired all the time. my energy has been zapped. hope you feel better soon. make sure you have the jab in the arm you dont use as much :) x
Yey im in the thirties club :) we should be having our stitch out round about the same time :) i really want to ask for mine out at 35weeks as i know ladies who have them out carry on a few weeks after with no stitch.

I have been feeling like you, felt sick and dizzy, just not like myself.still feel so tired all the time. my energy has been zapped. hope you feel better soon. make sure you have the jab in the arm you dont use as much :) x
did u guys sharp pains more in the bum area also? It feels like the stitch pain but obviously in the wrong place. Could it just be baby moving? Seems to be when I sit down quickly and when I cough?
Hi Ladies I just wondered if I could pick your brains!
Last year I lost my twin sons when they were 6 days old after I went in to spontaneous preterm labour at 24+3W I was told that I would have cervical monitoring and possible a stitch in future pregnancies but both the Obstricians that I have seen seemed to think that it wasn't true IC as I was in quite a lot of pain which I now realise were contractions and they seem to think I would have dilated silently.

Fast foward a little bit and I am now 20 weeks pregnant with annother set of twins (total fluke no fertility treatment or reall family history.

At 12 weeks I had a cervical scan that revealed that my cervix was 3.7cm and totally normal. This was reviewed yesterday and was found to be 2.6cm. The hospital don't seem too worried. They say that there cut off for interevention is 2.5cm and for stitches is 1.5cm.. There was no funnelling and no dilatation. the also pushed down on my tummy and got me to cough and nothing budged! They have said that if it has shortenned further in 3 weeks that they will give me cyclogest but that it isn't proven in twin pregnancies and that the stitch is riskier with twins too. I don't know what to think. am at the top hospital in the north of England but 2.6cm seems to near to 2.5cm for me to relax! Any advice welcome!!!
Hi Ladies I just wondered if I could pick your brains!
Last year I lost my twin sons when they were 6 days old after I went in to spontaneous preterm labour at 24+3W I was told that I would have cervical monitoring and possible a stitch in future pregnancies but both the Obstricians that I have seen seemed to think that it wasn't true IC as I was in quite a lot of pain which I now realise were contractions and they seem to think I would have dilated silently.

Fast foward a little bit and I am now 20 weeks pregnant with annother set of twins (total fluke no fertility treatment or reall family history.

At 12 weeks I had a cervical scan that revealed that my cervix was 3.7cm and totally normal. This was reviewed yesterday and was found to be 2.6cm. The hospital don't seem too worried. They say that there cut off for interevention is 2.5cm and for stitches is 1.5cm.. There was no funnelling and no dilatation. the also pushed down on my tummy and got me to cough and nothing budged! They have said that if it has shortenned further in 3 weeks that they will give me cyclogest but that it isn't proven in twin pregnancies and that the stitch is riskier with twins too. I don't know what to think. am at the top hospital in the north of England but 2.6cm seems to near to 2.5cm for me to relax! Any advice welcome!!!

Welcome. You will find all the ladies in here so knowledgeable and helpful.
Sorry for your previous loss and what a coincidence to have twins again!
Have u had any previous surgery or trauma to your cervix in the past that cause a weak cervix?
Have they offered you steroids when you get to 24 weeks and did u have them with your twins before?
I am surprised that they didn't offer you a sooner scan and if it were me I would push for one in a week mayb? Then if it has shortened further they will have time too do something about it.
At the time my cervix was shortening and funnelling I didn't feel much at all, mayb a little pressure and a lot of discharge but those things can be normal.
Are u able to rest and put your feet up lots to keep the pressure of your cervix?
Also check out the cervical measurements thread. :thumbup:
congrats day excellent news...................looking forward to some more pictures

welcome jadey said i hope they are scanning you again soon......if there is no other explanation of why you suffered a loss .......................lizzy and others will have lots of advice i expect wishes.......
hi thanks for your advice everyone. They are giving me the steriods at 24 weeks. I did have them last time but ony had the time for 1 dose as my labour was so sudden!

Might give them a ring and see if they can move my appointment further forwards a bit!
congrats day :happydance:

Well went to appt yesterday had another GD test even messed up and drank 2 cokes because I messed up on the first one so but I stil passed they said I was a little anemic but 9 out of 10 women at this stage was. Had another cervical scan and it was back to 2cm and I even saw on the US how open it was it was (looked like it funneled to the stitch) alot more open from 2 wks ago. He asked me what I did this weekend that I was not suppose to I said I mopped (I forgot to tell him about the babies r us shopping trip and trip to sams club:blush:) He said he was going to be truthful with me and he told me that if I was going to keep doing things I was not suppose to do he was going to put me on hospital bedrest for a few weeks. I told him I would be good. So I guess back to doing nothing again and hoping next week I get a good report. He said he wanted to make it at least 2 to 3 more week that way he would be a lot better for the baby. I asked if I make it to then when would I have my stitch out he said 36 or 37 wks. So I have 4 1/2 or 5 1/2 more weeks left.
Hi Ladies I just wondered if I could pick your brains!
Last year I lost my twin sons when they were 6 days old after I went in to spontaneous preterm labour at 24+3W I was told that I would have cervical monitoring and possible a stitch in future pregnancies but both the Obstricians that I have seen seemed to think that it wasn't true IC as I was in quite a lot of pain which I now realise were contractions and they seem to think I would have dilated silently.

Fast foward a little bit and I am now 20 weeks pregnant with annother set of twins (total fluke no fertility treatment or reall family history.

At 12 weeks I had a cervical scan that revealed that my cervix was 3.7cm and totally normal. This was reviewed yesterday and was found to be 2.6cm. The hospital don't seem too worried. They say that there cut off for interevention is 2.5cm and for stitches is 1.5cm.. There was no funnelling and no dilatation. the also pushed down on my tummy and got me to cough and nothing budged! They have said that if it has shortenned further in 3 weeks that they will give me cyclogest but that it isn't proven in twin pregnancies and that the stitch is riskier with twins too. I don't know what to think. am at the top hospital in the north of England but 2.6cm seems to near to 2.5cm for me to relax! Any advice welcome!!!

Hi I'm sorry for the loss of your twin boys, I lost my son last year due to incompetent cervix but they couldn't really say it was true IC either unless I opted for cervical length scans this pregnancy as that's the only way to tell true IC. I opted for a preventative stitch though as I didn't want to risk the loss of of another baby. I totally agree with what your saying that 2.6 is far too close to 2.5 and also 3 weeks is too long to wait to check again. Isn't there anyway you can opt for a scan anytime sooner? Lizzie who pops in and out of this thread with some brilliant advice, she had a stitch with her twins but it wasn't an emergency one. Hopefully she can pop in soon and offer some advice :)

I would recommend lots of rest and do light duties such as no housework, try to keep an eye out for change in how you feel, such as pressure etc and report it ASAP, Also ask for a scan sooner. Try not to worry though :) hopefully all works out for you :) wishing you a long happy and healthy pregnancy

Twins sounds so exciting aswel :)
Monroe how come you have been put on Bedrest and funneling with the more activity you do? Is it because yours was an emergency stitch? I'm just a little curious :)
Atleast your at a good gestation now incase anything does happen and not long till your stitch removal :)
Yes I had cervix scans from 16 to 23 1/2 wks and it went from 3.6 cm to 2.5 with funneling and 23 1/2 wks and he sent me to hospital the next morning to get the stitch. It's kinda modified bed rest he said no lefting, straining, cleaning, heavy shopping, but I can do some light cooking. He told me I have to act like the queen of sheba.
craigswife, sorry if I asked before but was your stitch emergency or elective? I am getting so worried about my constant heavy coughing. It's really hurting my cervix

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